
### .extract - internal function doing the work for extracting with [] and [[]]

##' @include wl2i.R
##' @noRd
.extract <- function (x, i, j, l,
                      wl.index = FALSE
  if (! missing (i))
    x@data <- x@data[i,, drop = FALSE]

  if (!missing (j)){
    x@data <- x@data[, j, drop = FALSE]
    x@label <- x@label [c (".wavelength", colnames (x@data))]

  if (!missing (l)) {
    if (is.null (x@data$spc))
      warning ("Selected columns do not contain specta. l ignored.")
    else {
      if (!wl.index)
        l <- wl2i (x, l)

      x@data$spc <- x@data$spc[,l, drop = FALSE]
      .wl (x) <- x@wavelength[l]


##' These Methods allow to extract and replace parts of the \code{hyperSpec} object.
##' They work with respect to the spectra (rows of \code{x}), the columns of the data matrix, and the
##' wavelengths (columns of the spectra matrix).
##' Thus, they can be used for selecting/deleting spectra, cutting the spectral range, and extracting
##' or setting the data belonging to the spectra.
##' Convenient shortcuts for access of the spectra matrix and the \code{data.frame} in slot
##' \code{data} are provided.
##' \emph{Extracting: \code{[}, \code{[[}, and \code{$}}.
##' The version with single square brackets (\code{[}) returns the resulting \code{hyperSpec} object.
##' \code{[[} yields \code{data.frame} of slot \code{@@data} of that corresponding \code{hyperSpec}
##' object returned with the same arguments by \code{[} if columns were selected (i.e. \code{j} is
##' given), otherwise the spectra \code{matrix} \code{x@@data$spc}.
##' \code{$} returns the selected column of the \code{data.frame} in slot \code{@@data}.
##' \emph{Shortcuts.} Three shortcuts to conveniently extract much needed parts of the object are
##' defined:
##' \code{x[[]]} returns the spectra matrix.
##' \code{x$.} returns the complete slot \code{@@data}, including the spectra matrix in column
##' \code{$spc}, as a \code{data.frame}.
##' \code{x$..} returns a \code{data.frame} like \code{x$.} but without the spectra matrix.
##' \emph{Replacing: \code{[<-}, \code{[[<-}, and \code{$<-}}.
##' \preformatted{
##' ## S4 method for signature 'hyperSpec':
##' x [i, j, l, \dots] <- value
##' ## S4 method for signature 'hyperSpec':
##' x [[i, j, l, wl.index = FALSE, \dots]] <- value
##' ## S4 method for signature 'hyperSpec':
##' x$name <- value
##' }
##' \code{value} gives the values to be assigned.\cr
##' For \code{$}, this can also be a list of the form \code{list (value =
##' value, label = label)}, with \code{label} containing the label for data
##' column \code{name}.
##' \code{[[<-} replaces parts of the spectra matrix.
##' \code{[<-} replaces parts of the \code{data.frame} in slot \code{x@@data}.
##' \code{$<-} replaces a column of the \code{data.frame} in slot
##' \code{x@@data}.  The \code{value} may be a list with two elements,
##' \code{value} and \code{label}.  In this case the label of the data column
##' is changed accordingly.
##' \code{$..<-} is again an abbreviation for the data.frame without the
##' spectra matrix.

##' @title Extract and Replace parts of hyperSpec objects
##' @rdname extractreplace
##' @docType methods
##' @aliases [ [,hyperSpec-method
##' @param x a \code{hyperSpec} Object
##' @param i row index: selects spectra
##' \code{[[} and \´code{[[<-} accept indexing with logical matrix or a n by 2
##'   integer index matrix. In this case the indexing is done inside the
##'   spectra matrix. See the examples below.
##' @param j selecting columns of \code{x@@data}
##' @param l selecting columns of the spectra matrix. If \code{l} is numeric,
##'   the default behaviour is treating \code{l} as wavelengths, \emph{not} as
##'   indices.
##' @param wl.index If \code{TRUE} (default), the value(s) in \code{l} are
##'   treated as column indices for the spectral matrix. Otherwise, the numbers
##'   in \code{l} are treated as wavelengths and the corresponding column
##'   indices are looked up first via \code{\link{wl2i}}.
##' @param drop For \code{[[}: drop unnecessary dimensions, see
##'   \code{\link[base]{drop}} and \code{\link[base]{Extract}}. Ignored for
##'   \code{[}, as otherwise invalid \code{hyperSpec} objects might result.
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return For \code{[}, \code{[<-}, \code{[[<-}, and \code{$<-} a \code{hyperSpec} object,
##' for \code{[[} a matrix or \code{data.frame}, and
##' for \code{$} the column of the \code{data.frame} \code{@@data}.
##' \code{x[[]]} returns the complete spectra matrix.
##' \code{x$.} returns the complete slot \code{@@data},
##' \code{x$..} returns the \code{data.frame} in \code{@@data} but without the column
##' \code{@@data$spc} containing the spectra matrix.
##' @seealso \code{\link{wl2i}} on conversion of wavelength ranges to indices.
##' \code{\link[base]{drop}} and \code{\link[base]{Extract}} on \code{drop}.
##' @keywords methods manip
##' @examples
##' ## index into the rows (spectra) -------------------------------------
##' ## make some "spectra"
##' ## numeric index
##' plot (flu, "spc", lines.args = list (lty = 2))
##' plot (flu[1:3], "spc", add = TRUE, col = "red")     # select spectra
##' plot (flu[-(1:3)], "spc", add = TRUE, col = "blue") # delete spectra
##' ## logic index
##' plot (flu, "spc", lines.args = list (lty = 2))
##' index <- rnorm (6) > 0
##' index
##' plot (flu[index], "spc", add = TRUE, col = "red")   # select spectra
##' plot (flu[!index], "spc", add = TRUE, col = "blue") # select spectra
##' ## index into the data columns ---------------------------------------
##' range (chondro[[,"x"]])
##' colnames (chondro[[,1]])
##' dim (chondro[[,c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)]])
##' chondro$x
##' ## the shortcut functions --------------------------------------------
##' ## extract the spectra matrix
##' flu[[]]
##' ## indexing via logical matrix
##' summary (flu [[flu < 125]])
##' ## indexing the spectra matrix with index matrix n by 2
##' ind <- matrix (c (1, 2, 4, 406, 405.5, 409), ncol = 2)
##' ind
##' flu [[ind]]
##' ind <- matrix (c (1, 2, 4, 4:6), ncol = 2)
##' ind
##' flu [[ind, wl.index = TRUE]]
##' pca <- prcomp (flu[[]])
##' ## result is data.frame, if j is given:
##' result <- flu [[, 1:2, 405 ~ 410]]
##' result
##' class (result)
##' colnames (result)
##' ## extract the data.frame including the spectra matrix
##' flu$.
##' dim(flu$.)
##' colnames (flu$.)
##' flu$.$spc
##' calibration <- lm (spc ~ c, data = flu[,,450]$.)
##' calibration
##' flu$..
##' colnames (flu$..)
##' @include call.list.R
##' @export
setMethod ("[", signature = signature (x = "hyperSpec"),
           function (x, i, j, l, ...,
                     wl.index = FALSE,
                     drop = FALSE  # drop has to be at end
  validObject (x)

  if (drop)
    warning ("Ignoring drop = TRUE.")

  dots <- list (...)
  if (length (dots) > 0L)
    warning ("Ignoring additional parameters: ", .pastenames (dots))

  x <- .extract (x, i, j, l, wl.index = wl.index)

  if (is.null (x@data$spc)){
    x@data$spc <- matrix (NA, nrow (x@data), 0)
    x@wavelength <- numeric (0)


##' @rdname extractreplace
##' @export
##' @aliases [[ [[,hyperSpec-method
## ' @name [[
setMethod ("[[", signature = signature (x = "hyperSpec"),
           function (x, i, j, l, ...,
                     wl.index = FALSE,
                     drop = FALSE){
  validObject (x)

  dots <- list (...)
  if (length (dots) > 0L)
    warning ("Ignoring additional parameters: ", .pastenames (dots))

  ## check wheter a index matrix is used
  if (! missing (i) && is.matrix (i)){
    if (! is.logical (i) && ! (is.numeric (i) && ncol (i) == 2))
      stop ("Index matrix i  must either be logical of the size of x$spc,",
            "or a n by 2 matrix.")

    if (is.numeric (i) && ! wl.index)
      i [, 2] <- .getindex (x, i [, 2], extrapolate = FALSE)

    x@data$spc [i]                      # return value

  } else {                              # index by row and columns
    x <- .extract (x, i, j, l, wl.index = wl.index)
    if (missing (j))
      unclass (x@data$spc[,, drop = drop]) # retrun value; removes the "AsIs"
    else {
      x@data[,, drop = drop]            # return value: data.frame

##' @rdname extractreplace
##' @param name name of the data column to extract. \code{$spc} yields the spectra matrix.
##' @aliases $ $,hyperSpec-method
##' @export
setMethod ("$", signature = signature (x = "hyperSpec"),
           function (x, name){
  validObject (x)

  if (name == ".") ## shortcut
    x@data [, , drop = FALSE]
  else if (name == "..")
    x@data[, -match ("spc", colnames (x@data)), drop = FALSE]

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hyperSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:28 a.m.