Man pages for isatabr
Implementation for the ISA Abstract Model

aFilesGet and set aFiles.
assayTab-classS4 Class assayTab, initialization methods
getAssayFileNamesRetrieve the Assay File Name(s) per Study from an ISA object.
getAssayTabsRetrieve Assay Tables from an ISA object.
getStudyFileNamesRetrieve the Study Identifier(s) and Study File Name(s) from...
iContactsGet and set iContacts.
iFileNameGet and set iFileName
investGet and set invest.
iPubsGet and set iPubs.
ISA-classS4 Class ISA, initialization method
isaPathGet and set path
isatabr-packageisatabr package overview.
oSRGet and set oSR
processAssay-methodsProcess assay tab data
readISATabRead an ISA-Tab dataset into an R object.
sAssaysGet and set sAssays.
sContactsGet and set sContacts.
sDDGet and set sDD.
sFactsGet and set sFacts.
sFilesGet and set sFiles.
sProtsGet and set sProts.
sPubsGet and set sPubs.
studyGet and set study.
validISAObjectCheck the validity of an object of class ISA.
writeISAtabWrite ISA-Tab object.
isatabr documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 5:17 p.m.