
context("Function \"fit_AR1_t()\"")

y_missing         <- ts_AR1_t$y_missing
y_missing_numeric <- as.matrix(y_missing)

test_that("error control works",{
  expect_error(fit_AR1_t(y = median), "\"y\" must be coercible to a vector or matrix.")
  expect_error(fit_AR1_t(y = "Hongkong"), "\"y\" only allows numerical or NA values.")
  expect_error(fit_AR1_t(y = c(1, 2, NA, 3, 4, NA)), "Each time series in \"y\" must have at least 5 observations.")
  expect_error(fit_AR1_t(y = y_missing_numeric, tol = -0.1), "\"tol\" must be greater than 0.")
  expect_error(fit_AR1_t(y = y_missing_numeric, maxiter = -2), "\"maxiter\" must be greater than 1.")
  expect_error(fit_AR1_t(y = y_missing_numeric, n_chain = -1), "\"n_chain\" must be a positive integer.")
  expect_error(fit_AR1_t(y = y_missing_numeric, n_thin = -1), "\"n_thin\" must be a positive integer.")
  expect_error(fit_AR1_t(y = y_missing_numeric, K = 0), "\"K\" must be a positive integer.")

test_that("default mode works", {
  # estimation_t_uni_check <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric[, 1])
  # estimation_t_multi_check <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric)
  # save(estimation_t_uni_check, estimation_t_multi_check, file = "estimation_t_check.RData", version = 2, compress = "xz")
  # check the uni time series & numeric 
  estimation_t_uni <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric[, 1])
  expect_equal(estimation_t_uni, estimation_t_uni_check)
  # check the multiple time series & numeric  
  estimation_t_multi <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric)
  expect_equal(estimation_t_multi, estimation_t_multi_check)
  # check the uni time series & zoo 
  estimation_t_uni <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing[, 1])
  expect_equal(estimation_t_uni, estimation_t_uni_check)
  # check the multiple time series & zoo
  estimation_t_zoo <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing)
  expect_equal(estimation_t_zoo, estimation_t_multi_check)

test_that("time series with zero mean works", {
  # estimation_t_zero_mean_check <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric[, 1], zero_mean = TRUE)
  # save(estimation_t_zero_mean_check, file = "estimation_t_zero_mean_check.RData", version = 2, compress = "xz")
  estimation_t_zero_mean <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric[, 1], zero_mean = TRUE)
  expect_equal(estimation_t_zero_mean, estimation_t_zero_mean_check)

test_that("time series following random walk works", {
  # estimation_t_random_walk_check <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric[, 1], random_walk = TRUE)
  # save(estimation_t_random_walk_check, file = "estimation_t_random_walk_check.RData", version = 2, compress = "xz")
  estimation_t_random_walk <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric[, 1], random_walk = TRUE)
  expect_equal(estimation_t_random_walk, estimation_t_random_walk_check)

test_that("SAEM-MCMC algorithm works", {
  estimation_t_SAEM <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing_numeric[, 1], fast_and_heuristic = FALSE)
  expect_equal(estimation_t_SAEM$phi0,   ts_AR1_t$phi0,   tolerance = 0.1)
  expect_equal(estimation_t_SAEM$phi1,   ts_AR1_t$phi1,   tolerance = 0.1)
  expect_equal(estimation_t_SAEM$sigma2, ts_AR1_t$sigma2, tolerance = 0.003)
  expect_equal(estimation_t_SAEM$sigma2, ts_AR1_t$sigma2, tolerance = 0.2)

test_that("remove_outliers = TRUE does not screw up", {
  fitted1 <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing[, 3, drop = FALSE], fast_and_heuristic = TRUE, remove_outliers = FALSE)
  fitted2 <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing[, 3, drop = FALSE], fast_and_heuristic = TRUE, remove_outliers = TRUE)
  expect_equal(fitted1, fitted2)
  fitted1 <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing, fast_and_heuristic = TRUE, remove_outliers = FALSE)
  fitted2 <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing, fast_and_heuristic = TRUE, remove_outliers = TRUE)
  expect_equal(fitted1[-c(1, 2, 3)], fitted2[-c(1, 2, 3)])
  expect_equal(fitted1[[1]], fitted2[[1]])
  expect_equal(fitted1[[2]], fitted2[[2]])
  expect_equal(fitted1[[3]], fitted2[[3]])

test_that("remove_outliers = TRUE detects outliers", {
  y_outlier <- y_missing[, 3, drop = FALSE]
  idx_outliers <- c(100, 222)
  val_outliers <- c(100,  50)
  y_outlier[idx_outliers] <- val_outliers
  fitted1 <- fit_AR1_t(y_outlier, fast_and_heuristic = TRUE, remove_outliers = TRUE, outlier_prob_th = 0.002)  
  expect_equal(fitted1$index_outliers, idx_outliers)
  fitted2 <- fit_AR1_t(y_missing[, 3, drop = FALSE], fast_and_heuristic = TRUE, remove_outliers = FALSE)
  expect_equal(fitted1$phi0,   fitted2$phi0,   tolerance = 0.001)
  expect_equal(fitted1$phi1,   fitted2$phi1,   tolerance = 0.001)
  expect_equal(fitted1$sigma2, fitted2$sigma2, tolerance = 0.003)
  expect_equal(fitted1$sigma2, fitted2$sigma2, tolerance = 0.05)

  # plot_imputed(impute_AR1_t(y_outlier, remove_outliers = FALSE))
  # plot_imputed(impute_AR1_t(y_outlier, remove_outliers = TRUE))
  # imputation_result1 <- impute_AR1_t(y_outlier, n_samples = 3, fast_and_heuristic = TRUE, remove_outliers = FALSE)
  # imputation_result2 <- impute_AR1_t(y_outlier, n_samples = 3, fast_and_heuristic = TRUE, remove_outliers = TRUE)
  # plot_imputed(imputation_result1$y_imputed.1)
  # plot_imputed(imputation_result2$y_imputed.1)

test_that("attributes work in multivariate case", {
  # create outlier
  y_outlier <- y_missing
  y_outlier[100, 1] <- 2*y_outlier[100, 1]
  # true indices of NAs and outliers
  idx_NAs <- apply(y_outlier, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) which(is.na(as.numeric(x))))
  idx_outliers <- list(100L, NULL, NULL)
  names(idx_outliers) <- names(idx_NAs) <- colnames(y_outlier)
  idx_NAs[[1]] <- sort(union(idx_NAs[[1]], idx_outliers[[1]]))  # because the outlier will become an NA
  y_imputed <- impute_AR1_t(y_outlier, n_samples = 1, return_estimates = FALSE, remove_outliers = TRUE, outlier_prob_th = 0.002)
  expect_identical(attr(y_imputed, "index_miss"),     idx_NAs)
  expect_identical(attr(y_imputed, "index_outliers"), idx_outliers)
  res <- impute_AR1_t(y_outlier, n_samples = 1, return_estimates = TRUE, remove_outliers = TRUE, outlier_prob_th = 0.002)
  expect_identical(attr(res$y_imputed, "index_miss"),     idx_NAs)
  expect_identical(attr(res$y_imputed, "index_outliers"), idx_outliers)
  res <- impute_AR1_t(y_outlier, n_samples = 3, return_estimates = TRUE, remove_outliers = TRUE, outlier_prob_th = 0.002)
  expect_identical(attr(res$y_imputed.1, "index_miss"),     idx_NAs)
  expect_identical(attr(res$y_imputed.1, "index_outliers"), idx_outliers)

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imputeFin documentation built on Feb. 20, 2021, 9:07 a.m.