
Defines functions order_iotable

#' @importFrom dplyr filter select mutate rename left_join arrange all_of 
#' @importFrom dplyr across where
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom forcats fct_reorder
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @autoglobal
#' @keywords internal
order_iotable <- function(iotable, stk_flow, source, labelling) {
  ## Logically this should be called from iotables_download, too. 
  # But now it is called from iotable_get.
  croatia_files <- c('croatia_2010_1700', 'croatia_2010_1800', 'croatia_2010_1900')
  uk_tables <- c("uk_2010_siot", "uk_2010_use", "uk_2010_imports", "uk_2010_coeff", "uk_2010_inverse")
  ## Exception handling for tax and margin tables ------------------------------------------------
  stk_flow_input <- adjust_stk_flow(stk_flow = stk_flow, source = source)
  ## Define the tables that follow the prod_ind vocabulary ---------------------------------------
  prod_ind <- define_prod_ind()
  ## Getting the vocabulary information ----------------------------------------------------------
  ## Source file is utils-metadata.R
  if ( source %in% uk_tables) {
    metadata_uk_2010 <- getdata("metadata_uk_2010")
    metadata_cols <- metadata_uk_2010  %>%
      filter ( !is.na(uk_col)) %>%
      select ( -all_of(c("uk_row", "uk_row_label", "prod_na", "row_order")) ) %>%
      mutate ( uk_col = gsub("\\.", "-", as.character(uk_col))) %>%
      mutate ( uk_col = gsub(" & ", "-", as.character(uk_col))) %>%
      mutate ( uk_col = trimws(uk_col, 'both'))
    metadata_rows <- metadata_uk_2010  %>%
      filter ( !is.na(uk_row)) %>%
      select ( -all_of(c("uk_col", "uk_col_label", "induse", "col_order")) ) %>%
      mutate ( uk_row = gsub("\\.", "-", as.character(uk_row))) %>%
      mutate ( uk_row = gsub(" & ", "-", as.character(uk_row)))
  } else {
    metadata_rows <- get_metadata_rows(source) %>% mutate ( across(where(is.factor), as.character) )
    metadata_cols <- get_metadata_cols(source) %>% mutate ( across(where(is.factor), as.character) )
  ## Factor reordering & row ordering -------------------------------------------------------------
  if ( source %in% c(prod_ind, uk_tables) ) {
    ## Ordering IOTs following the prod_ind vocabulary 
    ## First define the joining variables for left_join with metadata
    col_join <- names(iotable)[ which( names(iotable) %in% c("induse", "induse_lab", "iotables_col") )] 
    row_join <- names(iotable)[ which( names(iotable) %in% c("prod_na", "prod_na_lab", "iotables_row") )] 
    ## Define the variables that will not be used from the metadata
    remove_vars <- c("quadrant", "account_group", "variable", 
                     "group", "eu_prod_na")
    remove_vars <- remove_vars [remove_vars %in% names (metadata_cols)]
    if ( "stk_flow" %in% names(iotable) ) {
      # The germany_1995 files have no stk_input columns.
      iotable_labelled <- iotable %>%
        filter( stk_flow == stk_flow_input ) 
    } else {
      iotable_labelled <- iotable
    iotable_labelled <- iotable_labelled  %>%
      mutate( across(where(is.factor), as.character) ) %>%
      left_join( metadata_cols, by = col_join  ) %>%
      select( -all_of(remove_vars) ) %>%  #remove repeating columns before joining rows
      mutate( across(where(is.factor), as.character) ) %>% 
      left_join( metadata_rows, by = row_join ) 
    if ( nrow(iotable_labelled)== 0 ) {
      stop ( "No rows found with parameters order_iotable(source='", source, 
             "' labelling= '", labelling, "' and stk_flow = '", stk_flow, "')." )
    ## Do the reordering if the metadata variable is called prod_na
    iotable_labelled <- iotable_labelled %>%
      arrange (row_order, col_order ) %>%
      mutate(prod_na = fct_reorder(prod_na, as.numeric(row_order))) %>%
      mutate(induse  = fct_reorder(induse, as.numeric(col_order))) 
    if ( all(c("uk_row", "uk_col") %in%  names (iotable_labelled)) ) {
      iotable_labelled <- iotable_labelled %>%
        mutate(iotables_row = fct_reorder(uk_row, as.numeric(row_order))) %>%
        mutate(iotables_col = fct_reorder(uk_col, as.numeric(col_order)))
    if ( all(c("iotables_row", "iotables_col") %in%  names (iotable_labelled)) ) {
      iotable_labelled <- iotable_labelled %>%
        mutate(iotables_row = fct_reorder(iotables_row, as.numeric(row_order))) %>%
        mutate(iotables_col = fct_reorder(iotables_col, as.numeric(col_order)))
  } else if ( ! source %in% croatia_files ) {
    ## Ordering IOTs that do not follow the prod_na vocabulary 
    if ( all(c("uk_row", "uk_col") %in%  names (iotable_labelled)) ) {
      iotable_labelled <- iotable_labelled %>%
        mutate(iotables_row = fct_reorder(uk_row, as.numeric(row_order))) %>%
        mutate(iotables_col = fct_reorder(uk_col, as.numeric(col_order)))
    if ( all(c("iotables_row", "iotables_col") %in%  names (iotable_labelled)) ) {
      iotable_labelled <- iotable_labelled %>%
        mutate(iotables_row = fct_reorder(iotables_row, as.numeric(row_order))) %>%
        mutate(iotables_col = fct_reorder(iotables_col, as.numeric(col_order)))
  } else {
    ## This is the exception for Croatia
    iotable_labelled <- iotable 
    # First join the necessary vocabulary from the metadata...
    by_col <- names(iotable)[which ( names(iotable) %in% c("t_cols2", "t_cols2_lab", "iotables_col") )]
    by_row <- names(iotable)[which ( names(iotable) %in% c("t_rows2", "t_rows2_lab", "iotables_row") )]
    iotable_labelled <- iotable %>%
      mutate ( across(where(is.factor), as.character) ) %>%
      left_join(metadata_cols, by = by_col)  %>%
      left_join(metadata_rows, by = by_row) %>%
      arrange ( row_order, col_order )
    iotable_labelled <- iotable_labelled %>%
      arrange ( row_order, col_order ) %>% # ?needed
      mutate(t_rows2 = fct_reorder(t_rows2, as.numeric(row_order))) %>%
      mutate(t_cols2 = fct_reorder(t_cols2, as.numeric( col_order ))) %>%
      mutate(iotables_row = fct_reorder(iotables_row, as.numeric(row_order))) %>%
      mutate(iotables_col = fct_reorder(iotables_col, as.numeric(col_order)))

  ## selecting which labelling to use -------------------------------------------------
  if ( labelling == "iotables" ) {
    ## Only one labelling can be selected, start with the 
    ## internal package  'iotables' labelling
    iotable_labelled_w <- iotable_labelled %>%
      arrange (iotables_row, iotables_col) %>%
      select(all_of(c("iotables_col", "iotables_row", "values"))) %>% 
      pivot_wider (names_from = iotables_col, values_from = values)
  } else if ( labelling == "short" & source %in% prod_ind ) {
    ## Labelling with the Eurostat prod_ind vocabulary
    iotable_labelled_w <- iotable_labelled %>%
      select(all_of(c("prod_na", "induse", "values"))) %>%
      filter( !is.na(prod_na) )  %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = induse, values_from = values)
  } else if ( source %in% uk_tables ){
    iotable_labelled_w <- iotable_labelled %>%
      select(all_of(c("uk_row", "uk_col", "values"))) %>%
      filter( !is.na(uk_row) )  %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = uk_col, values_from = values)
  } else {
    ## Labelling with the special Croatia replication files 
    iotable_labelled_w <- iotable_labelled %>%
      select(all_of(c("t_rows2", "t_cols2", "values")) ) %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = t_cols2, values_from = values)
  # Return the labelled IOT in wide format:

Try the iotables package in your browser

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iotables documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:26 a.m.