Man pages for gmvjoint
Joint Models of Survival and Multivariate Longitudinal Data

anova.jointAnova for joint models
boot.jointBootstrapping a 'joint' object
cond.ranefsObtain conditional distribution of the random effects
dynPredDynamic predictions for survival sub-model in a multivariate...
extractAIC.jointExtract AIC from a joint model fit.
fitted.jointObtain joint model fitted values
fixef.jointExtract fixed effects from a 'joint' object.
gmvjoint-packageJoint Models of Survival and Multivariate Longitudinal Data
jointFit a joint model to time-to-event and multivariate...
joint.objectFitted 'joint' object
logLik.jointLog-likelihood for joint model.
parseCoxphParsing the survival formula and constructing all...
PBCPrimary biliary cirrhosis data
plot.cond.b.jointPlot posterior distribution of the random effects for a...
plot.dynPredPlot conditional survival probabilities.
plot.residuals.jointPlot joint model residuals
plot.ROC.jointPlot receiver operator characteristics.
ranef.jointExtract random effects from a 'joint' object.
residuals.jointObtain joint model residuals
rgenpoisSimulate realisations from a generalised poisson distribution
ROCReceiver Operator Characteristics (ROC) for a 'joint' model.
simDataSimulate data from a multivariate joint model
summary.jointSummary of an 'joint' object.
vcov.jointExtract the variance-covariance matrix from a 'joint' fit.
xtable.jointPrint an LaTeX-ready 'xtable' for a 'joint' object.
gmvjoint documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:29 a.m.