#' historicalborrowlong: Bayesian longitudinal historical borrowing models
#' for clinical studies.
#' @description Bayesian longitudinal historical borrowing models for
#' clinical studies.
#' @name historicalborrowlong-package
#' @family help
#' @useDynLib historicalborrowlong, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom clustermq Q
#' @importFrom dplyr across arrange bind_cols bind_rows distinct filter group_by
#' group_modify left_join mutate n rename select summarize ungroup
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_errorbar facet_wrap geom_point ggplot
#' position_dodge theme_gray xlab ylab
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
#' @importFrom methods callNextMethod
#' @importFrom posterior as_draws_df mcse_mean mcse_sd mcse_quantile
#' @importFrom Rcpp compileAttributes
#' @importFrom RcppParallel CxxFlags
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom rstan sampling
#' @importFrom rstantools rstan_config
#' @importFrom stats as.formula model.matrix qnorm quantile rnorm runif
#' sd update var
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr complete expand_grid fill nesting pivot_longer pivot_wider
#' @importFrom tidyselect any_of everything starts_with
#' @importFrom trialr rlkjcorr
#' @importFrom utils capture.output globalVariables
#' @importFrom withr local_options
#' @importFrom zoo na.locf
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