
#' Calculates Shannon's entropy
#' Formula: \eqn{H(S) = -P_i * \sum log_2 * P_i}, where \eqn{P_i} is the
#' probability of the corresponding \eqn{i}-th class
#' @param df A discrete \code{data.frame}
#' @param classAtt A class column of the df (\code{string})
#' @return The Shannon's entropy of the \code{df}, based on the \code{classAtt}
#'   attribute
#' @examples
#' entropy(golf, "Play")
#' @export
#' @import dplyr

entropy <- function(df, classAtt) {

  #Check input validity
  if (missing(df)) { #df param is missing
    stop("Please provide a discrete data.frame object to the function")

  if (missing(classAtt)) { #classAtt param is missing
    stop("Please provide the classAtt parameter")

  #Check if classAtt is a string
  if(typeof(classAtt) != "character"){ #classAtt is not a string
    stop("classAtt parameter needs to be string")

  #check if df is discrete
  if (isDiscreteDataFrame(df)) { #df is discrete, proceed
    freq <- table(df[classAtt]) #vector of class frequencies
    prob <- round(freq / sum(freq), 3) #vector of class probabilities
    logs <- log2(prob) * (-1) #vector of logarithms of class probabilities
    entr <- sum(prob * logs) #overall entropy

  #not a discrete df, throw an error
  else {
    stop("The provided data.frame is not discrete (i.e. one of its columns
         is not factor)!")

#' Calculates Information Gain (2-way Interaction Gain) of a discrete data.frame
#' \eqn{InfoGAIN = H(S) - H(S|X)}, where \eqn{H(S)} is the difference in the
#' Shannon's entropy of the system \eqn{S} before a new attribute \eqn{X} is
#' introduced, and \eqn{H(S|X)} is the entropy of the system after the attribute
#' \eqn{X} has been introduced.
#' @param df A discrete \code{data.frame}
#' @param inAtt An input column of the data.frame \code{df} (\code{string})
#' @param classAtt A class column of the data.frame \code{df} (\code{string})
#' @return The Information Gain of \code{df} on the class attribute
#'   \code{classAtt}
#' @examples
#' infoGain(golf, "Windy", "Play")
#' \donttest{
#' infoGain(golf, "Outlook", "Play")}
#' @export
#' @import dplyr

infoGain <- function(df, inAtt, classAtt) {

  #Check input validity
  if (missing(df)) { #df param is missing
    stop("Please provide a discrete data.frame object to the function")

  if (missing(inAtt)) { #inAtt param is missing
    stop("Please provide the inAtt parameter")

  if (missing(classAtt)) { #classAtt param is missing
    stop("Please provide the classAtt parameter")

  #Check if inAtt is a string
  if(typeof(inAtt) != "character"){ #inAtt is not a string
    stop("inAtt parameter needs to be string")

  #Check if classAtt is a string
  if(typeof(classAtt) != "character"){ #classAtt is not a string
    stop("classAtt parameter needs to be string")

  #check if df is discrete
  if (isDiscreteDataFrame(df)) { #df is discrete, proceed

    #a-priori entropy of the df
    apr <- entropy(df, classAtt)

    #Frequency table for the new attribute
    freqA <- df %>%
             dplyr::group_by(!!as.symbol(inAtt)) %>%

    #Frequency table for the class attribute
    freqB <- freqA %>%
             dplyr::group_by(!!as.symbol(inAtt)) %>%
             dplyr::summarise(classCount = sum(n))

    #Overall frequency table
    freqC <- dplyr::inner_join(freqA, freqB, by = inAtt) #'by' argument is char!
    freqC$probs <- round(freqC$n/freqC$classCount, 3) #Calculate probabilities
    freqC$logs <- freqC$probs * log2(freqC$probs) * (-1) #Calculate logarithms

    #Upper level entropy components
    logs <- NULL #supress R CMD Check note on "undefined global variable 'logs'"
    freqB$entrs <- freqC %>%
                   dplyr::group_by(!!as.symbol(inAtt)) %>%
                   dplyr::summarise(entrs = sum(logs))
    freqB$weight <- round(freqB$classCount / sum(freqB$classCount), 3)

    #Overall entropy
    entr <- sum(freqB$weight * freqB$entrs$entrs)

    #Information gain
    infgn <- apr - entr

  #not a discrete df, throw an error
  else {
    stop("The provided data.frame is not discrete (i.e. one of its columns
         is not factor)!")


#' Tests if data.frame is discrete (i.e. all of its columns are factors)
#' @param df A \code{data.frame}
#' @return \code{Boolean}: \code{TRUE} if all columns of the \code{data.frame}
#'   \code{df} are factors, \code{FALSE} otherwise; If the provided \code{df}
#'   object is of other type than \code{data.frame}, the function throws an
#'   error.
#' @examples
#' isDiscreteDataFrame(golf)
#' @export

isDiscreteDataFrame <- function(df) {

  #Check if df is data.frame
  if (is.data.frame(df)) {

    #Check if there is a non-discrete column; If there is, return FALSE
    if (FALSE %in% sapply(df, is.factor)) {

    #df is data.frame & discrete, return TRUE
    else return(TRUE)


  #not a data.frame, stop!
  else {
    stop("The provided object is not a data.frame!")

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