hiddenf-package: Tests for nonadditivity using the hidden F test

Description Details Author(s) References Examples


Fits a linear model to a (r-by-c) matrix of responses. Includes factorial effects of two factors, with rows of the matrix as one factor with r levels and columns as c levels of another factor. Configurations formed by placing rows into two groups and creating a third grouping factor. Linear models are fit for all b=2^(r-1)-1 possible configurations. The resulting pvalue for group-by-treatment interaction is reported, after Bonferroni correction for multiplicity of configurations.


Package: hiddenf
Type: Package
Version: 2.0
Date: 2015-10-12
License: GPL-2


Jason A. Osborne, Christopher T. Franck and Bongseog Choi Maintainer: Jason A. Osborne <jaosborn@ncsu.edu>


Franck CT, Nielsen, DM and Osborne, JA. (2013) A Method for Detecting Hidden Additivity in two-factor Unreplicated Experiments, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 67:95-104.


cnv1.out <- HiddenF(cnv1.mtx)

Example output

The ACMIF test for the hidden additivity form of interaction
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
          Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
group      1 0.43309 0.43309 593.193 1.686e-05
col        1 0.21916 0.21916 300.180 6.513e-05
row        4 0.07200 0.01800  24.653   0.00444
group:col  1 0.38446 0.38446 526.585 2.137e-05
Residuals  4 0.00292 0.00073                  
C.Total   11 1.11162                          
(Pvalues in ANOVA table are NOT corrected for multiplicity.) 

hiddenf documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:47 p.m.