DSIRdata: Simulated dataset from a delay SIR model

Description Usage Format


A simulated dataset from a delay SIR model specified as following:

\dot{S} = ρ(t)-β I_{τ}S\\ \dot{I} = β I_{τ}S-γ I

The parameters are set at: ρ(t)=4000\times(\sin(t)+2), γ = 5, β = 0.0012, and τ = 0.5. We simulated the numerical solution from time t=0 to t=50 and the process is then sampled regularly ten times per unit time. Independent normal observational noise with sd = 100 is added to the numerical solution.




A matrix of two columns. The first column is the observed state S and the second column is the observed state I.

gpDDE documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:09 p.m.

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