
Defines functions create_PsmCurves.params_surv_list create_PsmCurves.flexsurvreg_list create_PsmCurves

Documented in create_PsmCurves create_PsmCurves.flexsurvreg_list create_PsmCurves.params_surv_list

# PsmCurves class --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Partitioned survival curves
#' @description
#' Summarize N-1 survival curves for an N-state partitioned survival model.
#' @format An [R6::R6Class] object.
#' @example man-roxygen/example-PsmCurves.R
#' @seealso `PsmCurves` are conveniently created from either fitted models or
#' parameter objects with [create_PsmCurves()]. A complete economic model can be
#' implemented with the [`Psm`] class. A longer example is provided in 
#' `vignette("psm")`.
#' @name PsmCurves

#' @rdname PsmCurves
#' @export
PsmCurves <- R6::R6Class(
  private = list(
    summary = function(x, type = c("hazard", "cumhazard", "survival", 
                                   "rmst", "quantile"), 
                       dr = 0){
      type <- match.arg(type)
      res <- data.table(C_psm_curves_summary(self, x, type, dr))
      res[, curve := curve + 1]
      res[, sample := sample + 1]
      check_patient_wt(self, res)
      if (type %in% c("hazard", "cumhazard", "survival", "rmst")){
        setnames(res, "x", "t")
      } else if (type == "quantile"){
        setnames(res, "x", "p")
      if (type == "hazard") setnames(res, "value", "hazard")
      if (type == "cumhazard") setnames(res, "value", "cumhazard")
      if (type == "survival") setnames(res, "value", "survival")
      if (type == "rmst") setnames(res, "value", "rmst")
      if (type == "quantile") setnames(res, "value", "quantile")
  public = list(
    #' @field params An object of class [`params_surv_list`].
    params = NULL,
    #' @field input_data An object of class [`input_mats`]. Each row in `X` must
    #' be a unique treatment strategy and patient.
    input_data = NULL,
    #' @description
    #' Create a new `PsmCurves` object.
    #' @param params The `params` field.
    #' @param input_data The `input_data` field.
    #' @return A new `PsmCurves` object.
    initialize = function(params, input_data) {
      self$params <- params
      self$input_data <- input_data
    #' @description
    #' Predict the hazard function for each survival curve as a function of time.
    #' @param t  A numeric vector of times.
    #' @return A `data.table` with columns `sample`, `strategy_id`,
    #' `patient_id`, `grp_id`, `curve` (the curve number), `t`, and `hazard`.
    hazard = function(t){
      return(private$summary(x = t, type = "hazard"))
    #' @description
    #' Predict the cumulative hazard function for each survival curve as a function of time.
    #' @param t  A numeric vector of times.
    #' @return A `data.table` with columns `sample`, `strategy_id`,
    #' `patient_id`, `grp_id`, `curve`, `t`, and `cumhazard`.
    cumhazard = function(t){
      return(private$summary(x = t, type = "cumhazard"))
    #' @description
    #' Predict survival probabilities for each survival curve as a function of time.
    #' @param t  A numeric vector of times.
    #' @return An object of class [`survival`].   
    survival = function(t){
      res <- private$summary(x = t, type = "survival")
      setattr(res, "class", 
              c("survival", "data.table", "data.frame"))
    #' @description
    #' Predict the restricted mean survival time up until time points `t`
    #'  for each survival curve.
    #' @param t  A numeric vector of times.
    #' @param dr Discount rate.
    #' @return A `data.table` with columns `sample`, `strategy_id`,
    #' `patient_id`, `grp_id`, `curve`, `t`, and `rmst`.     
    rmst = function(t, dr = 0){
      return(private$summary(x = t, type = "rmst", dr = dr))
    #' @description
    #' Predict quantiles of the survival distribution for each survival curve.
    #' @param p  A numeric vector of probabilities for computing quantiles.
    #' @return A `data.table` with columns `sample`, `strategy_id`,
    #' `patient_id`, `grp_id`, `curve`, `p` and `quantile`.       
    quantile = function(p){
      return(private$summary(x = p, type = "quantile"))
    #' @description
    #' Input validation for class. Checks that fields are the correct type.     
    check = function(){
      if(!inherits(self$input_data, "input_mats")){
        stop("'input_data' must be an object of class 'input_mats'",
             call. = FALSE)
      if(!inherits(self$params, c("params_surv_list"))){
        stop("Class of 'params' is not supported. See documentation.",
             call. = FALSE)

# create.PsmCurves methods -----------------------------------------------------
#' Create \code{PsmCurves} object
#' A generic function for creating a [`PsmCurves`] object.
#' @param object An object of the appropriate class containing either fitted 
#' survival models or parameters of survival models.
#' @param input_data An object of class `expanded_hesim_data` returned by 
#' [expand.hesim_data()]. Must be expanded by the data tables `"strategies"` and
#' `"patients"`. 
#' @inheritParams create_params
#' @param est_data A `data.table` or `data.frame` of estimation data 
#' used to fit survival models during bootstrap replications.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Passed to [`create_params.partsurvfit()`]
#' when `object` is of class [`flexsurvreg_list`].
#' @return Returns an `R6Class` object of class [`PsmCurves`].
#' @template details-create_disease_model
#' @seealso See [`PsmCurves`] and [`Psm`] for examples. [`PsmCurves`] provides
#' an example in which a model is parameterized both with 
#' (via `create_PsmCurves.flexsurvreg_list()`) and without (via 
#' `create_PsmCurves.params_surv_list()`) access to patient-level data. 
#' The [`Psm`] example shows how state probabilities, costs, and utilities can 
#' be computed from predicted survival curves.
#' @export
create_PsmCurves <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("create_PsmCurves", object)
#' @export
#' @rdname create_PsmCurves
create_PsmCurves.flexsurvreg_list <- function(object, input_data, n = 1000, 
                                              uncertainty = c("normal", "bootstrap", "none"), 
                                              est_data = NULL,
  # For backwards compatibility until deprecated point_estimate argument is no longer supported
  is_uncertainty_missing <- missing(uncertainty)
  uncertainty <- deprecate_point_estimate(list(...)$point_estimate, uncertainty,
  uncertainty <- deprecate_bootstrap(list(...)$bootstrap, uncertainty,
  # Code to always keep
  uncertainty <- match.arg(uncertainty)
  if (uncertainty == "bootstrap" & is.null(est_data)){
    stop("If uncertainty == 'bootstrap', then est_data cannot be NULL")
  psfit <- partsurvfit(object, est_data)
  input_mats <- create_input_mats(psfit, input_data, id_vars = c("strategy_id", "patient_id"))
  params <- create_params(psfit, n = n, uncertainty = uncertainty)
  return(PsmCurves$new(input_data = input_mats, params = params))

#' @export
#' @rdname create_PsmCurves
create_PsmCurves.params_surv_list <- function(object, input_data, ...){
  input_mats <- create_input_mats(object, input_data)
  return(PsmCurves$new(input_data = input_mats, params = object))

# Psm class --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' N-state partitioned survival model
#' @description
#' Simulate outcomes from an N-state partitioned survival model.
#' @format An [R6::R6Class] object.
#' @example man-roxygen/example-Psm.R
#' @seealso The [`PsmCurves`] documentation
#' describes the class for the survival models and the [`StateVals`] documentation
#' describes the class for the cost and utility models. A [`PsmCurves`] 
#' object is typically created using [create_PsmCurves()].
#' The [`PsmCurves`] documentation provides an example in which the model
#' is parameterized from parameter objects (i.e., without having the patient-level
#' data required to fit a model with `R`). A longer example is provided in 
#' `vignette("psm")`.
#' @references [Incerti and Jansen (2021)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.09437).
#' See Section 2.3 for a mathematical description of a PSM and Section 4.2 for an 
#' example in oncology. The mathematical approach used to simulate costs and QALYs from
#' state probabilities is described in Section 2.1.
#' @name Psm

#' @param dr Discount rate.
#' @param integrate_method Method used to integrate state values when computing 
#' costs or QALYs. Options are `trapz` for the trapezoid rule,
#' `riemann_left` for a left Riemann sum, and  
#' `riemann_right` for a right Riemann sum.
#' @rdname Psm
#' @export
Psm <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field survival_models The survival models used to predict survival curves. Must be
    #' an object of class [`PsmCurves`].
    survival_models = NULL,
    #' @field utility_model The model for health state utility. Must be an object of
    #' class [`StateVals`].
    utility_model = NULL,
    #' @field cost_models The models used to predict costs by health state. 
    #' Must be a list of objects of class [`StateVals`], where each element of the 
    #' list represents a different cost category.    
    cost_models = NULL,
    #' @field n_states Number of states in the partitioned survival model.
    n_states = NULL,
    #' @field t_ A numeric vector of times at which survival curves were predicted. Determined
    #' by the argument `t` in `$sim_curves()`.
    t_ = NULL,
    #' @field survival_ An object of class [survival] simulated using `sim_survival()`.
    survival_ = NULL,
    #' @field stateprobs_ An object of class [stateprobs] simulated using `$sim_stateprobs()`.
    stateprobs_ = NULL,
    #' @field qalys_ An object of class [qalys] simulated using `$sim_qalys()`.
    qalys_ = NULL,
    #' @field costs_ An object of class [costs] simulated using `$sim_costs()`.
    costs_ = NULL,

    #' @description
    #' Create a new `Psm` object.
    #' @param survival_models The `survival_models` field.
    #' @param utility_model The `utility_model` field.
    #' @param cost_models The `cost_models` field.
    #' @details `n_states` is set equal to the number of survival models plus one.
    #' @return A new `Psm` object.    
    initialize = function(survival_models = NULL, utility_model = NULL, cost_models = NULL) {
      self$survival_models <- survival_models
      self$cost_models = cost_models
      self$utility_model = utility_model
      self$n_states <- length(self$survival_models$params) + 1
    #' @description
    #' Simulate survival curves as a function of time using `PsmCurves$survival()`.
    #' @param t A numeric vector of times. The first element must be `0`.
    #' @return An instance of `self` with simulated output from `PsmCurves$survival()`
    #' stored in `survival_`.
    sim_survival = function(t){
      if (t[1] !=0){
        stop("The first element of 't' must be 0.", call. = FALSE)
      if(!inherits(self$survival_models, "PsmCurves")){
        stop("'survival_models' must be of class 'PsmCurves'.")
      self$survival_ <- self$survival_models$survival(t)
      setattr(self$survival_, "class", 
              c("survival", "data.table", "data.frame"))
      setattr(self$survival_, "size", 
                n_states = self$n_states,
                n_times = length(t)))
      self$t_ <- t
      self$stateprobs_ <- NULL
    #' @description
    #' Simulate health state probabilities from `survival_` using a partitioned
    #' survival analysis.
    #' @return An instance of `self` with simulated output of class [stateprobs] 
    #' stored in `stateprobs_`.    
    sim_stateprobs = function(){
        stop("You must first simulate survival curves using '$sim_survival'.",
            call. = FALSE)
      self$stateprobs_ <- sim_stateprobs(self$survival_)

    #' @description
    #' Simulate quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) as a function of `stateprobs_` and
    #' `utility_model`. See `sim_qalys()` for details.
    #' @param lys If `TRUE`, then life-years are simulated in addition to QALYs.
    #' @return An instance of `self` with simulated output of class [qalys] stored
    #' in `qalys_`.    
    sim_qalys = function(dr = .03, integrate_method = c("trapz", "riemann_left", "riemann_right"),
                         lys = TRUE){
      self$qalys_ <- sim_qalys(self$stateprobs_, self$utility_model, dr, 
                               integrate_method, lys)
    #' @description
    #' Simulate costs as a function of `stateprobs_` and `cost_models`. 
    #' See `sim_costs()` for details.
    #' @return An instance of `self` with simulated output of class [costs] stored
    #' in `costs_`.    
    sim_costs = function(dr = .03, integrate_method = c("trapz", "riemann_left", "riemann_right")){
      self$costs_ <- sim_costs(self$stateprobs_, self$cost_models, dr, integrate_method)
    #' @description
    #' Summarize costs and QALYs so that cost-effectiveness analysis can be performed. 
    #' See [summarize_ce()]. 
    #' @param by_grp If `TRUE`, then costs and QALYs are computed by subgroup. If
    #' `FALSE`, then costs and QALYs are aggregated across all patients (and subgroups).      
    summarize = function(by_grp = FALSE) {
      return(summarize_ce(self$costs_, self$qalys_, by_grp))

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