
Defines functions ihpd_release_dates ihpd_get ihpd_get_gsadf format_excel_gsadf ihpd_get_bsadf format_excel_bsadf ihpd_get_raw format_excel_raw set_version set_source

Documented in ihpd_get ihpd_release_dates

set_source <- function(tbl, url) {
  attr(tbl, "source") <- attr(url, "source")

set_version <- function(tbl, vers) {
  attr(tbl, "version") <- attr(vers, "version")

# Raw ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom dplyr mutate full_join
#' @importFrom lubridate yq
#' @importFrom rlang !! enquo
format_excel_raw <- function(x, sheet_num, nm, ...) {
    read_excel(x, sheet = sheet_num) %>%
      dplyr::rename(Date = 1) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(Date = Date %>% lubridate::yq()) %>%
      tidyr::gather(country, !!enquo(nm), -Date, ...)

#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na gather
ihpd_get_raw <- function(.version, .access_info) {

  tf <- ihpd_tf(version = .version, regex = "hp[0-9]", access_info = .access_info)
  tf %||% return(invisible(NULL))

    format_excel_raw(tf, 2, "hpi"),
    format_excel_raw(tf, 3, "rhpi"),
    format_excel_raw(tf, 4, "pdi"),
    format_excel_raw(tf, 5, "rpdi")) %>%
    reduce(full_join, by = c("Date", "country")) %>%
    drop_na() %>%
    set_source(tf) %>%

# Bsadf -------------------------------------------------------------------

format_excel_bsadf <- function(x, nm, nms, ...) {
  x %>% slice(-1) %>% set_names(nms) %>%
    dplyr::rename(Date = 1) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Date = Date %>% lubridate::yq()) %>%
    tidyr::gather(country, !!enquo(nm), -Date, -crit, ...)

ihpd_get_bsadf <- function(.version, .access_info) {

  tf <- ihpd_tf(version = .version, regex = "hpta[0-9]", access_info = .access_info)
  tf %||% return(invisible(NULL))
  # tf <- "inst/hpta2001.xlsx"

  nms <- read_excel(tf, sheet = 2, range = "G2:BQ2", .name_repair = "minimal") %>%
    names() %>% unique()
  nms[1:2] <- c("Date", "crit")
  nms <- nms[nms != ""]

    lag1 <- readxl::read_excel(tf, sheet = 2, skip = 1, na = c("", "NA"))[,-c(1:6)]
    lag4 <- readxl::read_excel(tf, sheet = 3, skip = 1, na = c("", "NA"))[,-c(1:6)]

  split_at <- which(colSums(is.na(lag1)) == nrow(lag1))

  tbl_lag1 <-
      format_excel_bsadf(lag1[, 1:(split_at - 1)], nm = "rhpi", nms),
      format_excel_bsadf(lag1[, (split_at + 1):ncol(lag1)], nm = "ratio", nms)
      ) %>%
    reduce(full_join, by = c("Date", "crit", "country")) %>%
    mutate(lag = 1) %>%
    gather(type, value, -Date, -country, -crit, -lag)

  tbl_lag4 <-
      format_excel_bsadf(lag4[, 1:(split_at - 1)], nm = "rhpi", nms),
      format_excel_bsadf(lag4[, (split_at + 1):ncol(lag1)], nm = "ratio", nms)
    ) %>%
    reduce(full_join, by = c("Date", "crit", "country")) %>%
    mutate(lag = 4) %>%
    gather(type, value, -Date, -country, -crit, -lag)

   full_join(tbl_lag1, tbl_lag4,
             by = c("country", "Date", "crit", "type", "lag", "value")) %>%
     select(Date, country, type, lag, value, crit) %>%
     set_source(tf) %>%

# GSADF -------------------------------------------------------------------

format_excel_gsadf <- function(x, nm, lag = 1) {
  x %>%
    set_names("country", "sadf", "gsadf") %>%
    mutate(type = nm, lag = lag) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(sadf, gsadf), as.numeric) %>%
    gather(tstat, value, -country, -type, -lag)

ihpd_get_gsadf <- function(.version, .access_info) {

  tf <- ihpd_tf(version = .version, regex = "hpta[0-9]", access_info = .access_info)
  tf %||% return(invisible(NULL))

  nms <- readxl::read_excel(tf, sheet = 2, range = "G2:AE2") %>%
    dplyr::rename(Date = DATE, crit = "95% CRITICAL VALUES") %>%

    lag1 <- readxl::read_excel(tf, sheet = 2, skip = 1, na = c("", "NA"))
    lag4 <- readxl::read_excel(tf, sheet = 3, skip = 1, na = c("", "NA"))

  cv <- lag1[3:5, 1:3] %>%
    set_names("sig", "sadf", "gsadf") %>%
    gather(tstat, crit, -sig)

    format_excel_gsadf(lag1[8:30, 1:3], "rhpi", lag = 1),
    format_excel_gsadf(lag1[8:30, c(1,4:5)], "ratio", lag = 1),
    format_excel_gsadf(lag4[8:30, 1:3], "rhpi", lag = 1),
    format_excel_gsadf(lag4[8:30, c(1,4:5)], "ratio", lag = 1)
       ) %>%
    reduce(full_join, by = c("tstat", "country", "type", "lag", "value")) %>%
    full_join(cv, by = "tstat") %>%
    mutate_at(vars(crit, sig), as.numeric) %>%
    select(country, type, tstat, lag, value, crit, sig) %>%
    set_source(tf) %>%

# GET ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Download Data from the International House Price Database
#' Available downloads:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item raw: Raw Data
#'   \item gsadf: Generalized sup ADF statistics
#'   \item bsadf: Backward sup ADF statistic sequence
#'  }
#' @param symbol Which dataset to download.
#' @param version Which version to download. Version number should be a character
#' of the following format %Y%q (e.g. '1801' - corresponds to year 2018,
#' Quarter 1). Versions start from '1102'. Defaults at the latest available.
#' @param verbose whether to print the url of the excel file that is accessing.
#' @details
#' \describe{
#'   \item{raw}{
#'Includes the following time series for the countries covered:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item hpi: The house price index.
#'  \item rhpi: The house price index expressed in real terms.
#'  \item pdi: The personal disposable income index.
#'  \item rpdi: The personal disposable income expressed in real terms index.
#' }
#' All variables in real terms are deflated with the personal consumption
#' expenditure (PCE) deflator.}
#' }
#'The exuberance indicators include
#' \item{gsadf}{
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item type: real house price index (rhpi) and the ratio of rhpi to real
#'     personal disposable income (rpdi)
#'     \item lag: lag length of 1 and 4
#'     \item sig: significance level for the critical value
#'     \item value: test statistics for explosive behavior
#'     \item crit: 95 percent critical values.
#'  }
#' }
#' \item{bsadf}{
#'   The exuberance indicators include
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item type: real house price index (rhpi) and the ratio of rhpi to real
#'     personal disposable income (rpdi)
#'     \item lag: lag length of 1 and 4,
#'     \item value: test statistics for explosive behavior
#'     \item crit: 95 percent critical values.
#'     }
#'  }
#' }
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @importFrom dplyr slice rename select mutate_at vars
#' @return Returns a tibble in long format.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ihpd_get()
ihpd_get <- function(symbol = c("raw", "gsadf", "bsadf"), version = NULL,
                     verbose = TRUE) {
  symbol <- match.arg(symbol)
    raw = ihpd_get_raw(.version = version, .access_info = verbose),
    gsadf = ihpd_get_gsadf(.version = version, .access_info = verbose),
    bsadf = ihpd_get_bsadf(.version = version, .access_info = verbose)

#' Fetches the latest release dates
#' @export
#' @importFrom rvest html_table
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @return A data.frame with 2 variables with the latest release dates data.
#' @examples
#' ihpd_release_dates()
ihpd_release_dates <- function() {

  tbl <- xml2::read_html("https://www.dallasfed.org/institute/houseprice") %>%
    rvest::html_nodes("table") %>%

  tbl[[1]][-1, ] %>%
    set_names("Last Quarter Included", "Data Release Date")

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ihpdr documentation built on July 13, 2020, 9:07 a.m.