plot.ROC.joint: Plot receiver operator characteristics.

View source: R/ROC.R

plot.ROC.jointR Documentation

Plot receiver operator characteristics.


Produces a simple plot showing the true positive rate (sensitivity) against the false positive rate (1-specificy) for a dynamic prediction routine on a joint model along a specified time interval.


## S3 method for class 'ROC.joint'
plot(x, legend = TRUE, show.Youden = TRUE, show.F1 = FALSE, ...)



an object with class ROC.joint.


should a legend displaying the number in risk set; number of failures in interval; area under the ROC curve and median Brier score be added to the bottom-right corner of the ROC plot? Default is legend = TRUE.


should a line be drawn showing optimal cut-point using Youden's J statistic? Defaults to show.Youden = TRUE.


should a line be drawn showing optimal cut-point using the F-score? Defaults to show.F1 = FALSE. Note that this measure comes under heavy criticism and is included for completeness' sake.


additional arguments (none used).


James Murray (

See Also

dynPred and ROC

gmvjoint documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:29 a.m.