
# nolint start
# styler: off
  method = "GET", url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/easystats/circus/master/data/xyz.rda",
  status_code = 404L, headers = structure(list(
    `content-security-policy` = "default-src 'none'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; sandbox",
    `strict-transport-security` = "max-age=31536000", `x-content-type-options` = "nosniff",
    `x-frame-options` = "deny", `x-xss-protection` = "1; mode=block",
    `content-type` = "text/plain; charset=utf-8", `x-github-request-id` = "63EC:2A5B9F:A27173:ADAE50:66655C62",
    `accept-ranges` = "bytes", date = "Sun, 09 Jun 2024 07:40:19 GMT",
    via = "1.1 varnish", `x-served-by` = "cache-muc13972-MUC",
    `x-cache` = "MISS", `x-cache-hits` = "0", `x-timer` = "S1717918819.042740,VS0,VE145",
    vary = "Authorization,Accept-Encoding,Origin", `access-control-allow-origin` = "*",
    `cross-origin-resource-policy` = "cross-origin", `x-fastly-request-id` = "e629ba1c490defdad14a749303c5f1649289f72c",
    expires = "Sun, 09 Jun 2024 07:45:19 GMT", `source-age` = "0",
    `content-length` = "14"
  ), class = "httr2_headers"), body = charToRaw("404: Not Found"),
  cache = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
), class = "httr2_response")
# styler: on
# nolint end

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insight documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 9:07 a.m.