
context("suspend authorization")

## remove the google token, to make 100% sure the remaining tests run w/o auth

## now that we authorize explicitly and locally throughout our tests, this is
## arguably paranoid and overkill

## this filename is deliberate w/r/t alphabetical order, so don't change it
## lightly! it's no coincidence that "axe" starts with "A"
suppressMessages(gs_deauth(verbose = FALSE))

test_that("Token is NOT available, no .httr-oauth file in wd", {



test_that("We can NOT register a pvt sheet owned by rpackagetest", {
  skip("This test seems to hang indefinitely. Decommision it.")
  if(interactive()) {
    mess <- paste("Skipping the attempt to access private third party",
                  "sheet w/o authorization, because session is interactive",
                  "and would launch browser-based authentication.")
  expect_error(gs_ws_feed(cars_pvt_ws_feed, lookup = FALSE, verbose = FALSE))


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googlesheets documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:57 p.m.