Man pages for harmony
Fast, Sensitive, and Accurate Integration of Single Cell Data

cell_linesList of metadata table and scaled PCs matrix
cell_lines_smallSame as cell_lines but smaller (300 cells).
harmonyHarmony: fast, accurate, and robust single cell integration.
HarmonyMatrixA proxy call to 'RunHarmony()'. Deprecated.
harmony_optionsSet advanced options for RunHarmony
moe_ridge_get_betasGet beta Utility
pbmc.ctrlGene expression data of control PBMC from Kang et al. 2017....
pbmc.stimGene expression data of stimulated PBMC from Kang et al....
pipePipe operator
RunHarmonyGeneric function that runs the harmony algorithm on...
RunHarmony.defaultThis is the primary harmony interface.
RunHarmony.SeuratApplies harmony on a Seurat object cell embedding.
RunHarmony.SingleCellExperimentApplies harmony on PCA cell embeddings of a...
harmony documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:26 a.m.