edf: Effective degrees of freedom for smooths and GAMs

edfR Documentation

Effective degrees of freedom for smooths and GAMs


Extracts the effective degrees of freedom (EDF) for model smooth terms or overall EDF for fitted GAMs


edf(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gam'
  smooth = NULL,
  type = c("default", "unconditional", "alternative"),

model_edf(object, ..., type = c("default", "unconditional", "alternative"))



a fitted model from which to extract smooth-specific EDFs.


arguments passed to methods.


character; a vector of smooth terms whose EDFs will be extracted. If NULL, the default, EDFs for all smooths will be returned.


character: which type of EDF to return. "default" returns the standard EDF; "unconditional" selects the EDF corrected for smoothness parameter selection, if available; "alternative" returns the alternative formulation for EDF from Wood (2017, pp. 252)


Multiple formulations for the effective degrees of freedom are available. The additional uncertainty due to selection of smoothness parameters can be taken into account when computing the EDF of smooths. This form of the EDF is available with type = "unconditional".

Wood (2017; pp. 252) describes an alternative EDF for the model

EDF = 2 * tr(F) - tr(F),

where \mathrm{tr} is the matrix trace and F is a matrix mapping un-penalized coefficient estimates to the penalized coefficient estimates. The trace of F is effectively the average shrinkage of the coefficients multipled by the number of coefficients (Wood, 2017). Smooth-specific EDFs then are obtained by summing up the relevent elements of \mathrm{diag}(2\mathbf{F} - \mathbf{FF}).



df <- data_sim("eg1", n = 400, seed = 42)
m <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = df, method = "REML")

# extract the EDFs for all smooths

# or selected smooths
edf(m, smooth = c("s(x0)", "s(x2)"))

# accounting for smoothness parameter uncertainty
edf(m, type = "unconditional")

# over EDF of the model, including the intercept

# can get model EDF for multiple models
m2 <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x3), data = df, method = "REML")
model_edf(m, m2)

gratia documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:40 p.m.