Man pages for hierarchicalDS
Functions to Perform Hierarchical Analysis of Distance Sampling Data

calc_linex_aestimate optimal 'a' parameter for linex loss function to convert HierarchicalDS MCMC list vector (used in...
generate_initsgenerate initial values for MCMC chain if not already...
generate_inits_misIDgenerate initial values for misID model if not already...
get_confusion_arrayFill confusion array - one confusion matrix for each...
get_confusion_matFill a list with confusion matrices for each record
get_mod_matrixfunction to produce a design matrix given a dataset and...
hierarchical_DSPrimary function for hierarchical, areal analysis of distance...
linear_adjProduce an adjacency matrix for a vector
log_lambda_gradientcompute the first derivative of log_lambda likelihood...
log_lambda_log_likelihoodcompute the likelihood for nu parameters
mcmc_dsFunction for MCMC analysis
plot_N_mapfunction to plot a map of abundance. this was developed for...
plot_obs_predplot 'observed' versus predicted values for abundance of each...
post_lossfunction to calculate posterior predictive loss given the...
probit.fctMrds probit detection and related functions
rect_adjProduce an RW1 adjacency matrix for a rectangular grid for...
rect_adj_RW2Produce an RW2 Adjacency matrix for a rectangular grid for...
simdataMCMC output from running example in Hierarchical DS
sim_outMCMC output from running example in Hierarchical DS
simulate_datafunction to simulate double observer spatial distance...
square_adjProduce an adjacency matrix for a square grid
stack_datafunction to stack data (going from three dimensional array to...
stack_data_misIDfunction to stack data for midID updates (going from four...
summary_Ncalculate parameter estimates and confidence intervals for...
switch_pdffunction to calculate the joint pdf for a sample of values...
switch_samplefunction to sample from a specified probability density...
switch_sample_priorfunction to sample from hyperpriors of a specified...
table.mcmcfunction to export posterior summaries from an mcmc object to...
hierarchicalDS documentation built on July 3, 2019, 1:07 a.m.