
Defines functions ip_to_binary_string ip_numeric_to_binary_string is_multicast xff_extract validate_range ip_in_any ip_in_range range_boundaries ip_classify numeric_to_ip expand_ipv6 v6_scope ip_to_numeric ip_to_hostname hostname_to_ip range_boundaries_to_cidr ipv6_to_bytes int_ip_to_subnet hilbert_encode

Documented in expand_ipv6 hilbert_encode hostname_to_ip ip_classify ip_in_any ip_in_range ip_numeric_to_binary_string ip_to_binary_string ip_to_hostname ip_to_numeric ipv6_to_bytes is_multicast numeric_to_ip range_boundaries range_boundaries_to_cidr v6_scope validate_range xff_extract

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' Encode an IPv4 address to Hilbert space
#' @param x IPv4 address
#' @param bpp Hilbert depth (max 12)
#' @export
hilbert_encode <- function(x, bpp = 8L) {
    .Call('_iptools_hilbert_encode', PACKAGE = 'iptools', x, bpp)

int_ip_to_subnet <- function(ip_addresses, prefix_lengths) {
    .Call('_iptools_int_ip_to_subnet', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses, prefix_lengths)

#' Convert a character vector of IPv6 addresses to a list of raw vectors of bytes
#' @param input input IPv6 string vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' c("2001:db8::1",
#'   "2001:e42:101:2:202:181:99:52",
#'   "2400:8500:1801:417:118:27:35:213",
#'   "x",
#'   "2a02:2770:8:0:21a:4aff:fe96:7a47",
#'   "2400:2413:32c0:8:21a:92ff:fe22:c7b3",
#'   "2001:44b8:3138:c570:250:56ff:fe9c:c19b",
#'   "240f:a2:2e5:1:214:c2ff:fec8:1673",
#'   "2001:e42:102:1103:153:121:36:109",
#'   "2401:2500:203:2f:153:127:108:158"
#' ) -> tst6
#' ipv6_to_bytes(tst6)
ipv6_to_bytes <- function(input) {
    .Call('_iptools_ipv6_to_bytes', PACKAGE = 'iptools', input)

#' @title Convert a start+end IP address range pair to representative CIDR blocks
#' @description takes in a single start/end pair and returns a charcter vector
#'              of all the CIDR blocks necessary to contain the range.
#' @param ip_start,ip_end range start/end (numeric)
#' @return character vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' range_boundaries_to_cidr(
#'  ip_to_numeric(""),
#'  ip_to_numeric("")
#' )
#' ## [1] ""
range_boundaries_to_cidr <- function(ip_start, ip_end) {
    .Call('_iptools_range_boundaries_to_cidr', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_start, ip_end)

#' @title Returns the IP addresses associated with a hostname.
#' @description takes in a vector of hostnames and returns the IP addresses from
#' each hostname's DNS entries. Compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
#' @param hostnames a vector of hostnames.
#' @return a list the length of \code{hostnames}, containing the IP addresses from
#' each hostname's DNS entries. In the event that a hostname cannot be resolved,
#' the list element will consist of a length-1 character vector containing
#' "Not resolved".
#' @seealso \code{ip_to_hostname} for the opposite functionality - resolving
#' IP addresses to their associated hostname(s) - and \code{\link{ip_to_numeric}}
#' for converting IP addresses retrieved from \code{hostname_to_ip} into their
#' numeric representation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # One hostname
#' hostname_to_ip("dds.ec")
#' ## [1] ""
#' # Multiple hostnames
#' hostname_to_ip(c("dds.ec","ironholds.org"))
#' #[[1]]
#' #[1] ""
#' #[[2]]
#' #[1] ""
#' }
#' @export
hostname_to_ip <- function(hostnames) {
    .Call('_iptools_hostname_to_ip', PACKAGE = 'iptools', hostnames)

#' @title Return the hostname associated with particular IP addresses
#' @description the opposite, in some ways, of \code{\link{hostname_to_ip}},
#' \code{ip_to_hostname} consumes a vector of IP addresses and provides a list of
#' the hostnames that those IPs resolve to. Compatible with both IPv4 and
#' IPv6 addresses.
#' @param ip_addresses a vector of IP addresses.
#' @return a list, each entry containing a vector of hostnames for the equivalent input
#' IP address (mostly, this will only be one hostname but not always). If the IP cannot be
#' resolved, the list element will be the string "Invalid IP address".
#' @seealso \code{\link{hostname_to_ip}}, for the reverse operation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ip_to_hostname("")
#' [[1]]
#' [1] "dds.ec"
#' }
#' @export
ip_to_hostname <- function(ip_addresses) {
    .Call('_iptools_ip_to_hostname', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses)

#' @title convert between numeric and dotted-decimal IPv4 forms.
#' @description \code{ip_to_numeric} takes IP addresses stored
#' in their human-readable representation ("")
#' and converts it to a numeric representation (3232235521).
#' \code{numeric_to_ip} performs the same operation, but in reverse.
#' Due to limitations in R's support for colossally
#' big numbers, this currently only works for IPv4 IP addresses.
#' @param ip_addresses a vector of IP addresses, in their numeric or dotted-decimal
#' form depending on the function.
#' @return For \code{ip_to_numeric}: a vector containing the numeric representation of \code{ip_addresses}.
#' If an IP is invalid (either because it's an Ipv6 address, or isn't an IP address
#' at all) the returned value for that IP will be 0.
#' For \code{numeric_to_ip}: a vector containing the dotted-decimal representation of \code{ip_addresses},
#' as character strings. If a value cannot be resolved to an IPv4 address, it will appear as "" or
#' an empty string.
#' @examples
#' #Convert your local, internal IP to its numeric representation.
#' ip_to_numeric("")
#' #[1] 3232235521
#' #And back
#' numeric_to_ip(3232235521)
#' #[1]"
#' @rdname ip_numeric
#' @export
ip_to_numeric <- function(ip_addresses) {
    .Call('_iptools_ip_to_numeric', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses)

#' Return the scope of an IPv6 address (string)
#' @param ip_addresses a vector of IPv6 IP addresses.
#' @references \url{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4007}
#' @return a numeric vector of scopes
#' @export
v6_scope <- function(ip_addresses) {
    .Call('_iptools_v6_scope', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses)

#' Expand an IPv6 address from an abbreviated version
#' @param ip_addresses a vector of IPv6 IP addresses.
#' @return a character vector of expanded IPv6 addresses
#' @export
expand_ipv6 <- function(ip_addresses) {
    .Call('_iptools_expand_ipv6', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses)

#' @rdname ip_numeric
#' @export
numeric_to_ip <- function(ip_addresses) {
    .Call('_iptools_numeric_to_ip', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses)

#'@title Identify whether an IP address is IPv4 or IPv6
#'@description Identify the form (IPv4 or IPv6) of a vector
#'of IP addresses. This can also be used to validate IPs.
#'@param ip_addresses a vector of IPv4 or IPv6 IP addresses.
#'@return a vector containing the class of each input IP address; either
#'"IPv4", "IPv6" or, for IP addresses that were not valid, NA.
#'@seealso \code{\link{is_valid}} et al for logical checks of IP addresses,
#'\code{\link{ip_to_hostname}} for resolving IP addresses to their
#'hostnames, and \code{\link{ip_to_numeric}} for converting (IPv4) IP addresses
#'to their numeric representation.
#'#[1] "IPv4"
#'#[1] "IPv6"
#'ip_classify("East Coast Twitter is Best Twitter")
#'#[1] NA
ip_classify <- function(ip_addresses) {
    .Call('_iptools_ip_classify', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses)

#' @title calculate the maximum and minimum IPs in an IP range
#' @description when provided with a vector of IP ranges
#' (""), \code{range_boundaries} calculates the
#' maximum and minimum IP addresses in that range.
#' @param ranges a vector of IP ranges. Currently only IPv4 ranges
#' work.
#' @return a data.frame of four columns, "minimum_ip" (containing the
#' smallest IP in the provided range) and "maximum_ip" (containing the
#' largest). "min_numeric" & "max_numeric" (the min & max numeric versions
#' of "minimum_ip" and "maximum_ip") and the original range string.
#' If the range was invalid, both columns will contain Invalid" as the value.
#' @examples
#' range_boundaries("")
#' ##   minimum_ip  maximum_ip min_numeric max_numeric         range
#' ## 1  2886860800  2886860815
#' @seealso \code{\link{ip_in_range}} to calculate if an IP address
#' falls within a particular range, or \code{\link{ip_to_numeric}} to
#' convert the dotted-decimal notation of returned IP addresses to their
#' numeric representation.
#' @export
range_boundaries <- function(ranges) {
    .Call('_iptools_range_boundaries', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ranges)

#'@title check if IP addresses fall within particular IP ranges
#'@description \code{ip_in_range} checks whether a vector of IP
#'addresses fall within particular IP range(s).
#'@param ip_addresses a vector of IP addresses
#'@param ranges either a vector of ranges equal in length
#'to \code{ip_addresses}, or a single range. If the former,
#'\code{ip_in_range} will compare each IP to the
#'equivalent range. If the latter, each IP will be
#'compared to the single range provided.
#'@return a logical vector, where TRUE indicates the relevant
#'IP is in the range, and FALSE indicates that the IP
#'is not in the range, or is an invalid IP address.
#'@seealso \code{\link{range_boundaries}} for identifying the minimum
#'and maximum IPs within a range, and \code{\link{validate_range}} for
#'validating that a range exists.
#'#Is this in the range? Yes!
#'#[1] TRUE
ip_in_range <- function(ip_addresses, ranges) {
    .Call('_iptools_ip_in_range', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses, ranges)

#'@title check if IP address falls within any of the ranges specified
#'@description \code{ip_in_any} checks whether a vector of IP addresses
#'fall within any of the speficied ranges.
#'@param ip_addresses character vector of IP addresses
#'@param ranges character vector of CIDR reanges
#'@return a logical vector of whether a given IP was in any of the ranges
#'@examples \dontrun{
#' north_america <- unlist(country_ranges(countries=c("US", "CA", "MX")))
#' germany <- unlist(country_ranges("DE"))
#' set.seed(1492)
#' targets <- ip_random(1000)
#' for_sure <- range_generate(sample(north_america, 1))
#' all(ip_in_any(for_sure, north_america)) # shld be TRUE
#' ## [1] TRUE
#' absolutely_not <- range_generate(sample(germany, 1))
#' any(ip_in_any(absolutely_not, north_america)) # shld be FALSE
#' ## [1] FALSE
#' who_knows_na <- ip_in_any(targets, north_america)
#' who_knows_de <- ip_in_any(targets, germany)
#' sum(who_knows_na)
#' ## [1] 464
#' sum(who_knows_de)
#' ## [1] 43
ip_in_any <- function(ip_addresses, ranges) {
    .Call('_iptools_ip_in_any', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses, ranges)

#'@title check whether IPv4 ranges are valid
#'@description \code{validate_range} checks whether
#'a vector of IPv4 CIDR ranges ("") are valid or not.
#'@param ranges a vector of IPv4 ranges
#'@return a logical vector, where TRUE indicates that the
#'provided entry is valid, and FALSE that it is not (or
#'isn't an IP range at all)
#'@seealso \code{\link{ip_classify}} for classifying
#'(and, incidentally, validating) IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, or
#'\code{\link{range_boundaries}} for identifying the minimum
#'and maximum IPs within a range.
#'#[1] TRUE
#'#[1] FALSE
#' @export
validate_range <- function(ranges) {
    .Call('_iptools_validate_range', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ranges)

#'@title Take vectors of IPs and X-Forwarded-For headers and produce single, normalised
#'IP addresses.
#'@description \code{xff_extract} takes IP addresses and x_forwarded_for
#'values and, in the event that x_forwarded_for is non-null, attempts to
#'extract the "real" IP closest to the client.
#'@param ip_addresses a vector of IP addresses
#'@param x_forwarded_for an equally-sized vector of X-Forwarded-For header
#'@return a vector of IP addresses, incorporating the XFF header value
#'where appropriate.
#'xff_extract("", ",")
xff_extract <- function(ip_addresses, x_forwarded_for) {
    .Call('_iptools_xff_extract', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses, x_forwarded_for)

#'@title Logical checks for IP addresses
#'@description Check whether an IP address is valid with \code{is_valid},
#'IPv4 with \code{is_ipv4}, IPv6 with \code{is_ipv6}, or multicast (intended to point to
#'multiple machines) with \code{is_multicast}
#'@param ip_addresses a vector of IP addresses
#'@seealso \code{\link{ip_classify}} for character rather than logical classification.
#'@return a vector of TRUE or FALSE values, indicating whether an IP is multicast or not,
#'or NA values if the IP addresses are NAs.
#'# This is multicast
#'# It's also IPv4
#'# It's not IPv6
#'@aliases is_ipv4 is_multicast is_ipv6 is_valid
#'@rdname is_checks
is_multicast <- function(ip_addresses) {
    .Call('_iptools_is_multicast', PACKAGE = 'iptools', ip_addresses)

#' Convert a charcter vector of IPv4 addresses to a character vector of
#' bit strings.
#' @param input numeric vector of IP addresses
#' @export
ip_numeric_to_binary_string <- function(input) {
    .Call('_iptools_ip_numeric_to_binary_string', PACKAGE = 'iptools', input)

#' Convert a numeric vector of IPv4 addresses to a character vector of
#' bit strings.
#' @param input character vector of IP addresses
#' @export
ip_to_binary_string <- function(input) {
    .Call('_iptools_ip_to_binary_string', PACKAGE = 'iptools', input)

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iptools documentation built on Sept. 10, 2021, 5:06 p.m.