
Defines functions register_s3_methods register_s3_method

#' Register S3 method
#' Detect if `x` is an S3 method and if so, register it in an environment.
#' Given the ambiguity in class and method names, here we detect only the
#' canonical form `generic.class` methods (or `generic.class.name` to allow for
#' `data.frame` methods). This ambiguity cannot be sufficiently resolved given
#' that both class and generic can contain dots in their names. Take for an
#' example `t.data.frame` and `t.test.matrix` and a hypothetical (but valid) `t`
#' generics for class `test.data.frame`. Users should resolve possible ambiguity
#' by registering the S3 manually.
#' @param x A potential S3 method.
#' @param env An environemnt in which `x` will be registered if `x` is an S3
#'   method.
#' @return A four-element vector of mode `character` containing information on
#'   whether the object `x` is S3 class and name of itself derived generic and
#'   class names. Note that this vector contains a boolean value that is
#'   represented as a `character`, so care must be taken in handling this value.
#' @md
#' @noRd
register_s3_method <- function(x, env){
  method <- base::get(x, envir=env)

  if(!is.function(method) || !utils::isS3method(x, envir=env))
    return(c(x, FALSE, NA, NA))

  parts <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=".", fixed=TRUE))
  generic <- parts[1]
  class <- paste0(parts[-1], collapse=".")

  registerS3method(generic, class, method, env)

  c(x, TRUE, generic, class)

#' Register S3 methods
#' Find S3 methods in `x` and register them in an environment `env`.
#' @param x A vector of objects that might contain S3 methods.
#' @param env An environment in which detected S3 methods from `x`
#'   will be registered.
#' @return A data.frame containing information whether the objects in `x` are
#'   S3 methods and if so, the detected class and generics.
#' @md
#' @noRd
register_s3_methods <- function(x, env){
  methods <- lapply(x, register_s3_method, env=env)
  methods <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, methods))
  names(methods) <- c("function", "isS3", "generic", "class")

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import documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:22 a.m.