
Defines functions evalPoints.RootDepSet evalPoints.Quadruples evalPoints.Triples evalPoints.Tuples evalPoints.Adjacent evalPoints.Coordinates evalPoints.default evalPoints

Documented in evalPoints evalPoints.Coordinates evalPoints.RootDepSet

#' Matrix of coordinates
#' Generates a matrix of evaluation points, used by the extremal coefficients estimator.
#' @rdname evalPoints
#' @export
#' @param obj Object of class \code{Tuples, Triples, Quadruples, Adjacent} which are subclasses of class
#' \code{Coordinates} or an object of class \code{RootDepSet}.
#' @param obj2 Object of class \code{Tree}
#' @param x A named vector of coordinates of length |U|, where U is the set of nodes with available data.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return An object of the same class as the argument \code{obj} containing a matrix of coordinates.
evalPoints<- function(obj, ...)
  UseMethod("evalPoints", obj)

#' @export
evalPoints.default<- function(obj, ...)
  return("Default method")

#' @rdname evalPoints
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create an object of class Adjacent
#' adjobj<- Adjacent()
#' # create a graph with named vertices
#' g<- graph(c("a", "b", "b", "c", "b", "d"), directed = FALSE)
#' # create a dataset with named columns
#' mydata<- matrix(rnorm(10*4), ncol=4, nrow=10)
#' colnames(mydata)<- get.vertex.attribute(g, "name", V(g))
#' # create object of class Network
#' mytree<- Tree(g, mydata)
#' # create the vector of coordinates and name it
#' x<- c(1:vcount(g))
#' names(x)<- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
#' # create the matrix of adjacent coordinates
#' mycoord<- evalPoints(adjobj, mytree, x)
#' # create a matrix of pair coordinates
#' mytup<- Tuples()
#' mytup<- evalPoints(mytup, mytree, x)
#' # create matrix of coordinates when there are missing data nodes
#' mydata<- matrix(rnorm(10*3), ncol=3, nrow=10)
#' colnames(mydata)<- c("b", "c", "d")
#' mytree<- Tree(g, mydata)
#' x<- c(1:vcount(g))
#' names(x)<- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
#' mytrip<- Triples()
#' evalPoints(mytrip, mytree, x)
evalPoints.Coordinates<- function(obj, obj2, x, ...)
  #obj2<- mytree


  g<- getGraph(obj2)
  U<- getNodesWithData(obj2)
  Vnames<- igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, "name", V(g))

  if(length(names(x)) == 0)
    stop("'x' should be a named vector")

  if (length(Vnames) != 0)
    if(length(base::setdiff(U, names(x)))!=0)
    stop("'x' should have the same names as the nodes with available data")
  if (length(Vnames) == 0)
    if (length(base::setdiff(Vnames, names(x))) !=0 )
    stop("'x' should have the same names as the nodes with available data")
  NextMethod(nodes = Vnames, U = U, gr = g, ...)


#' @export
evalPoints.Adjacent<- function(obj, obj2, x, nodes, U, gr, ...)
  # if the graph passed in gr is not a tree this method is not going to work.

  if(length(setdiff(nodes, U))!=0)
    stop("Adjacent coordinates are defined only for graphs without missing data nodes")

  comb2<- walking(gr, U[1])
  comb3<- c()
  for (u in U)
    nn<- get.vertex.attribute(gr, "name", igraph::neighbors(gr, u))
    if (length(nn)>1)
      comb3<- cbind(comb3, rbind(utils::combn(nn,2), u))
  cm2<- apply(comb2, 1,place_x, x, U)
  cm3<- apply(comb3, 2, place_x, x, U)
  obj<- t(cbind(cm2, cm3))

  #return(list(obj, obj2, x, nodes, U, gr))

#' @export
evalPoints.Tuples<- function(obj, obj2, x, nodes, U, ...)
  comb<- utils::combn(U,2)
  cm<- apply(comb, 2, place_x, x = x, U = U)
  cm<- t(cm)
  colnames(cm)<- U

#' @export
evalPoints.Triples<- function(obj, obj2, x, nodes, U, ...)
  comb<- utils::combn(U,3)
  cm<- apply(comb, 2, place_x, x = x, U = U)
  cm<- t(cm)
  colnames(cm)<- U

#' @export
evalPoints.Quadruples<- function(obj, obj2, x, nodes, U, ...)
  comb<- utils::combn(U,4)
  cm<- apply(comb, 2, place_x, x = x, U = U)
  cm<- t(cm)
  colnames(cm)<- U

#' @export
#' @rdname evalPoints
#' @param U The set of nodes with observable data
#' @examples
#' # create a matrix of coordinates for an arbitrary subsets
#' rdsobj<- RootDepSet()
#' rds_values<- list(b=c("c", "d"), c=c("b", "d"), d=c("b", "c"))
#' rds_roots<- c("c", "d", "b")
#' rdsobj<- setRootDepSet(rdsobj, rds_values, rds_roots)
#' x<- c(2,3,4)
#' names(x)<- c("b", "c", "d")
#' evalPoints(rdsobj, x, getNodesWithData(mytree))
evalPoints.RootDepSet<- function(obj, x, U, ...)

  # # debug
  # obj<- subs
  # U<- getNodesWithData()
  # x<- x
  # names(x)<- U
  # #--------

  # this needs debugging

  subsets<- getValue(obj)
  roots<- getRoot(obj)

  if (is.list(subsets))
    cmm<- matrix(0, nrow= length(roots), ncol = length(U) )
    colnames(cmm)<- U
    for (i in 1:length(roots))
      cmm[i, ]<- place_x(subsets[[i]], x, U)
  } else {
    cmm<- place_x(subsets, x, U)
    names(cmm)<- U

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gremes documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:06 p.m.