summary.orlm <- function (object, display.unrestr = FALSE, brief = FALSE, digits = max(3,
getOption("digits") - 3), scientific = FALSE, overall.tests = TRUE,
bootCIs = TRUE, bty = "perc", level = 0.95, ...)
## check inputs
if (bootCIs & !is.null(object$bootout) & !bty %in% c("perc",
"basic", "norm", "bca"))
stop("bty is invalid.")
if (bootCIs & !is.null(object$bootout) & (level < 0.5 | level >
stop("invalid confidence level")
cat("Order-restricted linear model with restrictions of coefficients of",
namen <- names(coef(object))
if (is.null(namen))
namen <- paste("m", 1:length(object$b.restr), sep = "")
cat(namen[object$restr.index[colSums(!object$ui == 0) > 0]],
hilf <- object$ui
colnames(hilf) <- namen[object$restr.index]
aus <- cbind(hilf, rep("%*%colnames", nrow(object$ui)), c(rep(" == ",
object$meq), rep(" >= ", nrow(object$ui) - object$meq)),
rownames(aus) <- paste(1:nrow(aus), ":", sep = "")
colnames(aus)[(ncol(hilf) + 1):ncol(aus)] <- rep(" ", ncol(aus) -
aus <- cbind(rep(" ", nrow(aus)), aus)
aus[object$iact, 1] <- "A"
if (!brief) {
## print restriction information
if (object$meq == 0)
cat("\n", "Inequality restrictions:\n")
else cat("\n", "Restrictions:\n")
print(aus, quote = FALSE, scientific = FALSE)
cat("\n", "Note: Restrictions marked with A are active.",
cat("\n\nRestricted model: R2 reduced from", object$orig.R2,
"to", object$R2, "\n\n")
g <- length(object$b.restr)
## calculate bootstrap confidence intervals,
## if possible and desired
if (bootCIs & !is.null(object$bootout)) {
cis <- matrix(0, length(object$b.restr), 2)
colnames(cis) <- c("lower", "upper")
for (i in 1:length(object$b.restr)) {
if (!bty %in% c("norm", "perc"))
cis[i, ] <-$bootout, conf = level,
type = bty, index = i)[[bty]][4:5]
if (bty == "perc")
cis[i, ] <-$bootout, conf = level,
type = bty, index = i)[["percent"]][4:5]
if (bty == "norm")
cis[i, ] <-$bootout, conf = level,
type = bty, index = i)[["normal"]][2:3]
cat("\nCoefficients from order-restricted model\nwith",
100 * level, "pct bootstrap confidence intervals(",
bty, "):", "\n")
else cat("\nCoefficients from order-restricted model:", "\n")
orc <- round(coef(object), 9)
mark <- rep(" ", length(coef(object)))
mark[object$restr.index[colSums(!object$ui == 0) > 0]] <- "R"
names(orc) <- paste(mark, names(orc), sep = " ")
if (bootCIs & !is.null(object$bootout)) {
## attach bootstrap intervals to coefficients for printing
orc <- cbind(orc, round(cis, 9))
colnames(orc) <- c("Coeff.", "Lower", "Upper")
## print coefficient information
print(format(orc), quote = FALSE, digits = 4)
cat("\n", "Note: Coefficients marked with R are involved in restrictions.",
## overall tests, if not suppressed
if (overall.tests) {
hilf <- choose(nrow(object$ui) - object$meq, floor((nrow(object$ui) -
## prevent long runs if storage prevents successful completion
if (!is.numeric(try(matrix(0, floor((nrow(object$ui) -
object$meq)/2), hilf), silent = TRUE)))
stop(paste("Overall tests in summary.orlm did not work, too many inequality restrictions,\n",
"interim matrix with ", floor((nrow(object$ui) -
object$meq)/2) * hilf, " elements cannot be created\n",
"You can avoid this error message by running summary.orlm with option overall.tests=FALSE",
sep = ""))
## reporting of overall tests
cat("\n\nHypothesis tests (", object$df.error, "error degrees of freedom ):",
cat("Overall model test under the order restrictions:",
### !!! Exceptions for models without intercept to be implemented
hilf1 <- ic.test(object, TP = 11, ui0.11 = cbind(rep(0,
(g - 1)), diag(rep(1, g - 1))), ci0.11 = rep(0, g -
1), df.error = object$df.error, s2 = object$s2)
cat(" Test statistic: ", round(hilf1$T, 9), ", p-value: ",
if (hilf1$p.value < 1e-04)
else format(round(hilf1$p.value, 4), nsmall = 4),
"\n\n", sep = "")
cat("Type 1 test: H0: all restrictions active(=)", "\n",
" vs. H1: at least one restriction strictly true (>)",
## weights are used from previous test
hilf1 <- ic.test(object, df.error = object$df.error,
s2 = object$s2, wt = hilf1$
cat(" Test statistic: ", round(hilf1$T, 9), ", p-value: ",
if (hilf1$p.value < 1e-04)
else format(round(hilf1$p.value, 4), nsmall = 4),
"\n", sep = "")
cat("Type 2 test: H0: all restrictions true", "\n",
" vs. H1: at least one restriction false",
## weights are used from previous test
hilf2 <- ic.test(object, TP = 2, wt = hilf1$, df.error = object$df.error,
s2 = object$s2)
cat(" Test statistic: ", round(hilf2$T, 9), ", p-value: ",
if (hilf2$p.value < 1e-04)
else format(round(hilf2$p.value, 4), nsmall = 4),
"\n", sep = "")
if (!object$meq > 0) {
cat("Type 3 test: H0: at least one restriction false or active (=)",
"\n", " vs. H1: all restrictions strictly true (>)",
hilf3 <- ic.test(object, TP = 3, df.error = object$df.error,
s2 = object$s2)
cat(" Test statistic: ", round(hilf3$T, 9),
", p-value: ", if (hilf3$p.value < 1e-04)
else format(round(hilf3$p.value, 4), nsmall = 4),
"\n", sep = "")
cat("\nType 3 test based on t-distribution (one-sided),",
"\nall other tests based on mixture of beta distributions\n\n")
else {
cat("\nAll tests based on mixture of beta distributions",
"\n(Type 3 test not applicable because of equality restrictions)\n\n")
## display summary of unrestricted model, if desired and possible
if (display.unrestr) {
if (is.null(object$origmodel))
cat("\n\nResults from unrestricted model not available in object",
else {
cat("\n\nResults from the unrestricted model: ",
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