Man pages for ipdmeta
Tools for subgroup analyses with multiple trial data using aggregate statistics

confintCompute confidence intervals for population effects of an...
convergedExtract the convergence status for an 'ipdlme' object
convergenceExtract the convergence trace for an 'ipdlme' object
fixefExtract the population (fixed effect) estimates for an...
ipdlmeIPD Linear Mixed-Effects Models from Aggregate Data
ipdmeta-classClass for representing ipdlme objects
ipdmeta-packageTools for subgroup analyses with multiple trial data using...
ipd.sepIPD meta-analysis Subgroup Effect Power Estimator
maxiterExtract the maximum number of iterations specified for an...
niterExtract the number of iterations for an 'ipdlme' object
plotForest plot of study random effects for an 'ipdlme' object
poynardMeta-analysis data set for Poynard et al. review of...
QtMeasures of covariate heterogeneity
ranefExtract the study random effects for an 'ipdlme' object
regressAggregated data set of REGRESS trial outcomes for IPD...
regress_cholAggregated data set of REGRESS trial outcomes for IPD...
sigma2Extract the estimated residual variance for an 'ipdlme'...
tolExtract the convergence criterion for an 'ipdlme' object
VarExtract the random effect variance parameters
vcovfixefExtract the variance-covariance for the population (fixed...
vcovranefExtract the variance-covariance matrix for study random...
ipdmeta documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:29 p.m.