Man pages for growfunctions
Bayesian Non-Parametric Dependent Models for Time-Indexed Functional Data

cluster_plotPlot estimated functions for experimental units faceted by...
cpsMonthly employment counts from 1990 - 2013 from the Current...
fit_compareSide-by-side plot panels that compare latent function values...
gen_informative_sampleGenerate a finite population and take an informative single...
gmrfdpcountPostRun a Bayesian functional data model under an instrinsic GMRF...
gmrfdpgrowBayesian instrinsic Gaussian Markov Random Field model for...
gmrfdpPostRun a Bayesian functional data model under an instrinsic GMRF...
gpBFixPostRun a Bayesian functional data model under a GP prior with a...
gpdpbPostRun a Bayesian functional data model under a GP prior whose...
gpdpgrowBayesian non-parametric dependent Gaussian process model for...
gpdpPostRun a Bayesian functional data model under a GP prior whose...
gpFixPostRun a Bayesian functional data model under a GP prior whose...
gpPostRun a Bayesian functional data model under a GP prior whose...
growfunctions-packageBayesian Non-Parametric Models for Estimating a Set of...
informative_plotPlot credible intervals for parameters to compare ignoring...
MSPECompute normalized mean squared prediction error based on...
plot_clusterPlot estimated functions, facetted by cluster numbers, for a...
predict_functionsUse the model-estimated covariance parameters from gpdpgrow()...
predict_functions.gmrfdpgrowUse the model-estimated iGMRF precision parameters from...
predict_functions.gpdpgrowUse the model-estimated GP covariance parameters from...
predict_plotPlot estimated functions both at estimated and predicted time...
samplesProduce samples of MCMC output
samples.gmrfdpgrowProduce samples of MCMC output
growfunctions documentation built on July 17, 2021, 1:08 a.m.