
Defines functions add_text_img

Documented in add_text_img

#' Add text and an image to the left or right of it
#' @description
#' The `add_text_img` function takes an existing `gt_tbl` object and
#' adds some user specified text and an image url to a specific cell. This is a
#' wrapper raw HTML strings and `gt::web_image()`. Intended to be used inside
#' the header of a table via `gt::tab_header()`.
#' @param text A text string to be added to the cell.
#' @inheritParams gt::web_image
#' @param left A logical TRUE/FALSE indicating if text should be on the left (TRUE) or right (FALSE)
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @export
#' @family Utilities
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-5
#' @examples
#' library(gt)
#' title_car <- mtcars %>%
#'   head() %>%
#'   gt() %>%
#'   gt::tab_header(
#'     title = add_text_img(
#'       "A table about cars made with",
#'       url = "https://www.r-project.org/logo/Rlogo.png"
#'     )
#'   )
#' @section Figures:
#' \if{html}{\figure{title-car.png}{options: width=70\%}}

add_text_img <- function(text, url, height = 30, left = FALSE) {
  text_div <- glue::glue("<div style='display:inline;vertical-align: top;'>{text}</div>")
  img_div <- glue::glue("<div style='display:inline;margin-left:10px'>{web_image(url = url, height = height)}</div>")

  if (isFALSE(left)) {
    paste0(text_div, img_div) %>% gt::html()
  } else {
    paste0(img_div, text_div) %>% gt::html()

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gtExtras documentation built on Sept. 16, 2023, 1:08 a.m.