
## TODO:
## - marker clusters (add & remove layer)
## -- does this impact any other marker layers?

# set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
# google_map(data = tram_stops) %>%
#   add_markers(info_window = "stop_name", cluster = TRUE)

# library(shiny)
# library(shinydashboard)
# library(googleway)
# ui <- dashboardPage(
#   dashboardHeader(),
#   dashboardSidebar(),
#   dashboardBody(
#     box(width = 12,
#         google_mapOutput(outputId = "map"),
#         actionButton(inputId = "circle", label = "Add circle"),
#         actionButton(inputId = "marker", label = "Add marker")
#     )
#   )
# )
# server <- function(input, output) {
#   set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
#   df <- data.frame(lat = 51.5074, lon = 0.1277)
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map()
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$circle, {
#     google_map_update("map") %>%
#       clear_markers() %>%
#       add_circles(data = df, focus_layer = T)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$marker, {
#     google_map_update("map") %>%
#       clear_circles() %>%
#       add_markers(data = tram_stops, focus_layer = T)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

## method
## - add objects, clear objects, clear boudns, add new objects. The boudns
## - should only focus on these new objects, and not include the old ones
# library(shiny)
# library(shinydashboard)
# library(googleway)
# ui <- dashboardPage(
#   dashboardHeader(),
#   dashboardSidebar(),
#   dashboardBody(
#     box(width = 12,
#         google_mapOutput(outputId = "map"),
#         actionButton(inputId = "reset", label = "Add circles")
#     )
#   )
# )
# server <- function(input, output) {
#   set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
#   df <- data.frame(lat = 51.5074, lon = 0.1277)
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map() %>%
#       add_polygons(data = melbourne, polyline = "polyline")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$reset, {
#     google_map_update("map") %>%
#       clear_polygons() %>%
#       clear_bounds() %>%
#       add_markers(data = df)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# library(shiny)
# library(shinydashboard)
# library(googleway)
# ui <- dashboardPage(
#   dashboardHeader(),
#   dashboardSidebar(),
#   dashboardBody(
#     box(width = 6,
#         google_mapOutput(outputId = "map")
#     ),
#     box(width = 6,
#         google_mapOutput(outputId = "pano")
#     )
#   )
# )
# server <- function(input, output) {
#   set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(location = c(-37.817386, 144.967463),
#                zoom = 12,
#                split_view = "pano")
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)
# ## heading and pov
# server <- function(input, output) {
#   set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(location = c(-37.817386, 144.967463),
#                zoom = 12,
#                split_view_options = list(heading = 180, pitch = 50),
#                split_view = "pano")
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

## - markers at top of marker
# google_map() %>%
#   add_markers(data=tram_stops, mouse_over ="stop_id")
# other shapes at location of cursor
# google_map() %>%
#   add_polygons(data = melbourne, polyline = "polyline", mouse_over = "SA2_NAME")

### creating sf through geojson
# myurl <- "http://eric.clst.org/assets/wiki/uploads/Stuff/gz_2010_us_050_00_500k.json"
# sf <- geojsonsf::geojson_sf(myurl)
# set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
# google_map() %>%
#   add_polygons(sf, fill_colour = "CENSUSAREA")

# library(sf)
# library(googleway)
# nc <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
# set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
# google_map() %>%
#   add_polygons(data = nc[1:2,], polyline = "geometry", fill_colour = "#00FF00", fill_opacity = 0.2)

### SF objects
# library(sf)
# nc <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
# set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
# google_map() %>%
#   add_polygons(nc[1:20,], fill_colour = "AREA")

### Drawing deletes on change
# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     mapKey <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#     google_map(key = mapKey) %>%
#       add_drawing(delete_on_change = T)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# library(shinydashboard)
# header1 <- dashboardHeader(
#   title = "My Dashboard"
# )
# sidebar1 <- dashboardSidebar(
#   sidebarMenu(
#     uiOutput("colours"),
#     sliderInput("opacity", "Opacity:",
#                 min = 0, max = 1,
#                 value = 0.5, step = 0.05),
#     sliderInput("radius", "Radius:",
#                 min = 0, max = 0.01,
#                 value = 0.005, step = 0.001),
#     radioButtons("dissipating", "Dissipating:",
#                  choices = c(TRUE, FALSE), selected = FALSE),
#     actionButton("weights", label = "Randomise Weights:")
#   ) #sidebarMenu
# ) #dashboardSidebar
# body1 <- dashboardBody(
#   fluidRow(
#     tabBox(
#       title = "TabBox Title 1",
#       id = "tabset1", height = "400px", width = 11,
#       selected = "Tab1",
#       tabPanel("Tab1",
#                google_mapOutput("Map1")
#       ),
#       tabPanel("Tab2", "Tab content 2")
#     )
#   )
# )
# ui <- dashboardPage(header1, sidebar1, body1)
# server <- function(input, output, session) {
#   df <- tram_stops
#   df$weight <- 100
#   cols <- sample(colours(), 10)
#   output$colours <- renderUI({
#     checkboxGroupInput("colours", "Colours (at least 2 required):", choices = cols, selected = cols[1:3])
#   })
#   #  map_key <- "your_key"
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI" ,fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   opacity <- reactive({
#     return(input$opacity)
#   })
#   radius <- reactive({
#     return(input$radius)
#   })
#   dissipating <- reactive({
#     return(as.logical(input$dissipating))
#   })
#   gradient <- reactive({
#     return(input$colours)
#   })
#   ## plot the map
#   output$Map1 <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = map_key, data = df, zoom = 2, search_box = F) %>%
#       add_heatmap(weight = "weight",
#                   option_opacity = 0.5,
#                   option_radius = ifelse(dissipating(), 0.005 * 1000, 0.005),
#                   option_dissipating = FALSE,
#                   option_gradient = cols[1:3]
#       )
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$opacity, {
#     google_map_update(map_id = "Map1") %>%
#       update_heatmap(data = df,
#                      option_opacity = opacity(),
#                      option_radius = ifelse(dissipating(), radius() * 1000, radius()),
#                      option_dissipating = dissipating(),
#                      option_gradient = gradient(),
#                      update_map_view = F,
#                      weight = "weight")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$radius, {
#     google_map_update(map_id = "Map1") %>%
#       update_heatmap(data = df,
#                      option_opacity = opacity(),
#                      option_radius = ifelse(dissipating(), radius() * 1000, radius()),
#                      option_dissipating = dissipating(),
#                      option_gradient = gradient(),
#                      update_map_view = F,
#                      weight = "weight")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$dissipating, {
#     google_map_update(map_id = "Map1") %>%
#       update_heatmap(data = df,
#                      option_opacity = opacity(),
#                      option_radius = radius() * 1000,
#                      option_dissipating = dissipating(),
#                      option_gradient = gradient(),
#                      update_map_view = F,
#                      weight = "weight")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$colours, {
#     google_map_update(map_id = "Map1") %>%
#       update_heatmap(data = df,
#                      option_opacity = opacity(),
#                      option_radius = ifelse(dissipating(), radius() * 1000, radius()),
#                      option_dissipating = dissipating(),
#                      option_gradient = gradient(),
#                      update_map_view = F,
#                      weight = "weight")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$weights, {
#     df$weight <- sample(100:500, nrow(df), replace = T)
#     google_map_update(map_id = "Map1") %>%
#       update_heatmap(data = df,
#                      option_opacity = opacity(),
#                      option_radius = ifelse(dissipating(), radius() * 1000, radius()),
#                      option_dissipating = dissipating(),
#                      option_gradient = gradient(),
#                      update_map_view = F,
#                      weight = "weight")
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# ## Info windows are updated

# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map"),
#   actionButton(inputId = "btn", label = "randNumber")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   df <- melbourne
#   df$rand <- as.character(rnorm(nrow(df)))
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = map_key) %>%
#       add_polygons(data = df, polyline = "polyline",
#                    info_window = "rand", id = "polygonId")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$btn, {
#     df <- melbourne
#     df$rand <- as.character(rnorm(nrow(df)))
#     google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#       update_polygons(data = df, id = "polygonId", info_window = "rand")
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)


# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map"),
#   actionButton(inputId = "btn", label = "randNumber")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   df <- tram_route
#   df$id <- 1
#   polyChart <- data.frame(id = 1,
#       year = c("year1","year2"),
#       val1 = c(1,2),
#       val2 = c(2,1))
#   chartList <- list(data = polyChart, type = 'column')
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = map_key) %>%
#       add_polygons(data = df,
#                    lon = "shape_pt_lon", lat = "shape_pt_lat", id = 'id',
#                    info_window = chartList)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$btn, {
#     df <- tram_route
#     df$id <- 1
#     polyChart <- data.frame(id = 1,
#                             year = c("year1","year2"),
#                             val1 = sample(100:200, size = 2),
#                             val2 = sample(100:200, size = 2))
#     chartList <- list(data = polyChart, type = 'column')
#     google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#       update_polygons(data = df, id = 'id',
#                       info_window = chartList)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# # place details returned to shiny
# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = map_key, search_box = T, event_return_type = 'json')
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_place_search, {
#     event <- input$map_place_search
#     print(event)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

## KML layer not centred
# set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
# kmlUrl <- "http://googlemaps.github.io/js-v2-samples/ggeoxml/cta.kml"
# google_map() %>%
#   add_kml(kml_url = kmlUrl)

## Overlays are cleared
# set_key(read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY"))
# google_map() %>%
#   add_overlay(north = 40.773941
#               , south = 40.712216
#               , east = -74.12544
#               , west = -74.22655
#               , overlay_url = "https://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/newark_nj_1922.jpg")

# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   actionButton(inputId = "btn", label = "remove overlay"),
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map() %>%
#       add_overlay(north = 40.773941
#                   , south = 40.712216
#                   , east = -74.12544
#                   , west = -74.22655
#                   , overlay_url = "https://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/newark_nj_1922.jpg")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$btn, {
#     google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#       clear_overlay()
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

## map details returned to shiny
# library(shiny)
# library(googleway)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = map_key, search_box = T, event_return_type = 'json') %>%
#       add_markers(data = tram_stops, close_info_window = T, info_window = "stop_id")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_map_click, {
#     event <- input$map_map_click
#     print(event)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# updating heatmap legend
# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   sliderInput(inputId = "sample", label = "sample", min = 1, max = 10,
#               step = 1, value = 10),
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   # set.seed(20170417)
#   df <- tram_route[sample(1:nrow(tram_route), size = 10 * 100, replace = T), ]
#   df$weight <- 1:nrow(df)
#   option_gradient <- c('orange', 'blue', 'mediumpurple4', 'snow4', 'thistle1')
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = map_key) %>%
#       add_heatmap(data = df, weight = "weight", lat = "shape_pt_lat", lon = "shape_pt_lon",
#                   option_gradient = option_gradient,
#                   option_radius = 0.001, legend = T)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$sample,{
#     df <- tram_route[sample(1:nrow(tram_route), size = input$sample * 100, replace = T), ]
#     df$weight <- 1:nrow(df)
#     google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#       update_heatmap(data = df, weight = "weight", lat = "shape_pt_lat",
#                      lon = "shape_pt_lon", legend = T,
#                      option_gradient = option_gradient,
#                      update_map_view = F)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map", height = "800px")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   tram_stops$draggable <- TRUE
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#       google_map(key = map_key) %>%
#         add_markers(
#           data = tram_stops, lat = "stop_lat", lon = "stop_lon",
#           id = "stop_id",
#           draggable = "draggable")
#     })
#   observeEvent(input$map_marker_click, {
#       print("marker clicked")
#       print(input$map_marker_click)
#     })
#   observeEvent(input$map_marker_drag, {
#       print("marker dragged")
#       print(input$map_marker_drag)
#     })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map", height = "800px")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   map_key <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   df <- data.frame(north = -37.8459, south = -37.8508, east = 144.9378,
#                     west = 144.9236, editable = T, draggable = F)
#   df_poly <- melbourne[41, ]  ## a small polygon
#   df_poly$editable <- T
#   df_poly$draggable <- T
#   tram_stops$editable <- T
#   tram_stops$draggable <- T
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = map_key) %>%
#       add_rectangles(data = df, north = 'north', south = 'south',
#                      east = 'east', west = 'west',
#                      editable = 'editable', draggable = 'draggable') %>%
#       add_circles(data = tram_stops, lat = "stop_lat", lon = "stop_lon",
#                   editable = "editable", draggable = "draggable") %>%
#       add_polygons(data = df_poly, polyline = "polyline", editable = 'editable',
#                   draggable = 'draggable') %>%
#       add_polylines(data = df_poly, polyline = "polyline", editable = "editable",
#                   draggable = "draggable")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_circle_edit, {
#     print("circle edited")
#     print(input$map_circle_edit)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_circle_drag, {
#     print("circle dragged")
#     print(input$map_circle_drag)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_rectangle_click, {
#     print("rectangle clicked")
#     print(input$map_rectangle_click)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_rectangle_edit, {
#     print("rectangle edited")
#     print(input$map_rectangle_edit)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_polyline_edit, {
#     print("polyline edited")
#     print(input$map_polyline_edit)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_polyline_drag, {
#     print("polyline dragged")
#     #print(input$map_polyline_drag)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_polygon_edit, {
#     print("polygon edited")
#     print(input$map_polygon_edit)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_polygon_drag, {
#     print("polygon dragged")
#     #print(input$map_polyline_drag)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# df <- tram_route
# df$grp <- c(rep(1, 27), rep(2, 28))
# library(googleway)
# google_map(key = read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")) %>%
#   add_polylines(data = df, lat = "shape_pt_lat", lon = "shape_pt_lon", id = "grp")

## Circle legend add/remove
# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map", height = "800px"),
#   actionButton(inputId = "btn", label = "button")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   mapKey <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = mapKey)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$btn, {
#     if(input$btn %% 2 == 1){
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         add_circles(data = tram_stops, lat = "stop_lat", lon = "stop_lon",
#                     fill_colour = "stop_name", stroke_colour = "stop_id", legend = T) %>%
#         add_circles(data = tram_route, lat = "shape_pt_lat", lon = "shape_pt_lon",
#                     fill_colour = "shape_pt_sequence", legend = T)
#     }else{
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         clear_circles()
#     }
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

## Multiple legends
# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map", height = "800px"),
#   actionButton(inputId = "btnMarker", label = "markers"),
#   actionButton(inputId = "btnCircles", label = "circles"),
#   actionButton(inputId = "btnPolylines", label = "polylines"),
#   actionButton(inputId = "btnPolygons", label = "polygons")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   mapKey <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   tram_route <- tram_route
#   tram_route$id <- 1
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = mapKey)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$btnMarker, {
#     if(input$btnMarker %% 2 == 1){
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         add_markers(data = tram_stops, lat = "stop_lat", lon = "stop_lon",
#                     layer_id = 'markers')
#     }else{
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         clear_markers(layer_id = 'markers')
#     }
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$btnCircles, {
#     if(input$btnCircles %% 2 == 1){
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         add_circles(data = tram_stops, lat = "stop_lat", lon = "stop_lon",
#                     fill_colour = "stop_name", stroke_colour = "stop_id", legend = T,
#                     layer_id = 'circles')
#     }else{
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         clear_circles(layer_id = 'circles')
#     }
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$btnPolylines, {
#     if(input$btnPolylines %% 2 == 1){
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         add_polylines(data = tram_route, lat = "shape_pt_lat", lon = "shape_pt_lon",
#                     layer_id = 'polylines', stroke_colour = "id", legend = T)
#     }else{
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         clear_polylines(layer_id = 'polylines')
#     }
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$btnPolygons, {
#     if(input$btnPolygons %% 2 == 1){
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         add_polygons(data = melbourne, polyline = "polyline", fill_colour = "SA4_NAME",
#                       legend = T, layer_id = 'polygons', legend_options = list(position = "BOTTOM_RIGHT"))
#     }else{
#       google_map_update(map_id = "map") %>%
#         clear_polygons(layer_id = 'polygons')
#     }
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map", height = "800px")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   mapKey <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = mapKey) %>%
#       add_drawing(drawing_modes = c("circle"))
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_circlecomplete, {
#     print(input$map_circlecomplete)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# ## shape clicks
# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map", height = "800px")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   mapKey <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = mapKey, event_return_type = "json") %>%
#       add_circles(data = tram_stops)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_shape_click, {
#     print(input$map_shape_click)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

# ## circle clicks
# library(shiny)
# ui <- fluidPage(
#   google_mapOutput(outputId = "map", height = "800px")
# )
# server <- function(input, output){
#   mapKey <- read.dcf("~/Documents/.googleAPI", fields = "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY")
#   output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
#     google_map(key = mapKey, event_return_type = "json") %>%
#       add_circles(data = tram_stops)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$map_circle_click, {
#     print(input$map_circle_click)
#   })
# }
# shinyApp(ui, server)

Try the googleway package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

googleway documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 9:13 a.m.