
context("Checking variable importance")

mtcars$am <- factor(ifelse(mtcars$am, "Y", "N"))
cl <- machine_learn(mtcars, outcome = am, tune = FALSE)
reg <- machine_learn(mtcars, outcome = mpg, models = "rf", tune = FALSE)
warns <- capture_warnings({
  cl_vi <- get_variable_importance(cl)
def <- get_variable_importance(reg)
r3 <- machine_learn(mtcars, outcome = mpg, tune = FALSE)
c2 <- cl[c("eXtreme Gradient Boosting", "Random Forest")]
best_with_vi <- healthcareai:::extract_model_info(c2)$best_model_name

m_df <- prep_data(dplyr::sample_n(iris, 100), outcome = Species)
m_models <-
  tune_models(d = m_df, outcome = Species, n_folds = 2, tune_depth = 2)
m_warns <- capture_warnings({
  m_vi <- get_variable_importance(m_models)

test_that("order_models gets it right", {
  ci <- extract_model_info(cl)
  expect_equal(which(names(cl) == ci$best_model_name), unname(order_models(cl)[1]))
  expect_equal(ci$best_model_name, names(order_models(cl))[1])
  ri <- extract_model_info(reg)
  expect_equal(ri$best_model_name, names(order_models(reg))[1])

test_that("get_variable_importance returns a tibble", {
  expect_s3_class(cl_vi, "tbl_df")
  expect_s3_class(def, "tbl_df")

test_that("get_variable_importance dfs have class variable_importance", {
  expect_s3_class(cl_vi, "variable_importance")
  expect_s3_class(def, "variable_importance")

test_that("plot.variable_importance returns a ggplot", {
  expect_s3_class(plot(cl_vi, print = FALSE), "gg")
  expect_s3_class(plot(def, print = FALSE), "gg")
  expect_s3_class(plot(reg, caption = "none", title = "VI", font_size = 16, print = FALSE), "gg")

test_that("plot.variable_importance is registered generic", {
  expect_true("plot.variable_importance" %in% methods("plot"))

test_that("get_variable_importance doesn't use glmnet's", {
  gl <- machine_learn(mtcars, outcome = am, tune = FALSE, models = "glm")
  expect_error(get_variable_importance(gl), "Can't get")
  # glm is the best model in cl
  expect_false(attr(cl_vi, "model") == "glmnet")

test_that("get_variable_importance can use xgb", {
  xg <- machine_learn(mtcars, outcome = am, tune = FALSE, models = "xgb")
  expect_s3_class(get_variable_importance(xg), "variable_importance")


test_that("get_variable_importance warns if providing model isn't best performer", {
  expect_true(stringr::str_detect(warns, "best performing"))

test_that("get_variable_importance respects top_n", {
  expect_equal(def, get_variable_importance(reg, top_n = 99))
  expect_equivalent(def[1, ], get_variable_importance(reg, top_n = 1))

test_that("get_variable_importance respects remove_zeros", {
  expect_equal(def, get_variable_importance(reg, remove_zeros = TRUE))
  expect_true(nrow(get_variable_importance(reg, remove_zeros = FALSE)) > nrow(def))

test_that("plot.variable_importance respects max_char", {
    expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(plot(def, max_char = 3, print = FALSE),
                                plot(def, print = FALSE))))

test_that("get_variable_importance works for xgb", {
  expect_s3_class(get_variable_importance(r3["eXtreme Gradient Boosting"]),

test_that("get_variable_importance picks the best performing model regression", {
  r2 <- r3[c("eXtreme Gradient Boosting", "Random Forest")]
               attr(get_variable_importance(r2), "model"))

test_that("get_variable_importance picks the best performing model classification", {
  expect_equal(best_with_vi, attr(get_variable_importance(c2), "model"))

test_that("choose_vi_model works", {
  expect_warning(choose_g <- choose_vi_model(cl), "best performing")
  expect_false(choose_g == "glmnet")
  expect_equal(choose_g, best_with_vi)
  expect_error(choose_vi_model(cl["glmnet"]), "Can't")

test_that("multiclass importance is returned", {
  expect_s3_class(m_vi, "variable_importance")

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healthcareai documentation built on Sept. 5, 2022, 5:12 p.m.