test_that("Test initialization and forward for conv2d_layer", {
batch_size <- 10
in_channels <- 3
out_channels <- 4
in_height <- 50
in_width <- 61
pad <- c(2, 3, 1, 4)
kernel_height <- 7
kernel_width <- 6
input <-
torch_randn(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width,
dtype = torch_double()
input_pad <- nnf_pad(input, pad = pad)
bias <- torch_randn(out_channels, dtype = torch_double())
W <- torch_randn(out_channels, in_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width,
dtype = torch_double()
out_stride <- nnf_conv2d(input_pad, bias = bias, W, stride = c(1, 3))
out_length_stride <- dim(out_stride)[3:4]
out_dilation <- nnf_conv2d(input_pad, W, bias = bias, dilation = c(3, 1))
out_length_dilation <- dim(out_dilation)[3:4]
#------------------------- Stride ----------------------------
# Test initialization
conv2d_stride <- conv2d_layer(
weight = W,
bias = bias,
dim_in = c(in_channels, in_height, in_width),
dim_out = c(out_channels, out_length_stride),
stride = c(1, 3),
padding = pad,
dilation = 1,
activation_name = "relu",
dtype = "double"
# Test forward
y_stride_true <- conv2d_stride$activation_f(out_stride)
y_stride <- conv2d_stride(input)
expect_equal(dim(y_stride_true), dim(y_stride))
expect_lt(as_array((mean((y_stride_true - y_stride)^2))), 1e-12)
# Test update_ref
y_ref_stride_true <- conv2d_stride$activation_f(out_stride)[1:1, , ]
y_ref_stride <- conv2d_stride$update_ref(input[1:1, , ])
expect_equal(dim(y_ref_stride), dim(y_ref_stride_true))
expect_lt(as_array(mean((y_ref_stride_true - y_ref_stride)^2)), 1e-12)
#------------------------- Dilation --------------------------
# Test initialization
conv2d_dilation <- conv2d_layer(
weight = W,
bias = bias,
dim_in = c(in_channels, in_height, in_width),
dim_out = c(out_channels, out_length_dilation),
stride = 1,
padding = pad,
dilation = c(3, 1),
activation_name = "tanh",
dtype = "double"
# Test forward
y_dilation_true <- conv2d_dilation$activation_f(out_dilation)
y_dilation <- conv2d_dilation(input)
expect_equal(dim(y_dilation_true), dim(y_dilation))
expect_lt(as_array((mean((y_dilation_true - y_dilation)^2))), 1e-12)
# Test update_ref
y_ref_dilation_true <- conv2d_dilation$activation_f(out_dilation)[1:1, , ]
y_ref_dilation <- conv2d_dilation$update_ref(input[1:1, , ])
expect_equal(dim(y_ref_dilation), dim(y_ref_dilation_true))
expect_lt(as_array(mean((y_ref_dilation_true - y_ref_dilation)^2)), 1e-12)
test_that("Test get_pos_and_neg_outputs and get_gradient", {
batch_size <- 10
in_channels <- 3
out_channels <- 4
in_height <- 201
in_width <- 155
pad <- c(5, 6, 10, 1)
kernel_height <- 2
kernel_width <- 6
input <- torch_randn(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width,
dtype = torch_double(),
requires_grad = TRUE
input_pad <- nnf_pad(input, pad = pad)
bias <- torch_randn(out_channels, dtype = torch_double())
W <- torch_randn(out_channels, in_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width,
dtype = torch_double()
out_stride <- nnf_conv2d(input_pad, bias = bias, W, stride = c(2, 4))
out_length_stride <- dim(out_stride)[3:4]
out_dilation <- nnf_conv2d(input_pad, W, bias = bias, dilation = c(3, 2))
out_length_dilation <- dim(out_dilation)[3:4]
#------------------------- Stride ----------------------------
# Test initialization
conv2d_stride <- conv2d_layer(
weight = W,
bias = bias,
dim_in = c(in_channels, in_height, in_width),
dim_out = c(out_channels, out_length_stride),
stride = c(2, 4),
padding = pad,
dilation = 1,
activation_name = "relu",
dtype = "double"
y_true <- conv2d_stride$preactivation
# Test get_pos_and_neg_outputs
out_stride <- conv2d_stride$get_pos_and_neg_outputs(input, use_bias = TRUE)
expect_equal(dim(out_stride$pos), dim(y_true))
expect_equal(dim(out_stride$neg), dim(y_true))
as_array(mean((out_stride$pos + out_stride$neg - y_true)^2)), 1e-12
# Test get_gradient
for (model_out in 1:3) {
grad_stride <-
conv2d_stride$get_gradient(torch_ones(c(dim(out_stride$pos), model_out),
dtype = torch_double()
), W)
grad_stride_true <- input$grad$unsqueeze(5)
expect_equal(dim(grad_stride), c(dim(input), model_out))
expect_lt(as_array(mean((grad_stride - grad_stride_true)^2)), 1e-12)
#------------------------- Dilation --------------------------
input <- torch_randn(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width,
dtype = torch_double(),
requires_grad = TRUE
# Test initialization
conv2d_dilation <- conv2d_layer(
weight = W,
bias = bias,
dim_in = c(in_channels, in_height, in_width),
dim_out = c(out_channels, out_length_dilation),
stride = 1,
padding = pad,
dilation = 3,
activation_name = "tanh",
dtype = "double"
y_true <- conv2d_dilation$preactivation
# Test get_pos_and_neg_outputs
out_dilation <-
conv2d_dilation$get_pos_and_neg_outputs(input, use_bias = TRUE)
expect_equal(dim(out_dilation$pos), dim(y_true))
expect_equal(dim(out_dilation$neg), dim(y_true))
as_array(mean((out_dilation$pos + out_dilation$neg - y_true)^2)), 1e-12
# Test get_gradient
for (model_out in 1:3) {
grad_dilation <-
dtype = torch_double()
), W)
grad_dilation_true <- input$grad$unsqueeze(5)
expect_equal(dim(grad_dilation), c(dim(input), model_out))
expect_lt(as_array(mean((grad_dilation - grad_dilation_true)^2)), 1e-12)
test_that("Test get_input_relevances", {
batch_size <- 10
in_channels <- 1
out_channels <- 1
in_height <- 124
in_width <- 124
pad <- c(3, 2, 1, 0)
kernel_height <- 2
kernel_width <- 6
input <- torch_randn(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width,
dtype = torch_double()
input_pad <- nnf_pad(input, pad = pad)
bias <- torch_zeros(out_channels, dtype = torch_double())
W <- torch_randn(out_channels, in_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width,
dtype = torch_double()
out_stride <- nnf_conv2d(input_pad, bias = bias, W, stride = c(2, 3))
out_length_stride <- dim(out_stride)[3:4]
out_dilation <- nnf_conv2d(input_pad, W, bias = bias, dilation = c(1, 2))
out_length_dilation <- dim(out_dilation)[3:4]
#------------------------- Stride ----------------------------
# Test initialization
conv2d_stride <- conv2d_layer(
weight = W,
bias = bias,
dim_in = c(in_channels, in_height, in_width),
dim_out = c(out_channels, out_length_stride),
stride = c(2, 3),
padding = pad,
dilation = 1,
activation_name = "tanh",
dtype = "double"
# Test get_input_relevances
for (model_out in c(1, 2, 4)) {
rel <-
torch_randn(batch_size, out_channels, out_length_stride[1],
out_length_stride[2], model_out,
dtype = torch_double()
rel_true <- sum(rel, dim = 2:4)
# Simple rule
rel_simple_stride <- conv2d_stride$get_input_relevances(rel)
expect_equal(dim(rel_simple_stride), c(
batch_size, in_channels,
in_height, in_width, model_out
rel_simple_stride_sum <- sum(rel_simple_stride, dim = 2:4)
expect_lt(as_array(mean((rel_true - rel_simple_stride_sum)^2)), 1e-12)
# Epsilon rule
rel_epsilon_stride <-
conv2d_stride$get_input_relevances(rel, rule_name = "epsilon")
c(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width, model_out)
# Alpha-Beta rule
rel_alpha_beta_stride <-
conv2d_stride$get_input_relevances(rel, rule_name = "alpha_beta")
c(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width, model_out)
#------------------------- Dilation --------------------------
# Test initialization
conv2d_dilation <- conv2d_layer(
weight = W,
bias = bias,
dim_in = c(in_channels, in_height, in_width),
dim_out = c(out_channels, out_length_dilation),
stride = 1,
padding = pad,
dilation = c(1, 2),
activation_name = "relu",
dtype = "double"
# Test get_input_relevances
for (model_out in c(1, 2, 4)) {
rel <- torch_randn(batch_size, out_channels, out_length_dilation[1],
out_length_dilation[2], model_out,
dtype = torch_double()
rel_true <- sum(rel, dim = 2:4)
# Simple rule
rel_simple_dilation <- conv2d_dilation$get_input_relevances(rel)
c(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width, model_out)
rel_simple_dilation_sum <- sum(rel_simple_dilation, dim = 2:4)
expect_lt(as_array(mean((rel_true - rel_simple_dilation_sum)^2)), 1e-12)
# Epsilon rule
rel_epsilon_dilation <-
conv2d_dilation$get_input_relevances(rel, rule_name = "epsilon")
c(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width, model_out)
# Alpha-Beta rule
rel_alpha_beta_dilation <-
conv2d_dilation$get_input_relevances(rel, rule_name = "alpha_beta")
c(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width, model_out)
test_that("Test get_input_multiplier", {
batch_size <- 10
in_channels <- 3
out_channels <- 1
in_height <- 127
in_width <- 150
pad <- c(0, 6, 2, 1)
kernel_height <- 4
kernel_width <- 7
input <- torch_randn(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width,
dtype = torch_double()
input_ref <- torch_randn(1, in_channels, in_height, in_width,
dtype = torch_double()
input_pad <- nnf_pad(input, pad = pad)
bias <- torch_zeros(out_channels, dtype = torch_double())
W <- torch_randn(out_channels, in_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width,
dtype = torch_double()
out_stride <- nnf_conv2d(input_pad, bias = bias, W, stride = c(5, 3))
out_length_stride <- dim(out_stride)[3:4]
out_dilation <- nnf_conv2d(input_pad, W, bias = bias, dilation = c(2, 5))
out_length_dilation <- dim(out_dilation)[3:4]
#------------------------- Stride ----------------------------
# Test initialization
conv2d_stride <- conv2d_layer(
weight = W,
bias = bias,
dim_in = c(in_channels, in_height, in_width),
dim_out = c(out_channels, out_length_stride),
stride = c(5, 3),
padding = pad,
dilation = 1,
activation_name = "tanh",
dtype = "double"
# Forward pass
out <- conv2d_stride(input)
out_ref <- conv2d_stride$update_ref(input_ref)
diff_input <- (input - input_ref)$unsqueeze(5)
diff_output <- (out - out_ref)$unsqueeze(5)
for (model_out in c(1, 2, 4)) {
mult <- torch_randn(batch_size, out_channels, out_length_stride[1],
out_length_stride[2], model_out,
dtype = torch_double()
contrib_true <- sum(diff_output * mult, dim = 2:4)
# Rescale rule
mult_rescale_stride <- conv2d_stride$get_input_multiplier(mult)
contrib_rescale_stride <- sum(mult_rescale_stride * diff_input, dim = 2:4)
c(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width, model_out)
expect_lt(as_array(mean((contrib_rescale_stride - contrib_true)^2)), 1e-12)
# Reveal-Cancel rule
mult_revcancel_stride <-
conv2d_stride$get_input_multiplier(mult, rule_name = "reveal_cancel")
contrib_revcancel_stride <-
sum(mult_revcancel_stride * diff_input, dim = 2:4)
expect_equal(dim(mult_revcancel_stride), c(
batch_size, in_channels,
in_height, in_width, model_out
as_array(mean((contrib_revcancel_stride - contrib_true)^2)), 1e-12
#------------------------- Dilation --------------------------
# Test initialization
conv2d_dilation <- conv2d_layer(
weight = W,
bias = bias,
dim_in = c(in_channels, in_height, in_width),
dim_out = c(out_channels, out_length_dilation),
stride = 1,
padding = pad,
dilation = c(2, 5),
activation_name = "tanh",
dtype = "double"
# Forward pass
out <- conv2d_dilation(input)
out_ref <- conv2d_dilation$update_ref(input_ref)
diff_input <- (input - input_ref)$unsqueeze(5)
diff_output <- (out - out_ref)$unsqueeze(5)
for (model_out in c(1, 2, 4)) {
mult <- torch_randn(batch_size, out_channels, out_length_dilation[1],
out_length_dilation[2], model_out,
dtype = torch_double()
contrib_true <- sum(diff_output * mult, dim = 2:4)
# Rescale rule
mult_rescale_dilation <- conv2d_dilation$get_input_multiplier(mult)
contrib_rescale_dilation <-
sum(mult_rescale_dilation * diff_input, dim = 2:4)
c(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width, model_out)
as_array(mean((contrib_rescale_dilation - contrib_true)^2)), 1e-12
# Reveal-Cancel rule
mult_revcancel_dilation <-
conv2d_dilation$get_input_multiplier(mult, rule_name = "reveal_cancel")
contrib_revcancel_dilation <-
sum(mult_revcancel_dilation * diff_input, dim = 2:4)
c(batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width, model_out)
as_array(mean((contrib_revcancel_dilation - contrib_true)^2)), 1e-12
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