
Defines functions print.ijtiff_img

Documented in print.ijtiff_img

#' Print method for an `ijtiff_img`.
#' @param x An object of class [ijtiff_img].
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @return The input (invisibly).
#' @export
print.ijtiff_img <- function(x, ...) {
  checkmate::assert_class(x, "ijtiff_img")
  checkmate::assert(length(dim(x)) == 4)
  d <- dim(x)
    "{d[1]}x{d[2]} pixel ijtiff_img ",
    "with {d[3]} channel{?s} and {d[4]} frame{?s}."
  cli::cli_text("Preview (top left of first channel of first frame):")
  print(x[seq_len(min(6, d[1])), seq_len(min(6, d[2])), 1, 1])
  att_names <- names(attributes(x))
  cli::cat_line(cli::rule("TIFF tags"))
  possible_tags <- c(
    "bits_per_sample", "samples_per_pixel", "sample_format",
    "planar_config", "rows_per_strip", "tile_width",
    "tile_length", "compression", "threshholding",
    "software", "x_resolution", "y_resolution",
    "resolution_unit", "x_position", "y_position", "indexed",
    "orientation", "copyright", "artist",
    "document_name", "date_time",
    "description", "color_space", "color_map"
  for (pt in possible_tags) {
    if (pt %in% att_names) {
      if (pt == "color_map") {
          cli::symbol$bullet, " color map: ",
          "matrix with {nrow(attr(x, 'color_map'))} row{?s} ",
          "and 3 columns (red, green, blue)"
      } else {
        cli::cli_text(cli::symbol$bullet, " {pt}: {attr(x, pt)}")

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ijtiff documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:54 a.m.