Man pages for inpdfr
Analyse Text Documents Using Ecological Tools

doClusterPerforms a cluster analysis on the basis of the...
doKmeansClustPerforms a k-means cluster analysis on the basis of the...
doMetacomEntropartPerforms an analysis of ecological diversity and structure.
doMetacomMetacomPerforms a metacomunity analysis.
excludeStopWordsExclude StopWords form the word-occurrence data.frame.
exclusionList_FRStop words in French.
exclusionList_SPStop words in Spanish.
exclusionList_UKStop words in English.
getAllAnalysisA quick way to compute a set of analysis from the...
getListFilesList files in a specified directory sorted by extension.
getMostFreqWordReturns most frequent words.
getMostFreqWordCorTest for correlation between the most frequent words.
getPDFExtract text from PDF files and return a word-occurrence...
getStopWordsLoad a list of stopwords.
getSummaryStatsBARPLOTPerform a barplot with the number of unique words per...
getSummaryStatsHISTOPlot an histogram with the number of words excluding stop...
getSummaryStatsOCCURPlot a scatter plot with the proportion of documents using...
getTXTExtract text from TXT files and return a word-occurrence...
getwordOccuDFA quick way to obtain the word-occurrence data.frame from a...
getXFreqWordReturns most frequent words
IdentifyStructureCopy of the identifyStructure function from Tad Dallas...
inpdfrinpdfr: A package to analyse PDF Files Using Ecological...
loremIpsumLorem Ipsum text.
makeWordcloudWord cloud based on the word-occurrence data.frame.
mergeWordFreqMerge word-occurrence data.frames into a single data.frame.
postProcTxtProssess vectors containing words into a data.frame of word...
preProcTxtExtract text from txt files and pre-process content.
quitSpaceFromCharsDelete spaces in file names.
truncNumWordsTruncate the word-occurrence data.frame.
wordOccuDFLorem Ipsum word occurrences.
inpdfr documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 9:09 a.m.