
#' RuleHeatmap
#' Produces a heatmap that allows to identify what observations are covered by the most important decision rules. Details can be found in Nalenz & Villani (2017).
#'@import grDevices
#'@import RColorBrewer
#'@param model list containing a model of class "HorseRuleFit".
#'@param k number of most important rules to be shown in the RuleHeat plot.

#' # Split in train and test data
#'N = nrow(Boston)
#'train = sample(1:N, 400)
#'Xtrain = Boston[train,-14]
#'ytrain = Boston[train, 14]
#'Xtest = Boston[-train, -14]
#'ytest = Boston[-train, 14]
#'hrres = HorseRuleFit(X = Xtrain, y=ytrain,
#'                     thin=1, niter=200, burnin=10,
#'                     L=5, S=6, ensemble = "both", mix=0.3, ntree=100,
#'                     intercept=FALSE, linterms=1:13, ytransform = "log",
#'                     alpha=1, beta=2, linp = 1, restricted = 0)
#' #Create a ruleheat plot.
#'ruleheat(hrres = 10)

#' @export

ruleheat = function(model, k){
  Xt = model$df
  Xt[Xt <0] = 0
  Xt[Xt >0] = 1
  postmean = model$bhat
  y = model$y
  imp = abs(postmean)
  imp[model$modelstuff$linterms] = 0
  bhat = postmean[order(imp, decreasing = T)[1:k]]
  Xtemp = Xt[,order(imp, decreasing=T)[1:k]]
  for ( i in 1:k){
    name[i] = paste(i)
  colnames(Xtemp) = name
  bnew= bhat[bhat!=0]
  colcol = c()
  colcol[bnew <0]=9
  colcol[bnew >0]=4
  palette = colorRampPalette(c("white", "aquamarine3"))(2)
  marker = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,"Spectral"))(10)
    heatmap(Xtemp, RowSideColors=c("black", "red")[as.numeric(y)], ColSideColors = marker[colcol],
            col = palette, scale='none')
  } else {
    nonz = (y+abs(min(y)))
    vals = nonz/max(nonz)
    int = ((1:11)/11)
    heatmap(as.matrix(Xtemp), RowSideColors=c(grey(rev(1:12)/12)[findInterval(vals, int)+1]), ColSideColors = marker[colcol],
            col = palette, scale='none')

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horserule documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:04 a.m.