Man pages for itsdm
Isolation Forest-Based Presence-Only Species Distribution Modeling

cmcc_bioclimDownload historic Bioclimatic indicators (BIOs) named...
convert_to_paConvert predicted suitability to presence-absence map.
detect_envi_changeDetect areas influenced by a changing environment variable.
dim_reduceRemove environmental variables that have high correlation...
evaluate_poEvaluate the model based on presence-only data.
format_observationFormat the occurrence dataset for usage in 'itsdm'
future_cmcc_bioclimDownload future Bioclimatic indicators (BIOs) named...
future_worldclim2A function to parse the future climate from worldclim version...
independent_responseCalculate independent responses of each variables.
isotree_poBuild Isolation forest species distribution model and explain...
itsdm-packageIsolation forest-based presence-only species distribution...
mainland_africaBoundary of mainland Africa
marginal_responseCalculate marginal responses of each variables.
occ_virtual_speciesOccurrence dataset of a virtual species
plot.EnviChangeDisplay the figure and map of the 'EnviChange' object.
plot.EnvironmentalOutlierExhibit suspicious outliers in an observation dataset.
plot.IndependentResponseShow independent response curves.
plot.MarginalResponseShow marginal response curves.
plot.PAConversionDisplay results of conversion to presence-absence (PA).
plot.POEvaluationShow model evaluation.
plot.ShapDependenceShow variable dependence plots and variable interaction plots...
plot.SHAPSpatialDisplay Shapley values-based spatial variable dependence...
plot.SpatialResponseDisplay spatial variable dependence maps.
plot.VariableAnalysisDisplay variable importance.
plot.VariableContributionExhibit variable contribution for target observations.
print.EnviChangePrint summary information from 'EnviChange' object.
print.EnvironmentalOutlierPrint summary information from 'EnvironmentalOutlier' object.
print.FormatOccurrencePrint summary information from 'FormatOccurrence' object.
print.PAConversionPrint summary information from 'PAConversion' object.
print.POEvaluationPrint summary information from model evaluation object...
print.POIsotreePrint summary information from 'POIsotree' object.
print.ReducedImageStackPrint summary information from 'ReducedImageStack' object.
print.VariableAnalysisPrint summary information from variable importance object...
probabilityEstimate suitability on 'stars' object using trained...
shap_dependenceCalculate Shapley value-based variable dependence.
shap_spatial_responseCalculate shapley values-based spatial response.
spatial_responseCalculate spatial response or dependence figures.
suspicious_env_outliersFunction to detect suspicious outliers based on environmental...
variable_analysisFunction to evaluate relative importance of each variable.
variable_contribEvaluate variable contributions for targeted observations.
worldclim2Download environmental variables made by worldclim version...
itsdm documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:45 p.m.