
# Plot this for a range of dofs that are equivalent to a single measured fitval
#		Plot the measured fit value (black dot)
#		Plot the noise level (noise threshold)) (red dot)
#		Shade the area shoing improved fit measures (light gray)
#		Plot the fit equivalent curve (black circles)
#		if desired, plot the noise level that equals fitval (blue circles)
#' Plot Measured Value with Constant Noise
#' Plots the Fit Equivalent
#' @param measured_value a real number within the range of fitmetric
#' @param dof an integer, degrees of freedom
#' @param doflist a vector of integers identifying the range of degrees of freedom to plot over
#' @param pct a real number between 0 and 1, minimum acceptable level of noise
#' @param order a real number
#' @param add_mvp a logical value indicating whether to include or not the fitEquive placed at each dof.
#' @param fitmetric a character string naming a standard fit metric (R2, rmse, or user)
#' @param ... any argument that functions within this routine might use
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' plotConstNoise(0.8, 5, doflist=c(2:10),order=3)
#' plotConstNoise(0.1, 5, doflist=c(2:10),order=3,fitmetric=rmse)
#' @export
#' plotConstNoise()
plotConstNoise <- function(measured_value, dof, doflist=c(2:30), pct=0.95, order=4, add_mvp=F, fitmetric=R2, ...){

	cfit   <- deparse(substitute(fitmetric))
	ftrend <- utrend(fitmetric)
	mval <- measured_value
	mcolor <- c("red", "blue", "forestgreen", "slategray4", "gray20", "black")
	# get the pcdf for this dof
	dfx <- pcdfs(dof=dof, order=order, fitmetric=fitmetric, ...)
	doflist_range <- paste(min(doflist),"-", max(doflist))
	if(!(dof %in% doflist)){stop(paste("dof",dof,"must be within the range of doflist",doflist_range))}
	#if(dof<30){doflist = c(2:30)} else {lo=dof-15;hi=dof+15;doflist=c(lo:hi)}
	#doflist <- c(2:30)
	pctlist <- c(pct)
	# this will add a plot of points that follow the curve where the pct equals measured_value(aka mval) -- just to show the probability of noise for this R2.

	# using that dfx, find the closest dfx$fitval (aka pct) to the given mval, or pct_r2
		if(ftrend=="Decreasing"){pct_fv <- dfx$cdf[dfx$fitval>=mval][1]}
		if(ftrend=="Increasing"){pct_fv <- 1-dfx$cdf[dfx$fitval>=mval][1]}
		pctlist=c(pctlist,pct_fv)			#take out if not plotting pct_R2.  Comprising pct and pct_R2
#stop(paste0("getting ptable for pctlist = ", pctlist))
	doflength = length(doflist)
	pctlength = length(pctlist)

	ptable <- Table_dofbypct(doflist=doflist, pctlist=pctlist, order=order, fitmetric=fitmetric, trend=ftrend, ...)  #ptable is the list of noiselevel values for this fitmetric at each dof
	noiselevel <- ptable[(dof-1),1]			#column 1 is the noiselevel values
	gtitle <- cfit
	ylb <- cfit
	#if(cfit=="R2"){	ylb=expression(R^2);  gtitle="R-squared"}
	#if(cfit=="rmse"){ylb=expression(RMSE); gtitle="RMSE"}
	#if(cfit=="user"){ylb=expression(user); gtitle="user"}

	f = fitEquiv(mval,dof,pct,fitmetric=fitmetric, trend=ftrend, ...)
				          ptable$fitEquiv <- f*(1-ptable[,1]) + ptable[,1]
			} else if(ftrend=="Increasing") {
							#print("this is an increasing fitmetric")
				          ptable$fitEquiv <- f*(ptable[,1])
			} else {
				          stop("fitmetric trend flat or uncertain")
	ptable$fitEquiv[(dof-1)]=mval   #fitEquiv at dof must equal the measured_value at dof.  ptable will be a little off,due to randomness so force them to be equal.

#stop("check ptable and f")
	tx = max(doflist[doflength])
	ttx = 9/16*tx
	if(length(ptable)==3){ptable <- ptable[c(1,3,2)]}	#ensure proper order of columns;  if pct_r2=T, then swap 2<->3 to keep fitEquiv in pos 2

	bline <- floor(2/3*nrow(ptable))
	hib <- max(ptable[bline,1], ptable[bline,2])
	lob <- min(ptable[bline,1], ptable[bline,2])
	bscale=max(ptable[,1],ptable[,2]) - min(ptable[,1],ptable[,2])
	tval <- tv-seq(0,0.4,by=0.05)*bscale

	plt <- ggplot(ptable) +
			geom_point(data=data.frame(mval,dof), aes(dof,mval), 			shape=16,color=mcolor[6],size=3,na.rm=T) + 				#measured value
			geom_point(aes(as.numeric(row.names(ptable)),ptable[,2]),			shape=1, color=mcolor[6],size=2,na.rm=T) +
			geom_point(data=data.frame(noiselevel, dof),   aes(dof,noiselevel),	shape=16,color=mcolor[1],size=3,na.rm=T) +
			geom_point(aes(as.numeric(row.names(ptable)),ptable[,1]),			shape=1, color=mcolor[1],size=2,na.rm=T) + 
			annotate("text", ttx, tval[1], label=paste0(cfit, " = ",mval, ", dof = ",dof), color=mcolor[6], hjust=0, size=4) +
			annotate("text", ttx, tval[2], label=paste0("fitEquiv = ",f),                    color=mcolor[6], hjust=0, size=4) +
			annotate("text", ttx, tval[3], label=paste0("fitNoise = ",noiselevel),           color=mcolor[1], hjust=0, size=4) +
			annotate("text", ttx, tval[4], label=paste0("percentile = ",100*pctlist[1],"%"), color=mcolor[1], hjust=0, size=4) +
			annotate("text", ttx, tval[5], label=paste0("Improved Measure (light area)"),    color=mcolor[4], hjust=0, size=4) +
			geom_point(aes(ttx-0.5,tval[1]), shape=16, color=mcolor[6], size=3) + 
			geom_point(aes(ttx-0.5,tval[2]), shape=1,  color=mcolor[6], size=2) +
			geom_point(aes(ttx-0.5,tval[3]), shape=16, color=mcolor[1], size=3) +
			geom_point(aes(ttx-0.5,tval[4]), shape=1,  color=mcolor[1], size=2) +
			ggtitle(paste(gtitle, "Noise", borc,"and Equivalent Measure \nwith Constant Noise Level")) +
			xlab("Degrees of Freedom") +

	if(ftrend=="Decreasing"){plt <- plt +
			geom_ribbon(aes(x=as.numeric(row.names(ptable)), ymin=ptable[,2], ymax=1),fill=mcolor[4],alpha=0.3,na.rm=T)}		#ymax here might be dependent on the metric				
	if(ftrend=="Increasing"){plt <- plt +
			geom_ribbon(aes(x=as.numeric(row.names(ptable)), ymax=ptable[,2], ymin=0),fill=mcolor[4],alpha=0.3,na.rm=T)}

	#if pct_r2 is T, plot the noise level where pct=mval
	if(add_mvp){plt <- plt + 
			geom_point(aes(as.numeric(row.names(ptable)),ptable[,3]),shape=1,color=mcolor[2],size=2) +
			annotate("text", ttx, tval[7], label=paste0(cfit," Noise Percentile = ", round(100*pctlist[2],0),"%"), color=mcolor[2], hjust=0,size=4, na.rm=T) +
			geom_point(aes(ttx-0.5, tval[7]), shape=1, color=mcolor[2], size=2)

	#if mval is in the noise, show the improved but still noisy R2 values in a black ribbon.
	if(mval<ptable[dof,1] & ftrend=="Decreasing"){ plt <- plt +
			geom_ribbon(aes(as.numeric(row.names(ptable)), ymin=ptable[,2], ymax=ptable[,1]),fill=mcolor[5],alpha=0.7,na.rm=T) +
			annotate("text", ttx, tval[6], label=paste0("Unacceptable Noise (dark area)"), color=mcolor[5],hjust=0,size=4) +
			geom_point(data=data.frame(mval,dof), aes(dof,mval),size=3,shape=16, color=mcolor[6],na.rm=T) }			
	#if mval is in the noise, show the improved but still noisy RMSE values in a black ribbon.
	if(mval>ptable[dof,1] & ftrend=="Increasing"){ plt <- plt +
			geom_ribbon(aes(as.numeric(row.names(ptable)), ymin=ptable[,1], ymax=ptable[,2]),fill=mcolor[5],alpha=0.7,na.rm=T) +
			annotate("text", ttx, tval[6], label=paste0("Unacceptable Noise (dark area)"), color=mcolor[5], hjust=0, size=4) +
			geom_point(data=data.frame(mval,dof), aes(dof,mval),size=3,shape=16, color=mcolor[6],na.rm=T) }				


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