
Defines functions icd9IsValid icd9Valid icd9IsValidDecimal icd9ValidDecimal icd9IsValidShort icd9ValidShort icd9IsValidShortV icd9IsValidShortE icd9IsValidShortN icd9IsValidDecimalV icd9IsValidDecimalE icd9IsValidDecimalN icd9IsValidMajor icd9IsValidMajorN icd9IsValidMajorV icd9IsValidMajorE icd9IsValidMapping icd9IsValidMappingShort icd9IsValidMappingDecimal icd9GetInvalidMappingShort icd9GetInvalidMappingDecimal icd9GetValid icd9GetValidDecimal icd9GetValidShort icd9GetInvalid icd9GetInvalidDecimal icd9GetInvalidShort icd9IsMajor icd9IsN icd9IsV icd9IsE warnNumericCode

Documented in icd9GetInvalid icd9GetInvalidDecimal icd9GetInvalidMappingDecimal icd9GetInvalidMappingShort icd9GetInvalidShort icd9GetValid icd9GetValidDecimal icd9GetValidShort icd9IsE icd9IsN icd9IsV icd9IsValid icd9IsValidDecimal icd9IsValidMajor icd9IsValidMapping icd9IsValidMappingDecimal icd9IsValidMappingShort icd9IsValidShort icd9IsValidShortE icd9IsValidShortN icd9IsValidShortV icd9Valid icd9ValidDecimal icd9ValidShort

# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015  Jack O. Wasey
# This file is part of icd9.
# icd9 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# icd9 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with icd9. If not, see <http:#www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title check whether ICD-9 codes are syntactically valid
#' @description This does not check whether the code coresponds to a real
#'   ICD-9-CM billing code, or parent grouping. For that, see
#'   \code{\link{icd9IsReal}}.
#'   Factors are accepted, and since the validation is done with \code{grepl}
#'   these are handled correctly.
#'   Currently, there is a limitation on NA values. Calling with \code{NA}
#'   (which is a logical vector of length one by default) fails, because it is
#'   not a string. This is rarely of significance in real life, since the NA
#'   will be part of a character vector of codes, and will therefore be cast
#'   already to \code{NA_character}
#'   \code{NA} values result in a return value of \code{FALSE}.
#' @section Three-digit validation: \code{isValidMajor} validates just the
#'   'major' three-digit part of an ICD-9 code. This can in fact be provided as
#'   a numeric, since there is no ambiguity. Numeric-only codes should be one to
#'   three digitis, V codes are followed by one or two digits, and E codes
#'   always by three digits between 800 and 999.
#' @template major
#' @details Leading zeroes in the decimal form are not ambiguous. Although
#'   integer ICD-9 codes could be intended by the user, there is a difference
#'   between 100, 100.0, 100.00. Therefore a warning is given if a numeric value
#'   is provided
#' @template icd9-any
#' @template icd9-short
#' @template icd9-decimal
#' @template isShort
#' @seealso \code{\link{icd9IsValidDecimal}}, \code{\link{icd9IsValidShort}},
#'   \url{http://www.stata.com/users/wgould/icd9/icd9.hlp}
#'   url{http://www.sascommunity.org/wiki/Validate_the_format_of_ICD-9_codes}
#' @family ICD9 validation
#' @return logical vector with \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} for each icd9 code
#'   provided according to its validity
#' @examples
#'   icd9IsValidShort(c("", "1", "22", "333", "4444", "123.45", "V",
#'                      "V2", "V34", "V567", "E", "E1", "E70", "E"))
#'   icd9IsValidMajor(c("", "1", "22", "333", "4444", "123.45", "V",
#'                      "V2", "V34", "V567", "E", "E1", "E70", "E"))
#' @export
icd9IsValid <- function(icd9, isShort) {
  if (isShort) icd9IsValidShort(icd9) else icd9IsValidDecimal(icd9)

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9Valid <- function(icd9, isShort) {
  warning("icd9Valid is deprecated, please use icd9IsValid")
  icd9IsValid(icd9, isShort)

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9IsValidDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal) {
  if (length(icd9Decimal) == 0) return(logical())

  icd9IsValidDecimalN(icd9Decimal) |
    icd9IsValidDecimalV(icd9Decimal) |

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9ValidDecimal <- function(icd9) {
  warning("icd9ValidDecimal is deprecated, please use icd9IsValidDecimal")

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9IsValidShort <- function(icd9Short) {

  if (length(icd9Short) == 0) return(logical())


  # as explained in details, a numeric short ID has different validity
  # requirements than a string because of leading zeroes.
  icd9IsValidShortN(icd9Short) |
    icd9IsValidShortV(icd9Short) |

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9ValidShort <- function(icd9) {
  warning("icd9ValidShort is deprecated, please use icd9IsValidShort")

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9IsValidShortV <- function(icd9Short) {
  icd9Short <- asCharacterNoWarn(icd9Short)
  grepl("^[[:space:]]*[Vv](([1-9][[:digit:]]?)|([[:digit:]][1-9]))[[:digit:]]{0,2}[[:space:]]*$", # nolint

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9IsValidShortE <- function(icd9Short){
  icd9Short <- asCharacterNoWarn(icd9Short)
  grepl("^[[:space:]]*[Ee][[:digit:]]{1,4}[[:space:]]*$", icd9Short)

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9IsValidShortN <- function(icd9Short) {
  icd9Short <- asCharacterNoWarn(icd9Short)
  grepl("^[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]{1,5}[[:space:]]*$", icd9Short)

icd9IsValidDecimalV <- function(icd9Decimal) {
  icd9Decimal <- asCharacterNoWarn(icd9Decimal)
  grepl("^[[:space:]]*[Vv](([1-9][[:digit:]]?)|([[:digit:]][1-9]))(\\.[[:digit:]]{0,2})?[[:space:]]*$", # nolint

icd9IsValidDecimalE <- function(icd9Decimal) {
  #need Perl regex for lookbehind. may even be quicker, according to the docs.
  #trim(icd9Decimal), perl = TRUE)
  icd9Decimal <- asCharacterNoWarn(icd9Decimal)

icd9IsValidDecimalN <- function(icd9Decimal) {
  icd9Decimal <- asCharacterNoWarn(icd9Decimal)
  grepl("^[[:space:]]*((0{1,3})|([1-9][[:digit:]]{0,2})|(0[1-9][[:digit:]]?)|(00[1-9]))(\\.[[:digit:]]{0,2})?[[:space:]]*$", # nolint

#' @rdname icd9IsValid
#' @export
icd9IsValidMajor <- function(major)
  # let grepl do what it can with integers, factors, etc.
    pattern = "^[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]{1,3}[[:space:]]*$)|([Vv][[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]*$)|([Ee][[:digit:]]{1,3}[[:space:]]*$)", # nolint
    x = major

icd9IsValidMajorN <- function(major)
    pattern = "^[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]{1,3}[[:space:]]*$",
    x = major

icd9IsValidMajorV <- function(major)
    pattern = "^[[:space:]]*[Vv][[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]*$",
    x = major

icd9IsValidMajorE <- function(major)
    pattern = "^[[:space:]]*[Ee][[:digit:]]{1,3}[[:space:]]*$",
    x = major

#' @title validate an icd9 mapping to comorbidities
#' @description takes each item in each vector of the list of vectors and checks
#'   validity, or returns those items which are valid for each comorbidity.
#' @template mapping
#' @template isShort
#' @family ICD9 validation
#' @export
icd9IsValidMapping <- function(icd9Mapping, isShort) {
  assertList(icd9Mapping, types = "character", any.missing = FALSE,
             min.len = 1, unique = TRUE, names = "named")
  # TOOD: warn/return the invalid labels
    lapply(icd9Mapping, FUN = function(icd9Map) icd9IsValid(icd9Map, isShort)),
    use.names = FALSE

#' @rdname icd9IsValidMapping
#' @export
icd9IsValidMappingShort <- function(icd9Mapping)
  icd9IsValidMapping(icd9Mapping, TRUE)

#' @rdname icd9IsValidMapping
#' @export
icd9IsValidMappingDecimal <- function(icd9Mapping)
  icd9IsValidMapping(icd9Mapping, FALSE)

#' @rdname icd9IsValidMapping
#' @export
icd9GetInvalidMappingShort <- function(icd9Mapping) {
  x <- lapply(icd9Mapping, FUN = icd9GetInvalidShort)
  x[lapply(x, length) > 0]

7#' @rdname icd9IsValidMapping
#' @export
icd9GetInvalidMappingDecimal <- function(icd9Mapping) {
  x <- lapply(icd9Mapping, FUN = icd9GetInvalidDecimal)
  x[lapply(x, length) > 0]

#' @name icd9GetValid
#' @title invalid subset of decimal or short ICD-9 codes
#' @description Given vector of short or decimal ICD-9 codes, return (in the
#'   same format) those codes which are valid or invalid. Useful for generating
#'   error messages with the faulty codes if validation fails.
#' @template icd9-any
#' @template icd9-short
#' @template icd9-decimal
#' @template isShort
#' @keywords manip
#' @family ICD-9 validation
#' @export
icd9GetValid <- function(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9))
  icd9[icd9IsValid(icd9, isShort = isShort)]

#' @describeIn icd9GetValid Returns subset of codes which are in valid decimal format, e.g. "100" or "V01.10"
#' @export
icd9GetValidDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal)

#' @describeIn icd9GetValid Returns subset of codes which are in valid short format, e.g. "E800" or "41001"
#' @export
icd9GetValidShort <- function(icd9Short)

#' @describeIn icd9GetValid Returns subset of codes which are not in valid short or decimal format.
#' @export
icd9GetInvalid <- function(icd9, isShort = icd9GuessIsShort(icd9))
  icd9[!icd9IsValid(icd9, isShort = isShort)]

#' @describeIn icd9GetValid Returns subset of codes which are not in valid decimal format.
#' @export
icd9GetInvalidDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal)

#' @describeIn icd9GetValid Returns subset of codes which are not in valid short format.
#' @export
icd9GetInvalidShort <- function(icd9Short)

#' @keywords internal
icd9IsMajor <- function(icd9) {
  icd9 <- trim(icd9)
  nchar(icd9) - icd9IsE(icd9) < 4

#' @title do codes belong to numeric, V or E classes?
#' @description For each code, return \code{TRUE} if numric or \code{FALSE} if a
#'   V or E code.
#' @template icd9-any
#' @return logical vector
#' @export
icd9IsN <- function(icd9)
  icd9IsA(asCharacterNoWarn(icd9), "VEve", TRUE)

#' @describeIn icd9IsN are the given codes V type?
#' @export
icd9IsV <- function(icd9)
  icd9IsA(asCharacterNoWarn(icd9), "Vv")

#' @describeIn icd9IsN are the given codes E type?
#' @export
icd9IsE <- function(icd9)
  icd9IsA(asCharacterNoWarn(icd9), "Ee")

warnNumericCode <- function()
  warning("input data is in numeric format. This can easily lead to errors in short or decimal codes, e.g. short code 1000: is it 10.00 or 100.0; or decimal codes, e.g. 10.1 was supposed to be 10.10", call. = FALSE) # nolint

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icd9 documentation built on May 30, 2017, 2:25 a.m.