
.options <- list (debuglevel = 0L,
                  gc = FALSE,
                  file.remove.emptyspc = TRUE,
                  file.keep.name = TRUE,
                  tolerance = sqrt (.Machine$double.eps),
									wl.tolerance = sqrt (.Machine$double.eps),
									plot.spc.nmax = 25,
									ggplot.spc.nmax = 10

##' Options for package hyperSpec
##' Functions to access and set hyperSpec's options.
##' Currently, the following options are defined:
##' \tabular{llll}{
##' \bold{Name}          \tab \bold{Default Value (range)}      \tab \bold{Description}                               \tab \bold{Used by}\cr
##' debuglevel           \tab 0 (1L 2L 3L)                      \tab amount of debugging information produced         \tab \code{\link{spc.identify}} \code{\link{map.identify}}\cr
##'                      \tab                                   \tab                                                  \tab various file import functions\cr
##'                      \tab                                   \tab                                                  \tab \code{\link{spc.fit.poly.below}}\cr
##' gc                   \tab FALSE                             \tab triggers frequent calling of gc ()               \tab \code{\link{read.ENVI}}, \code{new ("hyperSpec")}\cr
##' file.remove.emptyspc \tab TRUE                              \tab remove empty spectra directly on file import     \tab various file import functions\cr
##' file.keep.name       \tab TRUE                              \tab always create filename column                    \tab various file import functions\cr
##' tolerance            \tab \code{sqrt (.Machine$double.eps)} \tab tolerance for numerical comparisons              \tab \code{\link{normalize01}}, file import: \code{file.remove.emptyspc}\cr
##' wl.tolerance         \tab \code{sqrt (.Machine$double.eps)} \tab tolerance for comparisons of the wavelength axis \tab \code{\link{all.equal}}, \code{\link{collapse}}, \code{\link{rbind}}\cr
##' plot.spc.nmax        \tab 25                                \tab number of spectra to be plotted by default       \tab \code{\link{plotspc}}\cr
##' ggplot.spc.nmax      \tab 10                                \tab                                                  \tab \code{\link{qplotspc}}\cr
##' }
##' \code{hy.setOptions} will discard any values that were given without a
##' name.
##' @rdname options
##' @param ... \code{hy.setOptions}: pairs of argument names and values.
##' \code{hy.getOptions}: indices (or names) of the options.
##' @return
##' \tabular{ll}{
##' \code{hy.getOptions} \tab returns a list of all options\cr
##' \code{hy.setOptions} \tab invisibly returns a list with the options \cr
##' \code{hy.getOption}  \tab returns the value of the requested option \cr
##' }
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @keywords misc
##' @export
##' @examples
##' hy.getOptions ()
hy.getOptions <- function (...){
  dots <- c (...)
  if (length (dots) == 0L)
  .options [dots]

##' @include unittest.R
.test (hy.getOptions) <- function (){

  test_that("proper return", {
    hy.opts <- get (".options", asNamespace("hyperSpec"))
    expect_equal (hy.getOptions (), hy.opts)

    expect_equal (hy.getOptions ("debuglevel"),

    .options <- list ()
    expect_equal (hy.getOptions (), hy.opts)

##' @rdname options
##' @export
##' @param name the name of the option
hy.getOption <- function (name){
  .options [[name]]

##' @rdname options
##' @export
##' @importFrom utils modifyList
hy.setOptions <- function (...){
  new <- list (...)

  ## if called with list in 1st argument, use that list
  if (length (new) == 1 && is.list (new [[1]]))
    new <- new [[1]]

  names <- nzchar (names (new))

  if (! all (names) || length (names) != length (new))
    warning ("options without name are discarded: ", which (! names))

  opts <- modifyList (.options, new [names])

  opts$tolerance <- .checkpos (opts$tolerance, "tolerance")
  opts$wl.tolerance <- .checkpos (opts$wl.tolerance, "wl.tolerance")

  assign(".options", opts, envir = asNamespace ("hyperSpec"))

  invisible (opts)

## check particular options that should exist and be finite and strictly positive
.checkpos <- function (opt, name){
	if (length (opt) != 1L || ! is.finite (opt) || opt < .Machine$double.eps){
		warning (name, " must be a strictly positive finite number => set to .Machine$double.eps (", .Machine$double.eps, ").")
		opt <- .Machine$double.eps


.test (hy.setOptions) <- function (){
  context ("hy.setOptions")

  old <- hy.getOptions ()
  on.exit(hy.setOptions (old))

  test_that("new option and proper return value", {
    expect_equal(hy.setOptions (bla = 1)$bla, 1)
    expect_equal (hy.getOption ("bla"), 1)

  test_that("setting", {
    tmp <- hy.setOptions (debuglevel = 27)
    expect_equal(tmp$debuglevel, 27)

    tmp <- hy.setOptions (list (debuglevel = 20))
    expect_equal(tmp$debuglevel, 20)

    tmp <- hy.setOptions (debuglevel = 27, tolerance = 4)
    expect_equal(tmp$debuglevel, 27)
    expect_equal(tmp$tolerance, 4)

    tmp <- hy.setOptions (list (debuglevel = 20, tolerance = 5))
    expect_equal(tmp$debuglevel, 20)
    expect_equal(tmp$tolerance, 5)

  test_that ("restrictions on tolerances", {
    for (o in c ("tolerance", "wl.tolerance")){
      expect_warning(hy.setOptions (structure (list (0), .Names = o)))
      expect_equal(hy.getOption (o), .Machine$double.eps, label = o)

      hy.setOptions (structure (list (1), .Names = o))
      expect_equal(hy.getOption (o), 1)
      expect_warning(hy.setOptions (structure (list (-1), .Names = o)))
      expect_equal(hy.getOption (o), .Machine$double.eps, label = o)

      hy.setOptions (structure (list (1), .Names = o))
      expect_equal(hy.getOption (o), 1)
      expect_warning(hy.setOptions (structure (list (NA), .Names = o)))
      expect_equal(hy.getOption (o), .Machine$double.eps, label = o)

    expect_warning(hy.setOptions (tolerance = NULL))
    expect_equal(hy.getOption ("tolerance"), .Machine$double.eps)

    expect_warning(hy.setOptions (wl.tolerance = NULL))
    expect_equal(hy.getOption ("wl.tolerance"), .Machine$double.eps)

  test_that("options must be named", {
    tmp.a <- hy.getOptions ()
    expect_warning (tmp.b <- hy.setOptions (1))
    expect_equal(tmp.a, tmp.b)


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hyperSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:28 a.m.