
Defines functions .sim.hydist .hydist.dup rhydist qhydist phydist dhydist .hydist.check.params

Documented in dhydist phydist qhydist rhydist

# Functions for calculating distributions associated with drawing distinct
#  categories from a single urn containing duplicates in q<=n of its
#  categories.
# Author: Alex T. Kalinka (alex.t.kalinka@gmail.com)

#### Main user-callable functions that do the dispatching to user-invisible worker functions below. ####
# Density, distribution (probability mass function), quantile, and random generation functions:

.hydist.check.params <- function(n, a, q)
	if(!a>=0 || !n>=0 || !q>=0 || !a<=n || !q<=n || !q>=0){
		stop("the following constraints must be met:\nn > 0\n0 <= a <= n\n0 <= q <= n\n", call. = FALSE)
	cmin <- a-min(floor(a/2),q)
	cmax <- a
	crange <- cmin:cmax

#' Drawing Distinct Categories from a Single Urn
#' Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the distribution of distinct categories drawn from a single urn in which there are duplicates in q of the categories.
#' @param n An integer specifying the number of categories in the urn.
#' @param a An integer specifying the number of balls drawn from the urn.
#' @param q An integer specifying the number of categories in the urn which have duplicate members.
#' @name Hyperdistinct

#' @rdname Hyperdistinct
#' @param range A vector of integers specifying the intersection sizes for which probabilities (dhydist) or cumulative probabilites (phydist) should be computed (can be a single number). If range is NULL (default) then probabilities will be returned over the entire range of possible values.
#' @param log Logical. If TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). Defaults to FALSE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Generate the distribution of distinct categories drawn from a single urn.
#' dd <- dhydist(20, 10, 12)
#' ## Restrict the range of intersections.
#' dd <- dhydist(20, 10, 12, range = 5:10)
dhydist <- function(n, a, q, range = NULL, log = FALSE)
	# range is a vector giving intersection sizes for which the user wishes to retrieve probabilities.
	crange <- .hydist.check.params(n, a, q)
		range <- crange
	rn <- intersect(range, crange)
		dist <- data.frame(c=range, p=rep(0,length(range)))
	dist <- .hydist.dup(n, a, q, range = rn)
		dist[,2] <- log(dist[,2])

#' @rdname Hyperdistinct
#' @param vals A vector of integers specifying the intersection sizes for which probabilities (dhydist) or cumulative probabilites (phydist) should be computed (can be a single number). If range is NULL (default) then probabilities will be returned over the entire range of possible values.
#' @param log.p Logical. If TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param upper.tail Logical. If TRUE, probabilities are P(X >= c), else P(X <= c). Defaults to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Generate cumulative probabilities.
#' pp <- phydist(29, 15, 8, vals = 5)
#' pp <- phydist(29, 15, 8, vals = 2, upper.tail = FALSE)
phydist <- function(n, a, q, vals, upper.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
	# vals are the values of v for which we want cumulative probabilities.
	dist <- dhydist(n, a, q)
		dist[,2] <- log(dist[,2])
	crange <- .hydist.check.params(n, a, q)
	rn <- intersect(vals, crange)
		pp <- NULL
		for(i in 1:length(vals)){
			if(vals[i] < min(crange)){
					pp[i] <- 1
					pp[i] <- 0
					pp[i] <- 0
					pp[i] <- 1
		pval <- data.frame(c=vals, cum.p=rep(pp, length(vals)))
		pv <- NULL
		for(i in 1:length(rn)){
				inds <- which(dist[,1]==rn[i]):nrow(dist)
				inds <- 1:which(dist[,1]==rn[i])
			pv[i] <- sum(dist[inds, 2])
		pval <- data.frame(c=rn, cum.p=pv)
		pval[,2] <- log(pval[,2])

#' @rdname Hyperdistinct
#' @param p A probability between 0 and 1.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Extract quantiles:
#' qq <- qhydist(0.15, 23, 12, 10)
qhydist <- function(p, n, a, q, upper.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
	# p is a probability.
	if(!p>=0 || !p<=1){
		stop("p must be between 0 and 1\n", call. = FALSE)
	crange <- .hydist.check.params(n, a, q)
	vals <- crange
	dist <- dhydist(n, a, q, range=vals)
	pvals <- phydist(n, a, q, upper.tail=upper.tail, vals=vals)
	inds <- which(pvals[,2]<=p)
	if(length(inds) == 0)
	  inds <- nrow(pvals)
	pv <- sum(dist[inds, 2])
	qq <- pvals[max(inds),1]
		pv <- log(pv)
	ret <- data.frame(c=qq, cum.p=pv)

#' @rdname Hyperdistinct
#' @param num An integer specifying the number of random numbers to generate. Defaults to 5.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Generate random samples based on this distribution.
#' rr <- rhydist(num = 10, 18, 9, 12)
rhydist <- function(num = 5, n, a, q)
	crange <- .hydist.check.params(n, a, q)
	probs <- dhydist(n, a, q, range=crange)
	samp <- sample(crange, num, prob = probs[,2], replace = TRUE)

#### Worker function(s): ####

# Single urn with q duplicates.
.hydist.dup <- function(n, a, q, range)
	dist <- NULL
	for(c in range){
		qs <- 0
		jmax <- q-a+c
		for(j in 0:jmax){
			if((q-a+c-j+1)<=0 || (2*c-a-j+1)<=0){
				qs <- qs
				qs <- sum(qs, exp(lgamma(q+1) - lgamma(a-c+1) - lgamma(q-a+c-j+1) - lgamma(j+1) + lgamma(n-a+c-j+1) - lgamma(n-c+1) - lgamma(2*c-a-j+1) - lgamma(n+q+1) + lgamma(n+q-a+1) + lgamma(a+1)) )
		dist <- append(dist, qs)
	ret <- data.frame(c=range,p=dist)

### Simulation ###

.sim.hydist <- function(n, a, sims = 10000, Na = rep(2,n))
	# Na is a vector with the numbers in each category.
	sdist <- NULL; na <- NULL
	for(i in 1:n){
		na <- append(na, rep(i,Na[i]))

	for(i in 1:sims){
		cat("\r   Completed...",round((i/sims)*100,3),"%",collapse="")
		s1 <- sample(na, a, replace = FALSE)
		sdist[i] <- length(unique(s1))

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