exceptional_tn_waters_abbrv: Abbreviations Used in the Known Exceptional Tennessee Waters...

exceptional_tn_waters_abbrvR Documentation

Abbreviations Used in the Known Exceptional Tennessee Waters and Outstanding National Resource Waters


A table containing the abbreviations used in the exceptional or outstanding national resource waters in Tennessee table.




A data.table data frame with 17 rows and 2 variables:


Abbreviation used in the Known Exceptional Tennessee Waters and Outstanding National Resource Waters table

Full Name

Full name for the abbreviation


Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Division of Water Resources (DWR), Accessed 8 May 2024, The Known Exceptional Tennessee Waters and Outstanding National Resource Waters. https://archive.fo/cCgd8. Used the archive.today webpage capture for this URL for CRAN acceptance.

iemiscdata documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:34 a.m.