draw.gam: Plot estimated smooths from a fitted GAM

draw.gamR Documentation

Plot estimated smooths from a fitted GAM


Plots estimated smooths from a fitted GAM model in a similar way to mgcv::plot.gam() but instead of using base graphics, ggplot2::ggplot() is used instead.


## S3 method for class 'gam'
  data = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  parametric = FALSE,
  terms = NULL,
  residuals = FALSE,
  scales = c("free", "fixed"),
  ci_level = 0.95,
  n = 100,
  n_3d = 16,
  n_4d = 4,
  unconditional = FALSE,
  overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
  constant = NULL,
  fun = NULL,
  dist = 0.1,
  rug = TRUE,
  contour = TRUE,
  ci_alpha = 0.2,
  ci_col = "black",
  smooth_col = "black",
  resid_col = "steelblue3",
  contour_col = "black",
  n_contour = NULL,
  partial_match = FALSE,
  discrete_colour = NULL,
  discrete_fill = NULL,
  continuous_colour = NULL,
  continuous_fill = NULL,
  position = "identity",
  angle = NULL,
  ncol = NULL,
  nrow = NULL,
  guides = "keep",
  widths = NULL,
  heights = NULL,
  projection = "orthographic",
  orientation = NULL,
  wrap = TRUE,



a fitted GAM, the result of a call to mgcv::gam().


a optional data frame that may or may not be used? FIXME!


character, logical, or numeric; which smooths to plot. If NULL, the default, then all model smooths are drawn. Numeric select indexes the smooths in the order they are specified in the formula and stored in object. Character select matches the labels for smooths as shown for example in the output from summary(object). Logical select operates as per numeric select in the order that smooths are stored.


logical; plot parametric terms also? Note that select is used for selecting which smooths to plot. The terms argument is used to select which parametric effects are plotted. The default, as with mgcv::plot.gam(), is to not draw parametyric effects.


character; which model parametric terms should be drawn? The Default of NULL will plot all parametric terms that can be drawn.


logical; should partial residuals for a smooth be drawn? Ignored for anything but a simple univariate smooth.


character; should all univariate smooths be plotted with the same y-axis scale? If scales = "free", the default, each univariate smooth has its own y-axis scale. If scales = "fixed", a common y axis scale is used for all univariate smooths.

Currently does not affect the y-axis scale of plots of the parametric terms.


numeric between 0 and 1; the coverage of credible interval.


numeric; the number of points over the range of the covariate at which to evaluate the smooth.


numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the third dimension of a 3D smooth.


numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the dimensions higher than 2 (!) of a kD smooth (k >= 4). For example, if the smooth is a 4D smooth, each of dimensions 3 and 4 will get n_4d new observations.


logical; should confidence intervals include the uncertainty due to smoothness selection? If TRUE, the corrected Bayesian covariance matrix will be used.


logical; should the uncertainty in the model constant term be included in the standard error of the evaluate values of the smooth?


numeric; a constant to add to the estimated values of the smooth. constant, if supplied, will be added to the estimated value before the confidence band is computed.


function; a function that will be applied to the estimated values and confidence interval before plotting. Can be a function or the name of a function. Function fun will be applied after adding any constant, if provided.


numeric; if greater than 0, this is used to determine when a location is too far from data to be plotted when plotting 2-D smooths. The data are scaled into the unit square before deciding what to exclude, and dist is a distance within the unit square. See mgcv::exclude.too.far() for further details.


logical; draw a rug plot at the botom of each plot for 1-D smooths or plot locations of data for higher dimensions.


logical; should contours be draw on the plot using ggplot2::geom_contour().


numeric; alpha transparency for confidence or simultaneous interval.


colour specification for the confidence/credible intervals band. Affects the fill of the interval.


colour specification for the smooth line.


colour specification for the partial residuals.


colour specification for contour lines.


numeric; the number of contour bins. Will result in n_contour - 1 contour lines being drawn. See ggplot2::geom_contour().


logical; should smooths be selected by partial matches with select? If TRUE, select can only be a single string to match against.

discrete_colour, discrete_fill, continuous_colour, continuous_fill

suitable scales for the types of data.


Position adjustment, either as a string, or the result of a call to a position adjustment function.


numeric; the angle at which the x axis tick labels are to be drawn passed to the angle argument of ggplot2::guide_axis().

ncol, nrow

numeric; the numbers of rows and columns over which to spread the plots


character; one of "keep" (the default), "collect", or "auto". Passed to patchwork::plot_layout()

widths, heights

The relative widths and heights of each column and row in the grid. Will get repeated to match the dimensions of the grid. If there is more than 1 plot and widths = NULL, the value of widths will be set internally to widths = 1 to accomodate plots of smooths that use a fixed aspect ratio.


character; projection to use, see ggplot2::coord_map() for details.


an optional vector c(latitude, longitude, rotation) which describes where the "North Pole" should be when computing the projection. The third value is a clockwise rotation (in degrees), which defaults to the midrange of the longitude coordinates in the data. The default values for orientation therefore are 'c(20, 0, mean(range(longitude))))“ if this is not specified by the user. See links in ggplot2::coord_map() for more information.


logical; wrap plots as a patchwork?


additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots().


The object returned is created by patchwork::wrap_plots().


Internally, plots of each smooth are created using ggplot2::ggplot() and composed into a single plot using patchwork::wrap_plots(). As a result, it is not possible to use + to add to the plots in the way one might typically work with ggplot() plots. Instead, use the & operator; see the examples.


Gavin L. Simpson



# simulate some data
df1 <- data_sim("eg1", n = 400, dist = "normal", scale = 2, seed = 2)
# fit GAM
m1 <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = df1, method = "REML")

# plot all smooths

# can add partial residuals
draw(m1, residuals = TRUE)

df2 <- data_sim(2, n = 1000, dist = "normal", scale = 1, seed = 2)
m2 <- gam(y ~ s(x, z, k = 40), data = df2, method = "REML")
draw(m2, contour = FALSE, n = 50)

# change the number of contours drawn and the fill scale used for
# the surface
draw(m2, n_contour = 5, n = 50,
     continuous_fill = scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral",
                                            type = "div"))

# See https://gavinsimpson.github.io/gratia/articles/custom-plotting.html
# for more examples and for details on how to modify the theme of all the
# plots produced by draw()
# to modify all panels, for example to change the theme, use the & operator

gratia documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:40 p.m.