
### .getindex
## does the acual work of looking up the index for wl2i, .extract and .replace
## extrapolate = TRUE returns first resp. last index for wavelength outside hyperSpec@wavelength.
## extrapolate = FALSE returns NA in this case

.getindex <- function (x, wavelength, extrapolate = TRUE){
    if (! extrapolate) {
        wavelength [wavelength < min (x@wavelength)] <- -Inf
        wavelength [wavelength > max (x@wavelength)] <- +Inf
    tmp <- wavelength [is.finite (wavelength)]
    if (length (tmp) > 0) {
        tmp <- sapply (tmp,
                         function (x, y) which.min (abs (x  - y)),
        wavelength [is.finite (wavelength)] <- tmp

##' Conversion between Wavelength and Spectra Matrix Column
##' Index \code{wl2i} returns the column indices for the spectra matrix for the given wavelengths.
##' \code{i2wl} converts column indices into wavelengths.
##' If \code{wavelength} is numeric, each of its elements is converted to the respective index.
##' Values outside the range of \code{x@@wavelength} become \code{NA}.
##' If the range is given as a formula (i.e. \code{start ~ end}, a sequence
##' index corresponding to start : index corresponding to end
##' is returned. If the wavelengths are not ordered, that may lead to chaos. In this case, call
##' \code{\link[hyperSpec]{orderwl}} first.
##' Two special variables can be used: \code{min} and \code{max}, corresponding to the lowest and
##' highest wavelength of \code{x}, respectively.
##' start and end may be complex numbers. The resulting index for a complex x is then
##' index (Re (x)) + Im (x)
##' @aliases wl2i
##' @param x a \code{hyperSpec} object
##' @param wavelength the wavelengths to be converted into column indices,
##'   either numeric or a formula, see details.
##' @param i the column indices into the spectra matrix for which the
##'   wavelength is to be computed
##' @param unlist if multiple wavelength ranges are given, should the indices be unlisted or kept in a list?
##' @return A numeric containing the resulting indices for \code{wl2i}
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @export
##' @examples
##' flu
##' wl2i (flu, 405 : 407)
##' wl2i (flu, 405 ~ 407)
##' ## beginning of the spectrum to 407 nm 
##' wl2i (flu, min ~ 407)
##' ## 2 data points from the beginning of the spectrum to 407 nm 
##' wl2i (flu, min + 2i ~ 407)
##' ## the first 3 data points   
##' wl2i (flu, min ~ min + 2i)
##' ## from 490 nm to end of the spectrum 
##' wl2i (flu, 490 ~ max)
##' ## the last 8 data points 
##' wl2i (flu, max - 7i ~ max)
##' ## get 450 nm +- 3 data points
##' wl2i (flu, 450 - 3i ~ 450 + 3i) 
##' wl2i (flu, 300 : 400) ## all NA: 
##' wl2i (flu, 600 ~ 700) ## NULL: completely outside flu's wavelength range
##' @importFrom lazyeval lazy lazy_eval is_formula f_eval_lhs f_eval_rhs
wl2i <- function (x, wavelength = stop ("wavelengths are required."), unlist = TRUE){
  chk.hy (x)
  validObject (x)
  ## wavelength may have been forced already before.
  ## in that case, no special evaluation can be done.
  ## However, we cannot know whether we have the experession forced already or not, 
  ## so we have to try
  try ({
    wavelength <- lazy (wavelength)
    wavelength <- lazy_eval (wavelength, 
                             data = list (max = max (x@wavelength),   min = min (x@wavelength),
                                          maxwl = max (x@wavelength), minwl = min (x@wavelength)))
  }, silent = TRUE)

  ## make sure we have a list of ranges to be converted
  if (! is.list (wavelength))
    wavelength <- list (wavelength)
  results <- list ()
  for (r in seq_along (wavelength)){
    ## ~ sequence vs. scalars and : sequences
    if (is_formula (wavelength [[r]])){
      from <- f_eval_lhs(wavelength [[r]])
      to <- f_eval_rhs(wavelength [[r]])
    } else { 
      ## sequence with : or scalar
      from <- NULL
      to <- wavelength [[r]]
    ## conversion to indices
    if (is.logical (to))
      to <- seq_len (nwl (x)) [to]
      to <- .getindex (x, Re (to), extrapolate = FALSE) + Im (to)

    if (is.null (from)) { 
      results [[r]] <- to
      results [[r]][! is.finite(results [[r]])] <- NA
    } else {
      from <- .getindex (x, Re (from), extrapolate = FALSE) + Im (from)

      ## completely outside range
      results [[r]] <- NULL    
      ## start outside left
      if (from == -Inf) from <- 1
      ## end outside right
      if (to   ==  Inf) to <- nwl (x)      
      if (is.finite(from) && is.finite(to)){
        ## crop indices to range: 
        ## outside range indices can happen with complex wavelength specifications like min - 1i
        if (from < 1L) from <- 1L
        if (to > nwl (x)) to <- nwl (x)
        results [[r]] <- seq (from, to)    

  if (unlist)
    unlist (results)

.test (wl2i) <- function (){
  context ("wl2i")
  test_that(": sequence of wavelengths", {
    skip ("skip")
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, 405 : 407), c (1, 3, 5))
  test_that("~ sequence of indices", {
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, 405 ~ 407), 1 : 5)
  test_that("min special variables", {
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, min ~ 407), 1 : 5)
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, min + 2i ~ 407), 3 : 5)
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, min ~ min + 2i), 1 : 3)
  test_that("max special variables", {
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, 493 ~ max), 177 : 181)
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, max - 7i ~ max - 2i), 174 : 179)
  test_that("complex numbers for indices", {
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, 450 - 3i ~ 450 + 3i), 88 : 94)
    ## hitting range
    expect_equal (wl2i (flu, min - 1i ~ max + 1i), seq_len (nwl (flu)))

  test_that("logical indices", {
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, c (TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, rep (FALSE, nwl (flu) - 3))), 1 : 3)
  test_that("behavior outside spectral range", {
    ## completely outside range
    tmp <- wl2i (flu, 300 : 400)
    expect_true (all (is.na (tmp)))
    expect_equal(length (tmp), 101)

    expect_true (is.null (wl2i (flu, 600 ~ 700)))
    ## one side outside
    expect_equal (wl2i (flu, 400 ~ 407), 1 : 5)
    expect_equal (wl2i (flu, 490 ~ 500), 171 : 181)
    ## enclosing range
    expect_equal (wl2i (flu, 400 ~ 500), seq_len (nwl (flu)))
  test_that("list of ranges", {
    expect_equal(wl2i (flu, c (300 : 400,             405 ~ 407,             min ~ min + 2i)),
                 c (wl2i (flu, 300 : 400), wl2i (flu, 405 ~ 407), wl2i (flu, min ~ min + 2i)))
    expect_equal (wl2i (flu, c (min ~ min + 5i, 405 ~ 407), unlist = TRUE), c (1:6, 1:5))
    expect_equal (wl2i (flu, c (min ~ min + 5i, 405 ~ 407), unlist = FALSE), list (1:6, 1:5))
  test_that ("inside extraction", {})

##' @rdname wl2i
##' @aliases i2wl
##' @return \code{i2wl} returns a numeric with the wavelengths
##' @export
##' @examples
##' i2wl (chondro, 17:20)
i2wl <- function (x, i){
  chk.hy (x)
  validObject (x)

  x@wavelength [i]

## check for wrong complex invocation
## grepl("[(][[:digit:].]+[+-][[:digit:].]+i[)]", deparse (substitute (1i %~% max - 3i | 2800 %~% 3000, list (max = 3000))))

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hyperSpec documentation built on Sept. 13, 2021, 5:09 p.m.