poynard: Meta-analysis data set for Poynard et al. review of...

Description Format Author(s) References


Meta-analytic dataset of 4 trials of Beta-adrenergic-antagonist drugs in the prevention of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices.

Dataset used to illustrate power estimator ipd.sep


study Name of trial
n0 Control group sample size
n1 Beta-adrenergic-antagonist group sample size
bleed0 Control group number of bleeding events at 2 year follow-up
bleed1 Beta-adrenergic-antagonist group number of bleeding events at 2 year follow-up
age0 Control group mean age
age1 Beta-adrenergic-antagonist group mean age
age.s20 Control group variance age
age.s21 Beta-adrenergic-antagonist group variance age
male0 Control group sample proportion male
male1 Beta-adrenergic-antagonist sample proportion male
drug Beta-adrenergic-antagonist studied


S. Kovalchik s.a.kovalchik@gmail.com


Poynard, T, Cales, P, Pasta, L, Ideo, G, Pascal, J P, Pagliaro, L, Lebrec, D, (1991), Beta-adrenergic-antagonist drugs in the prevention of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices. An analysis of data and prognostic factors in 589 patients from four randomized clinical trials. Franco-Italian Multicenter Study Group, NEJM, 324, 1532-8.

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