#' Expectations for mocked HTTP requests
#' The mock contexts in `httptest2` can raise errors or messages when requests
#' are made, and those (error) messages have three
#' elements, separated by space: (1) the request
#' method (e.g. "GET"); (2) the request URL; and
#' (3) the request body, if present.
#' These verb-expectation functions look for this message shape. `expect_PUT`,
#' for instance, looks for a request message that starts with "PUT".
#' @param object Code to execute that may cause an HTTP request
#' @param url character: the URL you expect a request to be made to. Default is
#' an empty string, meaning that you can just assert that a request is made with
#' a certain method without asserting anything further.
#' @param ... character segments of a request payload you expect to be included
#' in the request body, to be joined together by `paste0()`. You may also pass
#' any of the following named logical arguments, which will be passed to
#' [base::grepl()]:
#' * `fixed`: Should matching take the pattern as is or treat it as a regular
#' expression. Default: `TRUE`, and note that this default is the opposite of
#' the default in `grepl`. (The rest of the arguments follow its defaults.)
#' * ``: Should matching be done case insensitively? Default:
#' `FALSE`, meaning matches are case sensitive.
#' * `perl`: Should Perl-compatible regular expressions be used? Default: `FALSE`
#' * `useBytes`: Should matching be done byte-by-byte rather than
#' character-by-character? Default: `FALSE`
#' @return A `testthat` 'expectation'.
#' @examples
#' library(httr2)
#' without_internet({
#' expect_GET(
#' request("") %>% req_perform(),
#' ""
#' )
#' expect_GET(
#' request("") %>% req_perform(),
#' "[a-z]+",
#' fixed = FALSE # For regular expression matching
#' )
#' expect_PUT(
#' request("") %>%
#' req_method("PUT") %>%
#' req_body_json(list(a = 1)) %>%
#' req_perform(),
#' "",
#' '{"a":1}'
#' )
#' # Don't need to assert the request body, or even the URL
#' expect_PUT(
#' request("") %>%
#' req_method("PUT") %>%
#' req_body_json(list(a = 1)) %>%
#' req_perform()
#' )
#' expect_no_request(rnorm(5))
#' })
#' @name expect_verb
#' @aliases expect_GET expect_POST expect_PUT expect_PATCH expect_DELETE expect_no_request
#' @export
expect_GET <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
expect_request(object, "GET ", url, " ", ...)
#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_POST <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
expect_request(object, "POST ", url, " ", ...)
#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_PATCH <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
expect_request(object, "PATCH ", url, " ", ...)
#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_PUT <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
expect_request(object, "PUT ", url, " ", ...)
#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_DELETE <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
expect_request(object, "DELETE ", url, " ", ...)
#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_no_request <- function(object, ...) {
# No request means no httptest2_request error raised
expect_error(object, NA, ..., class = "httptest2_request")
#' @importFrom testthat expect_error fail
expect_request <- function(object,
fixed = TRUE, = FALSE,
perl = FALSE,
useBytes = FALSE) {
# PUT/POST/PATCH with no body may have trailing whitespace, so trim it
expected <- sub(" +$", "", paste0(...))
class = "httptest2_request",
fixed = fixed, =,
perl = perl,
useBytes = useBytes
error = function(e) {
# Distinguish between unexpected requests and real errors
if (inherits(e, "httptest2_request")) {
"An unexpected request was made:\n Actual: ",
"\n Expected: ", expected
} else if (inherits(e, "expectation_failure") && grepl("did not throw", e$message)) {
# This is what expect_error() says (under testthat 3e) when there is no error
fail("No request was made")
} else {
# A regular error. Re-raise it.
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.