
# !!! The special redirect URI "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob used
# !!! by httr in case httuv is not installed is currently not
# !!! supported by Azure Active Directory (AAD).
# !!! Therefore it is required to install httpuv to make this work.

# 1. Register an app app in AAD, e.g. as a "Native app", with
#    redirect URI <http://localhost:1410/>.
# 2. Insert the App name:
app_name <- "myapp" # not important for authorization grant flow
# 3. Insert the created apps client ID which was issued after app creation:
client_id <- "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee"
# In case your app was registered as a web app instead of a native app,
# you might have to add your secret key string here:
client_secret <- NULL
# API resource ID to request access for, e.g. Power BI:
resource_uri <- ""

# Obtain OAuth2 endpoint settings for azure:
#    This uses the "common" endpoint.
#    To use a tenant url, create an
#    oauth_endpoint(authorize = "<tenant_id>/oauth2/authorize",
#                   access = "<tenant_id>/oauth2/token")
#    with <tenant_id> replaced by your endpoint ID.
azure_endpoint <- oauth_endpoints("azure")

# Create the app instance.
myapp <- oauth_app(
  appname = app_name,
  key = client_id,
  secret = client_secret

# Step through the authorization chain:
#    1. You will be redirected to you authorization endpoint via web browser.
#    2. Once you responded to the request, the endpoint will redirect you to
#       the local address specified by httr.
#    3. httr will acquire the authorization code (or error) from the data
#       posted to the redirect URI.
#    4. If a code was acquired, httr will contact your authorized token access
#       endpoint to obtain the token.
mytoken <- oauth2.0_token(azure_endpoint, myapp,
  user_params = list(resource = resource_uri),
  use_oob = FALSE
if (("error" %in% names(mytoken$credentials)) && (nchar(mytoken$credentials$error) > 0)) {
  errorMsg <- paste("Error while acquiring token.",
    paste("Error message:", mytoken$credentials$error),
    paste("Error description:", mytoken$credentials$error_description),
    paste("Error code:", mytoken$credentials$error_codes),
    sep = "\n"

# Resource API can be accessed through "mytoken" at this point.

Try the httr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

httr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 9:08 a.m.