floweringTime: Flowering time data taken from Atwell _et al._ (2010).

floweringTimeR Documentation

Flowering time data taken from Atwell et al. (2010).


Two data-frames containing individual plant data on flowering time under different conditions: LDV (Flowering time under long days and vernalization) and LD (Flowering time under long days, without vernalization).


data(LD); data(LDV)


Data-frames with flowering time observations, genotype and design information:


a factor, the levels being the accession or ecotype identifiers


Flowering time under long days, in number of days


Flowering time under long days and vernalization, in number of days


The replicate (or block) each plant is contained in (factor with levels 1 to 6)


numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 1 and 0 otherwise


numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 2 and 0 otherwise


numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 3 and 0 otherwise


numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 4 and 0 otherwise


numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 5 and 0 otherwise


All plants that had not flowered by the end of the experiment were given a phenotypic value of 200. Only accessions for which SNP-data are available are included here: 167 accessions in case of LD and 168 accessions in case of LDV.


  • Atwell, S., Y. S. Huang, B. J. Vilhjalmsson, G. Willems, M. Horton, et al. (2010) Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines. Nature 465: 627-631.

  • Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.

See Also

For the corresponding genetic relatedness matrix, see K_atwell.


data(LD); data(LDV)

heritability documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 9:08 a.m.