
test_that("svg is created and has specific values", {

  basic_gt <- mtcars %>%
    dplyr::group_by(cyl) %>%
    # must end up with list of data for each row in the input dataframe
    dplyr::summarize(mpg_data = list(mpg), .groups = "drop") %>%

  # basic sparkline
  gt_sparkline_tab <- basic_gt %>%

  gt_ref_median <- basic_gt %>%
    gt_plt_sparkline(mpg_data, type = "ref_median")

  gt_shaded <- basic_gt %>%
    gt_plt_sparkline(mpg_data, type = "shaded")

  gt_mean <- basic_gt %>%
    gt_plt_sparkline(mpg_data, type = "ref_mean")

  gt_points <- basic_gt %>%
    gt_plt_sparkline(mpg_data, type = "points")

  gt_last <- basic_gt %>%
    gt_plt_sparkline(mpg_data, type = "ref_last")

  gt_iqr <- basic_gt %>%
    gt_plt_sparkline(mpg_data, type = "ref_iqr")

  get_html <- function(table){
    table %>%
      gt::as_raw_html() %>%

  basic_html <- get_html(gt_sparkline_tab)
  median_html <- get_html(gt_ref_median)
  mean_html <- get_html(gt_mean)
  points_html <- get_html(gt_points)
  last_html <- get_html(gt_last)
  iqr_html <- get_html(gt_iqr)

  # SVG Exists and is of length 3 ----

  get_length <- function(html){
    html %>%
      rvest::html_nodes("svg") %>%

  all_lengths <- sapply(list(basic_html, median_html, mean_html,
    points_html, last_html, iqr_html),

  expect_equal(all_lengths, rep(3, 6))

  # SVG has specific points ----

  spark_vals <- basic_html %>%
    rvest::html_node("polyline") %>%
    rvest::html_attr("points") %>%
    substr(1, 34)

  expect_equal(spark_vals, "8.16,6.80 13.89,6.08 19.61,6.80 25")

Try the gtExtras package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gtExtras documentation built on Sept. 16, 2023, 1:08 a.m.