h2o.generic: Imports a generic model into H2O. Such model can be used then...

View source: R/generic.R

h2o.genericR Documentation

Imports a generic model into H2O. Such model can be used then used for scoring and obtaining additional information about the model. The imported model has to be supported by H2O.


Imports a generic model into H2O. Such model can be used then used for scoring and obtaining additional information about the model. The imported model has to be supported by H2O.


h2o.generic(model_id = NULL, model_key = NULL, path = NULL)



Destination id for this model; auto-generated if not specified.


Key to the self-contained model archive already uploaded to H2O.


Path to file with self-contained model archive.


## Not run: 
# library(h2o)
# h2o.init()

# generic_model <- h2o.genericModel(path="/path/to/model.zip", model_id="my_model")
# predictions <- h2o.predict(generic_model, dataset)

## End(Not run)

h2o documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:26 a.m.