aggregatePrice | Aggregate a time series but keep first and last observation |
aggregateQuotes | Aggregate a 'data.table' or 'xts' object containing quote... |
aggregateTrades | Aggregate a 'data.table' or 'xts' object containing trades... |
aggregateTS | Aggregate a time series |
AJjumpTest | Ait-Sahalia and Jacod (2009) tests for the presence of jumps... |
autoSelectExchangeQuotes | Retain only data from the stock exchange with the highest... |
autoSelectExchangeTrades | Retain only data from the stock exchange with the highest... |
Bj | Internal HEAVY functions |
BNSjumpTest | Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2006) tests for the presence... |
businessTimeAggregation | Business time aggregation |
cholCovrMRCov | #' @keywords internal zgamma <- function (x, y, gamma_power)... |
driftBursts | Inference on drift burst hypothesis |
exchangeHoursOnly | Extract data from an 'xts' object for the exchange hours only |
gatherPrices | Make TAQ format |
getAlphaVantageData | Get high frequency data from Alpha Vantage |
getCriticalValues | Get critical value for the drift burst hypothesis t-statistic |
getLiquidityMeasures | Compute Liquidity Measure |
getTradeDirection | Get trade direction |
HARmodel | Heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model for realized... |
HEAVYmodel | HEAVY model estimation |
highfrequency-package | highfrequency: Tools for Highfrequency Data Analysis |
ICov | Estimators of the integrated covariance |
intradayJumpTest | Intraday jump tests |
IVar | Estimators of the integrated variance |
IVinference | Function returns the value, the standard error and the... |
JOjumpTest | Jiang and Oomen (2008) tests for the presence of jumps in the... |
knChooseReMeDI | ReMeDI tuning parameter |
leadLag | Lead-Lag estimation |
listAvailableKernels | Available kernels |
listCholCovEstimators | Utility function listing the available estimators for the... |
makeOHLCV | Make Open-High-Low-Close-Volume bars |
makePsd | Returns the positive semidefinite projection of a symmetric... |
makeReturns | Compute log returns |
makeRMFormat | DEPRECATED use 'spreadPrices' |
matchTradesQuotes | Match trade and quote data |
MDtest | # Difference of medians test # See Fried (2012) # Returns... |
mergeQuotesSameTimestamp | Merge multiple quote entries with the same time stamp |
mergeTradesSameTimestamp | Merge multiple transactions with the same time stamp |
mukp | to use when p,k different from range [4,6] |
noZeroPrices | Delete the observations where the price is zero |
noZeroQuotes | Delete the observations where the bid or ask is zero |
plot.DBH | Plotting method for 'DBH' objects |
plot.HARmodel | Plotting method for HARmodel objects |
plot.HEAVYmodel | Plotting method for HEAVYmodel objects |
plotTQData | Plot Trade and Quote data |
predict.HARmodel | Predict method for objects of type 'HARmodel' |
predict.HEAVYmodel | Iterative multi-step-ahead forecasting for HEAVY models |
print.DBH | Printing method for 'DBH' objects |
print.HARmodel | Printing method for 'HARmodel' objects |
quotesCleanup | Cleans quote data |
rankJumpTest | Rank jump test |
rAVGCov | Realized covariances via subsample averaging |
rBACov | rBACov |
rBeta | Realized beta |
rBPCov | Realized bipower covariance |
RBPCov_bi | # Check data: #' @keywords internal rdatacheck <- function... |
rCholCov | CholCov estimator |
rCov | Realized covariance |
refreshTime | Synchronize (multiple) irregular timeseries by refresh time |
ReMeDI | ReMeDI |
ReMeDIAsymptoticVariance | Asymptotic variance of ReMeDI estimator |
rHYCov | Hayashi-Yoshida covariance |
rKernelCov | Realized kernel estimator |
rKurt | Realized kurtosis of highfrequency return series. |
rMedRQuar | An estimator of integrated quarticity from applying the... |
rMedRVar | rMedRVar |
rMinRQuar | An estimator of integrated quarticity from applying the... |
rMinRVar | rMinRVar |
rmLargeSpread | Delete entries for which the spread is more than 'maxi' times... |
rmNegativeSpread | Delete entries for which the spread is negative |
rmOutliersQuotes | Remove outliers in quotes |
rmOutliersTrades | Remove outliers in trades without using quote data |
rMPVar | Realized multipower variation |
rMRCov | Modulated realized covariance |
rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes | Delete transactions with unlikely transaction prices |
rOWCov | Realized outlyingness weighted covariance |
rQPVar | Realized quad-power variation of intraday returns |
rQuar | Realized quarticity |
rRTSCov | Robust two time scale covariance estimation |
rRVar | An estimator of realized variance. |
rSemiCov | Realized semicovariance |
rSkew | Realized skewness |
rSVar | Realized semivariance of highfrequency return series |
rThresholdCov | Threshold Covariance |
rTPQuar | Realized tri-power quarticity |
rTSCov | Two time scale covariance estimation |
salesCondition | salesCondition is deprecated. Use tradesCondition instead. |
sampleMultiTradeData | Multivariate tick by tick data |
sampleOneMinuteData | One minute data |
sampleQData | Sample of cleaned quotes for stock XXX for 2 days measured in... |
sampleQDataRaw | Sample of raw quotes for stock XXX for 2 days measured in... |
sampleTData | Sample of cleaned trades for stock XXX for 2 days |
sampleTDataEurope | European data |
sampleTDataRaw | Sample of raw trades for stock XXX for 2 days |
selectExchange | Retain only data from a single stock exchange |
spotDrift | Spot Drift Estimation |
spotVol | Spot volatility estimation |
spreadPrices | Convert to format for realized measures |
SPYRM | SPY realized measures |
summary.HARmodel | Summary for 'HARmodel' objects |
tradesCleanup | Cleans trade data |
tradesCleanupUsingQuotes | Perform a final cleaning procedure on trade data |
tradesCondition | Delete entries with abnormal trades condition. |
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