bru_get_mapper: Extract mapper information from INLA model component objects

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bru_get_mapperR Documentation

Extract mapper information from INLA model component objects


The component definitions will automatically attempt to extract mapper information from any model object by calling the generic bru_get_mapper. Any class method implementation should return a bru_mapper object suitable for the given latent model.


bru_get_mapper(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'inla.spde'
bru_get_mapper(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'inla.rgeneric'
bru_get_mapper(model, ...)

bru_get_mapper_safely(model, ...)



A model component object


Arguments passed on to other methods


  • bru_get_mapper.inla.spde extract an indexed mapper for the model$mesh object contained in the model object. It returns NULL gives a warning if no known mesh type is found in the model object.

  • bru_get_mapper.inla.rgeneric returns the mapper given by a call to model$f$rgeneric$definition("mapper"). To support this for your own inla.rgeneric models, add a "mapper" option to the cmd argument of your rgeneric definition function. You will need to store the mapper in your object as well. Alternative, define your model using a subclass and define a corresponding bru_get_mapper.subclass method that should return the corresponding bru_mapper object.

  • bru_get_mapper_safely tries to call the bru_get_mapper, and returns NULL if it fails (e.g. due to no available class method). If the call succeeds and returns non-NULL, it checks that the object inherits from the bru_mapper class, and gives an error if it does not.


A bru_mapper object defined by the model component

See Also

bru_mapper for mapper constructor methods, and the individual mappers for specific implementation details.

Other mappers: bru_mapper(), bru_mapper.fm_mesh_1d(), bru_mapper.fm_mesh_2d(), bru_mapper_aggregate(), bru_mapper_collect(), bru_mapper_const(), bru_mapper_factor(), bru_mapper_generics, bru_mapper_harmonics(), bru_mapper_index(), bru_mapper_linear(), bru_mapper_logsumexp(), bru_mapper_marginal(), bru_mapper_matrix(), bru_mapper_mesh_B(), bru_mapper_multi(), bru_mapper_pipe(), bru_mapper_scale(), bru_mapper_shift(), bru_mapper_taylor()


if (bru_safe_inla(quietly = TRUE)) {
  mesh <- fmesher::fm_rcdt_2d_inla(globe = 2)
  spde <- inla.spde2.pcmatern(mesh,
    prior.range = c(1, 0.5),
    prior.sigma = c(1, 0.5)
  mapper <- bru_get_mapper(spde)

inlabru documentation built on July 2, 2024, 1:07 a.m.