
#  This file is a part of the R package "gradDescent".
#  Author: Galih Praja Wijaya
#  Co-author: Dendi Handian, Imam Fachmi Nasrulloh
#  Supervisors: Lala Septem Riza, Rani Megasari, Enjun Junaeti
#  Copyright (c) Department of Computer Science Education, Indonesia University of Education.
#  This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
#  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#' A top-level funtion to generate/learn the model from numerical data
#' using a selected gradient descent method.
#' This function makes accessible all learning methods that are implemented
#' in this package. All of the methods use this function as interface for the learning
#' stage, so users do not need to call other functions in the learning phase.
#' In order to obtain good results, users need to adjust some parameters such as the
#' number of labels, the type of the shape of the membership function, the maximal number of iterations,
#' the step size of the gradient descent, or other method-dependent parameters which are collected in the \code{control}
#' parameter. After creating the model using this function, it can be used to predict new data with \code{\link{predict}}.
#' @title GradDescent Learning Function
#' @param dataSet a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param featureScaling a boolean value that decide to do feature scaling on dataset.
#'        The default value is TRUE, which the function will do feature scaling.
#' @param scalingMethod a string value that represent the feature scaling method to be used.
#'        There are two option for this arguments: \code{"VARIANCE"} and \code{"MINMAX"}.
#'        The default value is \code{"VARIANCE"}, which the function will do Variance Scaling/
#'        Standardization to dataset.
#' @param learningMethod a string value that represent the learning method to do model building.
#'        There are ten option for this arguments: \code{"GD"}, \code{"MBGD"}, \code{"SGD"},
#'        \code{"SAGD"}, \code{"MGD"}, \code{"AGD"}, \code{"ADAGRAD"}, \code{"ADADELTA"},
#'        \code{"RMSPROP"}, \code{"ADAM"}, \code{"SSGD"}, \code{"SVRG"}, \code{"SARAH"}
#'        and \code{"SARAHPlus"}. The default value is \code{"GD"}, which the
#'        function will to Gradient Descent learning.
#' @param control a list containing all arguments, depending on the learning algorithm to use. The following list are
#'                  parameters required for each methods.
#' \itemize{
#'        \item \code{alpha}: a float value in interval of [0,1] that represent the step-size or learning rate
#'              of the learning. The default value is 0.1.
#'        \item \code{maxIter}: a integer value that represent the iteration/loop/epoch of the learning.
#'              The default value is 10, which the function will do 10 times learning calculation.
#'        \item \code{momentum}: a float value represent momentum give a constant speed to learning process.
#'        \item \code{nBatch}: a integer value representing the training data batch.
#'        \item \code{lamda}: a float value to generate random value from innerIter with probability for innerloop.
#'        \item \code{innerIter}: the maximal number of iterations in innerloop.
#'        \item \code{option}: is an option to set the theta. option 1 set the theta with the last theta
#'              in innerloop. option 2 set the theta with random theta from 1 to last innerloop.
#'        \item \code{gammaS}: a float value to provide sufficient reduction. Default value is 0.125.
#' }
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which the
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with GD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## train dataset
#' modelObject <- gradDescentR.learn(dataSet)
#' @return The \code{gradDescentRObject}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict}}
#' @export

gradDescentR.learn <- function(dataSet, featureScaling=TRUE, scalingMethod="VARIANCE", learningMethod="GD", control=list(), seed=NULL){

	## checking missing parameters
	control <- setDefaultParametersIfMissing(control, list(alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, momentum=0.9, nBatch=2, lamda=0, innerIter=10, option=2, gammaS=0.125))

	## feature scaling
		if(scalingMethod == "VARIANCE"){
			scalingResult <- varianceScaling(dataSet)
		}else if(scalingMethod == "MINMAX"){
			scalingResult <- minmaxScaling(dataSet)
			stop("unknown scalingMethod argument value")
		dataSet <- scalingResult$scaledDataSet
		scalingParameter <- scalingResult$scalingParameter
		scalingParameter <- NULL

	alpha <- control$alpha
	maxIter <- control$maxIter
	momentum <- control$momentum
	nBatch <- control$nBatch
	lamda <- control$lamda
	innerIter <- control$innerIter
	option <- control$option
	gammaS <- control$gammaS

	## learning and build model
	if(learningMethod == "GD"){
		model <- GD(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed)
	}else if(learningMethod == "MBGD"){
		model <- MBGD(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed, nBatch=nBatch)
	}else if(learningMethod == "SGD"){
		model <- SGD(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed)
	}else if(learningMethod == "SAGD"){
		model <- SAGD(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed)
	}else if(learningMethod == "MGD"){
		model <- MGD(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed, momentum=momentum)
	}else if(learningMethod == "AGD"){
		model <- AGD(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed, momentum=momentum)
	}else if(learningMethod == "ADAGRAD"){
		model <- ADAGRAD(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed)
	}else if(learningMethod == "ADADELTA"){
		model <- ADADELTA(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, seed=seed, momentum=momentum)
	}else if(learningMethod == "RMSPROP"){
		model <- RMSPROP(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed, momentum=momentum)
	}else if(learningMethod == "ADAM"){
		model <- ADAM(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, seed=seed)
	}else if(learningMethod == "SSGD"){
	  model <- SSGD(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, lamda=lamda, innerIter=innerIter, seed=seed)
	}else if(learningMethod == "SVRG"){
	  model <- SVRG(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, innerIter=innerIter, option=option, seed=seed)
	}else if(learningMethod == "SARAH"){
	  model <- SARAH(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, innerIter=innerIter, seed=seed)
	}else if(learningMethod == "SARAHPlus"){
	  model <- SARAHPlus(dataSet, maxIter=maxIter, alpha=alpha, innerIter=innerIter, gammaS=gammaS, seed=seed)
		stop("unknown learningMethod argument value")

	## create result wrapper list
	result <- list()
	result$featureScaling <- featureScaling
	result$scalingMethod <- scalingMethod
	result$scalingParameter <- scalingParameter
	result$learningMethod <- learningMethod
	result$model <- model
	result$control <- control

	## build into gradDescentRObject class
	result <- gradDescentRObjectFactory(result)


#' This is the main function to obtain a final result as predicted values for all methods in this package.
#' In order to get predicted values, this function is run using an \code{gradDescentRObject}, which is typically generated using \code{\link{gradDescentR.learn}}.
#' @title The gradDescentR prediction stage
#' @param object an \code{gradDescentRObject}.
#' @param newdata a data frame or matrix (\eqn{m \times n}) of data for the prediction process, where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and
#' \eqn{n} is the number of input variables. It should be noted that the testing data must be expressed in numbers (numerical data).
#' @param ... the other parameters (not used)
#' @seealso \code{\link{gradDescentR.learn}}
#' @return The predicted values.
#' @aliases predict
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Predict NewData Using Model Object
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## train dataset
#' modelObject <- gradDescentR.learn(dataSet)
#' ## create new data input
#' temp <- c(273.1, 353.1, 363.1)
#' pres <- c(24.675, 24.675, 24.675)
#' conf <- c(0.8066773, 0.9235751, 0.9325948)
#' zfac <- data.frame(temp, pres, conf)
#' ## predict
#' prediction_data <- predict(modelObject, zfac)
#' ##################################
#' ## Predict NewData Using Model Object
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## train dataset
#' modelObject <- gradDescentR.learn(dataSet, featureScaling=TRUE, scalingMethod="VARIANCE",
#'                learningMethod="SARAHPlus", control=list(), seed=NULL)
#' ## create new data input
#' temp <- c(273.1, 353.1, 363.1)
#' pres <- c(24.675, 24.675, 24.675)
#' conf <- c(0.8066773, 0.9235751, 0.9325948)
#' zfac <- data.frame(temp, pres, conf)
#' ## predict
#' prediction_data <- predict(modelObject, zfac)
#' @method predict gradDescentRObject
#' @export

predict.gradDescentRObject <- function(object, newdata, ...){
	if(!inherits(object, "gradDescentRObject")) stop("not a legitimate gradDescentRObject model")

	model <- object$model

		if(object$scalingMethod == "VARIANCE"){
			varianceParameter <- object$scalingParameter
			meanValue <- varianceParameter[1,]
			stdValue <- varianceParameter[2,]
			newdata <- (newdata-meanValue)/stdValue
		}else if(object$scalingMethod == "MINMAX"){
			minmaxParameter <- object$scalingParameter
			minValue <- minmaxParameter[1,]
			maxminValue <- minmaxParameter[2,]
			newdata <- (newdata-minValue)/(maxminValue)

	dataPrediction <- prediction(model, newdata[,1:ncol(newdata)-1])

		if(object$scalingMethod == "VARIANCE"){
			dataPrediction <- varianceDescaling(dataPrediction, object$scalingParameter)
		}else if(object$scalingMethod == "MINMAX"){
			dataPrediction <- minmaxDescaling(dataPrediction, object$scalingParameter)

	result <- dataPrediction

gradDescentRObjectFactory <- function(mod){
	class(mod) <- "gradDescentRObject"

setDefaultParametersIfMissing <- function(control, defaults) {
  for(i in names(defaults)) {
    if(is.null(control[[i]])) control[[i]] <- defaults[[i]]

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gradDescent documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:42 a.m.