plot.intsvy.mean: Graphical representation of means in groups

View source: R/plot.intsvy.mean.R

plot.intsvy.meanR Documentation

Graphical representation of means in groups


Functions pisa.mean, pisa.mean.pv, piaac.mean, piaac.mean.pv produce object of the class intsvy.mean. The function plot.intsvy.mean presents these means graphically.


## S3 method for class 'intsvy.mean'
plot(x, se = TRUE, sort = FALSE, ...)



An object of the class intsvy.mean returned by pisa.mean, pisa.mean.pv, piaac.mean or piaac.mean.pv functions.


If TRUE add whiskers for standard errors.


If TRUE groups are sorted along averages.


Not used. Required for cran-check.


Returns object of ggplot class with dotplot. Works for one way, two-way and three-way effects.

See Also

plot.intsvy.table, plot.intsvy.reg


## Not run: 
# Country averages
head(pmeansNC <- piaac.mean.pv(pvlabel="NUM", by="CNTRYID", data=piaac, export=FALSE))

# plotting country average NUM performance 
plot(pmeansNC) + ggtitle("Country performance in NUM")
# without se bars, not good idea
plot(pmeansNC, se=FALSE)
# sorted, thats better
plot(pmeansNC, sort=TRUE)

# Country averages for different age groups
head(pmeansNCA <- piaac.mean.pv(pvlabel="NUM", by=c("CNTRYID", "AGEG10LFS"), 
                        data=piaac, export=FALSE))
# plotting country average within 
# age groups NUM performance 
plot(pmeansNCA, sort=TRUE)

# Country averages for different age and gender groups (changed order)
head(pmeansNCGA <- piaac.mean.pv(pvlabel="NUM", by=c("CNTRYID", "GENDER_R", "AGEG10LFS"), 
                         data=piaac, export=FALSE))
# plotting country average within 
# age and gender groups NUM performance 
plot(na.omit(pmeansNCGA), sort=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

intsvy documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:10 a.m.