predictHyperspec: Prediction based on train-object and Speclib

predictHyperspecR Documentation

Prediction based on train-object and Speclib


Perform predictions based on a train-object from the caret-package and a hyperspectral dataset from hsdar. See help file to function predict.train of the caret-package for general information on prediction with caret.


## S4 method for signature 'train,.CaretHyperspectral,missing'
predictHyperspec(object, newdata, preProcess, ...)  
## S4 method for signature 'train,.CaretHyperspectral,function'
predictHyperspec(object, newdata, preProcess, ...)



Object of class train from caret-package


Object of class Speclib or Nri to predict on.


Optional function to be applied on newdata prior to the prediction.


Further arguments passed to original train function and/or to the preProcess-function.


Depending on the settings either a vector of predictions if type = "raw" or a data frame of class probabilities for type = "prob". In the latter case, there are columns for each class. For predict.list, a list results. Each element is produced by predict.train. See details in predict.train in the caret-package.


Lukas Lehnert

See Also

predict.train, Speclib


## Not run: 
## The following example is taken from the journal paper 
## "Hyperspectral Data Analysis in R: the hsdar Package"
## under review at the "Journal of Statistical Software"

spectral_data <- noiseFiltering(spectral_data, method = "sgolay", p = 15)

## Convert the chlorophyll measurements stored in the SI dataframe 
## from SPAD-values into mg.
SI(spectral_data)$chlorophyll <- 
  (117.1 * SI(spectral_data)$chlorophyll) /
  (148.84 - SI(spectral_data)$chlorophyll)
## Mask spectra  
spectral_data <- spectral_data[, wavelength(spectral_data) >= 310 & 
  wavelength(spectral_data) <= 1000]

## Transform reflectance values into band depth applying a segmented upper hull
## continuum removal.  
spec_bd <- transformSpeclib(spectral_data, method = "sh", out = "bd")

## Select the chlorophyll absorption features at 460 nm and 670 nm for further
## processing
featureSpace <- specfeat(spec_bd, c(460, 670))

## Calculate all parameters from both selected features such as area, distance
## to Gauss curve etc.
featureSpace <- feature_properties(featureSpace)

## Set response and additional predictor variables for random forest model
featureSpace <- setResponse(featureSpace, "chlorophyll")
featureSpace <- setPredictor(featureSpace,

## Define training and cross validation for random forest model tuning
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 5)

## Partition data set for training and validation
training_validation <- createDataPartition(featureSpace)

## Train random forest model based on training-subset
rfe_trained <- train(featureSpace[training_validation$Resample1,], 
                     trainControl = ctrl, method = "rf")  

## Predict on the validation data set
pred <- predictHyperspec(rfe_trained, featureSpace[-training_validation$Resample1,])

## Plot result for visual interpretation
lim <- range(c(SI(featureSpace,i = -training_validation$Resample1)$chlorophyll,
plot(SI(featureSpace,i = -training_validation$Resample1)$chlorophyll, pred,
     ylab = "Predicted chlorophyll content",
     xlab = "Estimated chlorophyll content", 
     xlim = lim, ylim = lim)
lines(par()$usr[c(1,2)],par()$usr[c(3,4)], lty = "dotted")

## End(Not run)

hsdar documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:35 p.m.