
Defines functions score_matrix score_calc log_likelihood

Documented in log_likelihood score_calc score_matrix

#' Log Likelihood
#' Used by \code{\link{score_matrix}} to compute the log likelihood.
#' @param parameters vector of parameters passed to \code{integrand}
#' @param integrand Defaults to logit_integrand
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{integrand} function.
#' @return value of log likelihood
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is

log_likelihood <- function(parameters,
  ## Necessary pieces ##
  integrand <- match.fun(integrand)
  dots      <- list(...)
  dot.names <- names(dots)
  ## Integrate() arguments ##
  if(!'lower' %in% dot.names){
    dots$lower <- -Inf
  if(!'upper' %in% dot.names){
    dots$upper <- Inf
  int.args <- append(get_args(stats::integrate, dots),
                     get_args(integrand, dots))
  args <- append(int.args, list(f = integrand, parameters = parameters))
  ## Calculuation ##
  attempt <- try(do.call(stats::integrate, args = args))
  val <- if(is(attempt, 'try-error')) NA else attempt$value


#' Compute scores for a single group
#' Used by \code{\link{score_matrix}} to log likelihood derivatives for
#' a single group.
#' @param parameters vector of parameters passed to \code{integrand}
#' @param integrand function to used for the integrand.
#' Defaults to \code{\link{logit_integrand}}.
#' @param hide.errors Hide errors printed from \code{\link{grad}}.
#' Defaults to true.
#' @param ... additional arguments pass to the integrand function.
#' @return length(theta) vector of scores
#' @export

score_calc <- function(parameters,
                       hide.errors = TRUE,
  ## Necessary bits ##
  integrand <- match.fun(integrand)
  dots <- list(...)
  ## Function arguments ##
  int.args <- append(get_args(integrand, dots),
                     get_args(stats::integrate, dots))
  fargs    <- append(int.args, get_args(numDeriv::grad, dots))
  args     <- append(fargs,
                 list(func = log_likelihood,
                      x    = parameters,
                      integrand = integrand))
  ## Compute the derivative of the log likelihood for each parameter ##
  do.call(numDeriv::grad, args = args)

#' Calculate matrix of log Likelihood derivatives
#' @param integrand function passed to \code{\link{log_likelihood}}. Defaults to
#' \code{\link{logit_integrand}}
#' @param X covariate matrix
#' @param A vector of treatment assignments
#' @param G vector of group assignments
#' @param parameters vector of parameters passed to \code{integrand}
#' @param runSilent If FALSE, prints errors to console. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{integrand} or \code{\link{grad}}.
#' For example, one can change the \code{method} argument in \code{grad}.
#' @return N X length(params) matrix of scores
#' @export

score_matrix <- function(integrand,
                         X, A, G, 
                         runSilent = TRUE, 
  ## Warnings ##
  # if(length(fixed.effects) != ncol(X)){
  #   stop("The length of params is not equal to the number of predictors")
  # }
  ## Necessary bits ##
  integrand <- match.fun(integrand)
  dots <- list(...)
  XX <- cbind(X, A)
  pp <- ncol(X)
  gg <- sort(unique(G))
  ## Compute score for each group and parameter ##
  int.args <- append(get_args(integrand, dots),
                     get_args(stats::integrate, dots))
  fargs <- append(int.args, get_args(numDeriv::grad, dots))
  if(!runSilent) print("Calculating matrix of scores...")
  s.list <- by(XX, INDICES = G, simplify = TRUE, 
               FUN = function(xx) {
                 args <- append(fargs, 
                                list(integrand  = integrand, 
                                     parameters = parameters,
                                     A = xx[ , (pp + 1)],
                                     X = xx[ , 1:pp]))
                 do.call(score_calc, args = args)
  ## Reshape list into matrix ##
  out <- matrix(unlist(s.list, use.names = FALSE), 
                ncol = length(parameters), 
                byrow = TRUE,
                dimnames = list(gg, names(parameters)))

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inferference documentation built on April 21, 2021, 5:06 p.m.